somebody give me ice cream

Dec 13, 2007 07:56

i am not a morning person.i am not born to be one, nor do i am becoming one.

85% of the time, i'm always irritable when i wake up.i always have this 'just woken up' look that you can best describe as a 'scrooge' attitude.i am at my best behavior when i'm really damn happy, that's when no one gives a sh*t about things in my life..but i am at my worst behavior in the morning or when i have my red days.

today is one of those days, one of those effin bad mornings.i slept really late last night, got an effin virus in my then-virgin laptop 'kenzou', my sister's asking me all of these damn stupid questions very very early in the morning, and another someone really pissing the hell out of me, and i have my monthly visitor that is playing hide and seek with me.

my remedy for these kind of mornings is to
1.listen to my favorite songs a funny show in tv
3.listen to the best morning radio show

for now, i'm doing number 3.

hopefully, the rest of the day will be better.

what do you guys do on days like these?

im pissed, bad morning, damn, sexy time, make me feel good

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