Thirty Days of Female Awesome Meme Day 4♥

Dec 05, 2010 22:53

Thirty Days of Female Awesome Meme

Day One: Favorite lead female character
Day Two: Favorite supporting female character
Day Three: A female character you hated but grew to love
Day Four: A female character you relate to


Well... It can seem strange but I do really feel related to Melinda. She is nice and warm to everyone and always try her best to help. Even if she is really strong she is still fragile. Her ancor is her husband and he is always here for her.
It is exactly how I feel and live my life.
(Okay, thanks God, I do not usually talk to ghosts ;p)
I don't want to look like pretentious, I know I'm not as great and as generous nor as beautiful as Melinda but I always try to do my best.

By the way, bravo Srbija for the Davis Cup!♥
I'm sad for France sure... But you see I always look at the positive side : I'm supporting both team so I'm always happy!:p
Though I didn't like the comment of a French presentor "it won't be easy especially because we're playing in a hostile country"... What the fuck, man?! Get your head out of your big limited racist ass! Really!

[fandom] - ghost whisperer, [character] - melinda gordon, [meme]

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