Jul 29, 2008 22:12
* I've pumped milk for the last time and I'm glad I won't have to dump my milk anymore. I'm hoping that Charlotte will still want to nurse when I get home.
* No births today although we did a bunch of prenatals then went out for supper.
* I'm packed and the only things left out are my scrubs and my clothes for tomorrow. Maybe there will be a birth tonight? I told Liz I would go with her as long as I was home in time to shower and catch my shuttle!
* Liz signed off on my paperwork but there are still some things I need to do, so there is a trip to Regina in my future.
* I have a sore throat, my ear hurts, and I'm really scared that I will be in pain on the airplane. I bought some ear drops and put them in tonight, I bought "ear planes", which are special ear plugs to prevent the pain from pressure changes, and I bought pain reliever for ear aches. It hurst my ears just to swallow or yawn already, so I'm kind of worried.
* I'm giggly and smiley at the thought of seeing Jack and the kids tomorrow. I'm sure that a full day of traveling tomorrow will leave me exhausted for a day or so but it will be good to be home.
Now, to sleep. I'm so tired, it's ridiculous.