It's an overplayed song, but Switchfoot did hit the nail right on the head: We were meant to live for so much more.
I was going to post this
earlier, but some discussions today have really helped me figure out both what I wanted to say and what I need to do.
Firstly, I was talking with my mom about my post-post-secondary options. I have been very indecisive on what I want to do once I graduate. I really have no idea if I want to pursue graduate studies or a career. However, if I can't raise my marks significantly this term, I the former option might become compeltely implausable. I want to be all that I can be once I graduate.
Pursue what interests you and aim to succeed. Don't settle for mediocrity.
Secondly, I was running the first SPUC Christmas Choir practice, but no one showed up; a few members of the waterpolo team had said that they would come a bit late, but only two showed up. The practice was supposed to start at 8:15; shortly thereafter, Justin stopped in and we talked for a little bit. Around 8:25, Ashley came down to see what was going on, at which point Justin fell asleep for a short nap.
Ashley and I talked for awhile about how we're both not sure if we really want to work in our given fields following graduation. She loves the environment and is very gung-ho about preserving our wonderful orb, and I love the theory that underlies computer science. However, she cannot see herself working in ES stuff long-term and I cannot see myself being a code monkey long-term. We both want more than what we can see in the foreseeable future. Are we in the right place, or there something better out there for us?
Do what you love and love what you do. Don't settle for mediocrity.
Thirdly, I ran into
infohigh in the SLC. He told me about the WCF executive that had just been proposed for the Spring 2006 term, and we discussed about what my views on the executive are. We shared some concerns that we had, but in the end I was somewhat satisfied with how he answered my concerns. It was interesting to hear how his committee took a situation that looked kind of stark and made it into something realistic (and even a bit exciting).
Serve others and help them succeed. Don't settle for mediocrity.
Those four words seem to be the running theme of the day. Recently, I made a seven-point plan of how I can start moving away from this plateau of mediocrity and start getting things back to the way they were awhile ago. This term, I have been slacking off in several areas of my life; it's time to pick up the pieces and to live up to the standard that I hold for myself. I hope that this plan will be the start of reaching this standard.
It's so easy to settle for second-best; it takes effort to make the most of life. God, help me to serve as You as best I can.