Enough to make him wonder if his pet had had a vision.

May 01, 2006 12:27

Fantastic manip done by sanity_oasis

Spike was running late in finding Buffy on her patrol. Had to know if she’d trust him; had to know if this had a chance of working.

Things were harder when Dru was staring at him like a hawk and delaying while Angelus was trying to encourage her to get out. Enough to make him wonder if his pet had had a vision.

The night air was fresh. He didn’t know how he had lived with only the company of his grandsire trying to seduce his own sire away from him. It was sad when a Slayer’s company was preferable.

100 words for spuffy_haven's cunctation challenge.


Mr. Zubuto had been kind enough to let her buy an airplane ticket at the warning that a very dark power was about to rise in Sunnydale. She arrived at the familiar graveyard just as Buffy did.; just as Buffy was walking up to a blonde man who shifted from game face as he caught sight of her.

From the bushes, Kendra watched, waiting for Buffy to take up her stake and go for the heart. When they started to talk, Kendra's eyes widened. Not again! But at least this time, she wasn't catching them tight in each others' arms!

100 words for open_on_sunday's Old Aquaintences challenge.

There was a bit of confusion in yesterday's voting, I do like everyone to make a vote, even if they don't really have one preference that jumps up above all the rest. I don't mean to harp on, but that's just the way I like to run this. So without further ado- :)
1. Buffy tells Spike that he was right.

2. Kendra jumps out of the bushes at them.

3. Drusilla catches Spike out and about from his wheelchair.

banner, 'becoming 1 & 2'

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