erning, ihanda mo na ang auto

Dec 08, 2007 13:26

yesterday, me and my classmates were hanging out at a fastfood joint near our school before heading off for classmate brought out an invitation from a friend's 18th birthday or what is known to us as a debut party.while she and
prinsesita_dada  were havinf fun finding grammatical errors in the invitation, the other classmates talked about another classmate's debut party that later this month.yes, i know. A LOT OF DEBUT PARTIES! specially for this year since most of the people in my high school and college friends are turning 18 this year.not all celebrated their 18th birthdays like those of formal princessy like parties, but a lot of them did.of course you know that i didn't do something like that.for this month, i'll be going to three debuts. one on the 9th, 16th and 22nd.for the year, i think i already went to 3 debuts.i was either busy or too lazy to attend the back to the fastfood joint story.. while the girls were talking about the 18 roses, the ball gowns, the performances, the themes.. it suddenly got to me.. 'WHY DIDN'T I WANTED TO HAVE A DEBUT?!' i messaged my mom saying 'ma, i want to have a debut' even if i know that my 18th birthday already passed earlier this year.she didn't reply.

so why didn't i wanted to have a debut?

as i remember, these were my reasons:
1. waste of money
2. waste of time
3. i do not like boring parties like that
4. a laptop is already fine
5. some people won't be able to come anyway
6. my dad won't be home at that time
8. i just don't like being a girly girl

but yesterday night, all of these thoughts changed.this list was beaten by 'IT'S A ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE!' that my other classmate was repeatedly saying.

oh my...

i thought, 'AM I TOO LATE???'


i DO want a beautiful dress!

i DO want my family and friends gathered up in that one special evening!

i DO want to know what their wishes for me are!

i DO want to get treasures aka gifts!

i DO want to dance with the boys in my life!HAHA [that sounds wrong]

i DO want to feel like a princess in one night!

I DO WANT A DEBUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so what i'm thinking now, is to have a debut..on my 19th birthday.
though it's not the usual 18th birthday, it will be more meaningful since that will be my last 'teen' birthday.the next one will be my 20th, which i'm still not ready for by the way.maybe another reason why i didn't wanted to have a debut in my 18th was because i still couldn't accept the fact that i AM already an adult.i kept on thinking that i'm still not ready for such big responsibilities. i thought that there are still things in life that i need to learn and to experience. but, do i really need to be ready? do i really need to be a self actualized person to experience this? i may be still in the process of discovering who i am and who i want to be, but doing a debut party will be a great way for me to celebrate the wonderful years i spent with the wonderful people in my life; doing a debut party doesn't have to mean that i should be fully matured.

so, what do i do now?

i will ask my parents if they can grant this wish of mine.i hope they can make it come true.^^

happppppy 18th bday to

life, ramblings, birthday, debut

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