My mom brought home a dozen long-stemmed red roses for me yesterday :-) Just because.
While Kim was cleaning out her room and packing, she found her old digital camera and gave it to Julia. Charlotte has figured out how to use it and is constantly taking pictures. She's no longer happy to use her 'pretend' camera. More shutterbugs in the family!!
Julia won an award at school today! We're very proud of her.
My mom and I took bright new flowers to the cemetery for my grandma and grandpa today.
After putting new lights and flowers out for my grandparents, we walked over to Abby's grave. Charlotte sat down and got comfortable right away.
She took off her toy ring and left it 'for Abby'.
I slid the ring onto some of Abby's flowers so that it would be there the next time we visited her. Charlotte was so happy to give something 'to Abby'.
This picture is so incredibly bittersweet, and not being able to see Charlotte's face it's kind of ..... eerie. In a weird, other-dimension kind of way, I imagine Abby sitting here looking at her own headstone.