
Dec 06, 2007 14:26

i went to the hospital last night..forcibly.XDDD i haven't been feeling well since sunday, been absent from school for 3 days.wth, i've never been THIS sick before.i'm feeling slightly better now, thank God. i don't like being sick.the doctor said that i have this thing called acute tonsilopharyngitis.LOL. it sounds weird ne? XDD

something happened last night, something that i really didn't expect to happen.i had already accepted the fact of some things that aren't going to come back...but whoa, i feel like i'm in a korean drama.HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! sometimes i think that it's too good to be true..but, i don't know.i'll just wait and see what will happen.

actually, i don't know what to blog about right now.LOL.i'm bored like hell.

bored, really damn bored, life, sick, whoa

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