May 01, 2012 18:59
I was reading an article today and I really think that homosexuals rights and same-sex couples rights is going to be the big civil rights battle of my generation.
I cannot understand why anyone is against same-sex marriage. I see the religious perspective, however, laws and amendments aren't created from religion. We have freedom of religion in the United States and that means any religion not just the popular religion but any religion. As a nation we need to really pay attention to our rights and not let them be violated.
Why are same-sex couples denied their lives and the ability to become a family in the eyes of the law? It seems unconstitutional.
I'm surprised that more people aren't drawing comparisons to same-sex marriage and interracial marriages in the 50s.
I support people to make their own decisions about their lives- including whom they marry. I don't think it's my right to say you can only marry a white man.
People need to be more open minded and supportive of each other. No wonder other countries think we are such materialistic hicks, we don't even give all of our citizens equal rights.