3 Words (oneshot)

Jul 03, 2011 08:26

Title: 3 Words
Length: oneshot
Pairing: GDYB
Rating: PG
Genre: fluff
Summary: In three words, how should your lover be?
PROMPT: choose a picture and write something about it! =)
Warning: unbetaed!
A/N: okay! so yeah.. it's been a while since i last opened this lj.. did someone miss me?? i missed everyone! T_T
geez, i still need to read the updates of my friends.. T_T
anyway, here's my first entry to our GDYB Day!
hope it's not too much of a fail. i'm still fighting with my muse! :(
comments/opinions/critics are <333

Youngbae is sitting alone in his room, a notebook, a pencil and an eraser in hand, trying hard to write in a form of song lyrics the words that his mind is dictating him. He sighs and bangs his head a little in his desk (just a little, cause if he causes a scratch, he will never hear the end of it from his make up artist). It’s not easy. He wanted to write something about someone who is looking for their half who has certain personality, but he can not really find the words to describe exactly which type to look for. He sighs again and blinks at the blank paper in front of him. When the loud sound of the television from the living room catches his attention, he immediately decided that maybe a little help from the trespasser would help. After all, what is the use of having a music genius as a best friend if he can’t even ask for help?

Smiling at the thought, Youngbae puts his pencil down and storms out of his room and chuckles at the sight that greeted him.

Jiyong, as always, is lying comfortably on their couch, making Youngbae wonder if they can actually take the other’s own couch and squeeze it to their apartment since the place is spacious enough to fit in two large couches. Besides, the group’s leader and maknae are always there, acting as if they actually live there, too. Youngbae, scoffs. What’s really the use of separating dorms if they barely live on their own?

Taking the other’s legs and putting them on his lap, Youngbae sits on the little space he can get and massages his friend’s legs. Jiyong arches his brow at him, an amused smile tugging at his lips. “What is it this time, Bae?”

Youngbae looks at him and blinks innocently. “Huh?”

Jiyong chuckles and it makes Youngbae a little warmer inside.

“Don’t play innocent with me, it won’t work. I’ve known you for eleven years, Youngbae - ah. You should know by now.”

Youngbae pouts and Jiyong reaches out to slap his lips using his index finger.

“Tell me, what is it this time?”

“You’re saying as if I always ask for something. YAH!”

Jiyong laughs and Youngbae found himself  smiling.

“Jiyongie, I need help.”

Still with a smile, the younger looks at him and blinks. “Help with what?”

“I’m trying to write something but I can’t figure out how to speak my mind.”

“Hmm…” Jiyong nods. “And what can I do for you?”

Youngbae stops his ministrations to the other's legs to think and takes a full minute to actually know how his friend can help. “I need you to answer a certain question that keeps bugging me.”

Jiyong sits up and scoots closer to the older one and Youngbae can swear his heart stops a beat. “Fire away. For you, I’ll try my best to answer.”

Youngbae fidgets a little and looks nervous for a moment. Letting an inaudible sigh, it took all of his energy to control the sudden urge to crush the other in a tight embrace and kiss him right then and there. Biting his lip, he finally whispers, “In three words, how should your lover be?”

Jiyong looks at his friend and tilts his head to the side a little. “Three words, huh?” When Youngbae nods at him, Jiyong crosses his arms to his chest and proceeds to think. Dying of anticipation (and he doesn’t even know why he’s feeling like this), fortunately, Youngbae doesn’t wait for long to hear the answer. The group leader turns at him and stares, making Youngbae a bit uncomfortable. “responsible, mature, kind.”

Nice. Jiyong is certainly someone who knows his ideals, Youngbae thinks and pouts inwardly. Now that that question is answered, all he needs to worry about is how actually that will help his lyric writing. Aish. The life of a musician is never easy.

Jiyong who is watching with amusement at the different emotions that flash through his friend’s eyes, giggles. Sometimes, watching Youngbae is pure entertainment alone for him.

Youngbae looks at him, eyebrows furrowed. “What are you giggling at?”

Instead of stopping, Jiyong grins widely. “You’re always a sight when you’re thinking.”

Youngbae smiles at that and pats his friend’s thigh. He then stands up and heads for his bedroom. “Thanks Jiyongie. I owe you one.”

Jiyong blinks at him and pouts a little (at this Youngbae has to physically stop himself from jumping his friend  and devours him), “But I want to know about yours, too.”

Youngbae chuckles. “You, yourself, said that I already gave up on my ideals, remember? So what's the use of answering that?”

Jiyong shrugs. “But still. I want to know.” He catches his friend’s eyes and holds them with a smile. “In three words, how should your lover be Youngbae - ah?”

Sudden images run in his head. A pouting Jiyong. A dancing Jiyong. A rapping Jiyong. A cooking Jiyong. A smiling Jiyong. An angry Jiyong. An affectionate Jiyong. And so much more that is Jiyong.

And suddenly, as cheesy as it may sound, something hit him. Hard. God. He is so in love with his best friend.

His eyes widen in shock and he immediately runs for his room and climbs in his bed. What just happened? What should I do now? God. I’m dead.

Light footsteps invade his hearing sense.

“What happened? One second I was talking to you, then the next you were running.”

I don’t know. You tell me., Youngbae wants to say but chooses to remain silent and shrug. “Nothing. A sudden thought came to me but I immediately forgot about it when I entered this room.” Sweet Youngbae. Sweet.

Jiyong hums in understanding. “It happens. Don’t worry, you'll remember it eventually.”. Scooting a little closer to the older, and draping his arms around the other’s toned chest, Jiyong continues, “So? How should your lover be?”

Youngbae doesn’t have to think of an answer. He finally knows how to name that certain feeling whenever his friend is near. It has always been there, really, he was just too oblivious to acknowledge. It is clear as a crystal and obvious as the sun. He just needs a certain courage to tell them out loud.

He gulps and is ready to tell something different from the original answer when he suddenly feels his best friend tightens the embrace. Hot breath on his neck. Oh. My. God.

Jiyong nudges him. “Youngbae - ah, is it too hard to answer?”

“Not really.” I just don’t know how to admit it to you., he wants to add.

Jiyong places his head on top of Youngbae’s chest, delighting in the way the other’s heartbeat sounds. Frantic and loud.

“Don’t worry Bae, I already know the answer, you just have to say it out loud.” Jiyong whispers but loud enough for Youngbae to hear.

Youngbae tenses a little but calms himself  a second after. He then wraps his arms around the other’s thin body possessively, loving the way the younger seems to fit in his arms. “In three words, how should my lover be?”

Jiyong nods but remained in his place.

Youngbae places soft kisses in Jiyong’s hair and whispers. “Should be you.”

Jiyong smiles that happy smile that Youngbae knows it’s reserved for him and kisses Youngbae’s heart over the shirt, claiming, marking him his.

And Youngbae can never be happier.


gdyb day, gdyb, oneshot: 3 words

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