
May 01, 2006 15:24

Here's the deal. I'll write a list of ten things I'd love to see in fic or art (including icons) - vague or specific. If you answer one of my requests, post it along with your own list, and I'll write you fic of your choosing and word length (up to 500) in return. I know I have a lot of fanfic artists on here, so this could be a fun way to while away some time outside of the ficlets and drabbles I'm working on presently.

1. Spike/Dawn - with a motorbike
2. Buffy/Angel - with Buffy as a vampire
3. Willow/Angelus - with her dead fish
4. Caleb - anything before Season 7
5. Willow/Alyson, Fred/Amy, Wes/Alexis - love triangle
6. Lorne/Spike - with the word 'sweetcakes'
7. Xander - slashy within Season 1
8. Cordelia/Darth Willow - Season 6BtVS/Season 3AtS
9. Ethan Raine - whatever happened to him?
10. William/Angelus - in the old days

Have Fun!


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