Nov 20, 2011 14:04
Well, compared to my last entry, this one is a happy one.
Depression has lifted (for the most part)
Motivation is slowly coming back, I am not sleeping 14-18 hours a day, it's been cut back to under 12, and I wake (for the most part) with energy.
I also have to thank my new Sonic Alarm clock for waking me up-113 DC, at a very annoying pitch, with an attachment that I put under my mattress and it vibrates the whole mattress when the alarm goes off.
Even when I push snooze, I don't fall back to sleep fully 'cause I am anticipating a rude awaking. I just hope I don't get use to the alarm and sleep through it!!
Work is going great, even putting in extra hours which is awesome for paycheck
As for school, financial aid is being a bitch, I may not get it for next semester, which I just found out two weeks ago-I was approved for next semester back in the summer and BAM I have reached my max credit hours they will cover-which of course I wasn't aware of until I received an email saying "financial aid denied for spring semester", So I am fighting for an extension.
BESIDES that, I found out that if all goes well with my classes this semester, I only have TWO classes left and I graduate with my second degree!!! SO even if I don't get approved for the financial aid extention, I will be paying out of Savings to finish my degree.
I am also looking into Grad schools, I will be moving out of state when that time comes, but I am not planning on attending until Fall 2013, that will give me time to save up money, volunteer, find a new job that will be focused on my psychology degree etc.
Big steps ahead!!
Getting use to being alone more in my own place, it's starting to be comforting, although I don't really like where I Live or the cost of rent, but there is nothing I can do about that right now
My two new kitties (about 4.5 months old now) are keeping me very entertained, and busy! They get into everything!! But they are worth it, it's nice to have something to come home to, and these gals are great, they will greet me at the door when I come home. :-)
I am planning on coming out more, once this semester is done, and I am looking forward to it! I am branching out and spending more time with my family, I have to thank my Step Mom for being there through thick and thin with me.
And that is the small update.
I just need to keep a positive attitude about myself, I am so hard on myself and have such negative views about everything that has to do w/ me and my so called failures with not making it to class, being late to work, how I look physically, that I am lazy because I am not working out, or keeping on top of my laundry/making sure my small apt is constantly clean.
I need to let those things not overrule my productive behavior
I am thinking of writing down all the good things I accomplished throughout the day right before i go to bed. Then I can look at the journal when I am feeling bad and hopefully realize that I AM a good person, and working hard, and heading on the right track for school.
Okay, gotta hit the books, Stats exam Tuesday!