2 mornings in a row

Dec 14, 2007 07:40

one thing that i hate is waking up to a nagging voice.it's not my mom, it's my sister.
she's been pissing me off for two mornings now, oh my, PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE AND MAKE MY MORNING A PEACEFUL ONE!!!!!
i went to a party last night and came home late, i haven't even made up a lot of my sleep debt because of this week's late nights doing school work or whatever work i was doing.damn it, i want to break something.i actually have a 9 am philippine history class...and from what i heard, we'll be having a news quiz.damnit, i haven't read the newspapers since last week, what the hell will i answer?! i'm not even in the mood to go to school and take that quiz, for all i know i'll be getting 2 out of 10 just like the first news quiz.lol.damnit, my morning is ruined.for today, i'll be doing option 1.my sister last night was FORCING me to lend her kenzou, the hell i'll do that?!

on the brigther side, my camera is fixed!!!!!!oh my, at least there's something to be happy about ne? i missed my camera soooo muchhh!!!!! i haven't taken any pictures for a month, but my phone cam was helpful on some instances that i really needed picture picture happy happy moments.hahahah!

listening to fob, i feel a little better now.^^
my friend called me when she received my group sms full of cursing.HAHAHA, that was helpful in making me calm too.and another friend talked to me about it too, sigh, i love my friends.*big hugssss*
speaking of fob, lol, everytime i listen to their songs, oh man....i get HAPPY!lol, is there any explanation behind that?!XD maybe because their songs have some sentimental memories.XD

next week is the last week of classes.YAHOOO!!! just a few more days before christmas...just a few more days left for 2007.
2007 was GREAT!!!!! oh my, really.this is the year that i can really say that i've changed...in a good way of course! i feel like i've learned a lot, met a lot of people, and just really....i don't know, this is one of those years that i'll be looking back on and say that 'i won't forget that year' .i can't wait for 2008!!!!!

owrayt.better take a shower now, still have a production later at 10:30 in chinatown.

my sister messaged me saying sorry.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

production, music, fob, happy, anger, camera, 2008, fixed, chinatown, 2007, excited, sister, sentiments, vent, yehey, damn it

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