My very simple thoughts on the Gaza Strip conflict

Jan 13, 2009 12:23

On Facebook, friends post updates about the conflict.  An equal number from both sides.  I've received emails and seen articles from both sides' perspectives.

I'm a Jew.  I'm sensitive to anything biting of anti-Semitism.  I understand our history.

I'm highly liberal.  Many comrades see this as colonization.  The casualities are unequal, etc.

As I see it:

There are too many thousands of people involved in the decision making on both sides to presume singular motivations or singular righteousness.

I am certain there are Israelis who are in it to defend themselves, who feel they are oppressed, who are in it to take a stand against anti-Semitism, to overthrow what they see as terrorist organizations.
I am certain there are Israelis who are racist against Palestinians, who desire expansion, who want to show their might.

I am certain there are Palestinians who are in it to defend themselves, who feel they are oppressed, who are in it to take a stand against unfair policies, to overthrow what they see as a colonizing government.
I am certain there are Palestinians who are anti-Semitic, who desire the annihilation of the Jewish state, who want to show their might.

I am certain there are people on both sides who want none of any of this.  I am certain there were people who were neutral on both sides but were killed; and also those who had loved ones killed and then changed became non-neutral.

I am certain both sides have committed atrocities, intentionally or no.

I am certain that it is very rare that there is a war that does not go like this.  Rarely does one side not believe that they have a right to what is being disputed.

I think the UK, and France, and Japan, and Brazil and Argentina and Mexico and New Zealand and even China and Russia and Kazakhstan - and it should be noted, EGYPT - have the right idea, calling for the halt of hostilities for both sides.  (

I don't care which side is right, or if either side is right, or if "right" exists.  It might just be the way I look at the world, the outlook I try to cultivate as a writer.  Call it relativism, or humanism, or pacifism.  But regardless of outcome, I denounce the whole thing.
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