Have you ever read the books by Laura Numeroff, like "
If You Give a Pig a Pancake?"
Well, that's a bit like how my studying has been going. I start out with reviewing HELLP syndrome, open another book to look up LFTs with pre-eclampsia, take a detour through Varney's section on blood pressure changes in pregnancy, look through my study cards at normal blood values which takes me back to low platelets......pretty much where I started. My desk is covered in paper and books and study cards, and I feel like the more I study, the more I don't know!
Do you think it's possible for me to re-read every textbook on my shelf in just over a week? Or spend a few days in a midwifery practice to refresh my clinical skills? Yeah, I didn't think so.
And I'm feeling a bit panicked about Jack going back to work tomorrow for a week. When he's gone for work for 15 hours a day for a week, it makes it very hard for me get much studying in when there are meals to be made, kids to ferry to preschool or ball, homework to check, bills to pay etc etc.
In the past 12 hours I've managed to study for more than 6 hours. That's a lot, but it doesn't feel like enough.