Sick Leave & Rambling

Aug 26, 2016 19:59

So, the probability of anyone reading this is slim, but I feel the need to record what's in my brain. I find that I actually miss doing that.

I had the Face!Alien removed on the 10th of August. It wasn't as bad as last time: less pain; significantly less swelling; less sign of infection/abscesses (so far anyway), hooray! On the downside, I've lost two teeth - but what are two teeth in the grand scheme of things?

On the downside ... well, a few things.

Two days after the surgery, I found myself unable to move (let alone manage food/liquids) because doing so caused excessive throwing up. Turns out I can't tolerate high volumes of co-codamol/codeine! \o/

Fun times. (Still not as bad as five years ago.)

So the hospital took me off that, gave me some actual prescription liquid food because I looked like death and had the entire maxillofacial department worried (apparently), and told me to go down to regular paracetamol/nurofen. This worked to a point ... except that by night-time I had 'run out' of doses and still had 12 hours of day left. Needless to say, I kept waking in the night in excruciating nerve-pain. Yay. So, after three nights without sleep, back to the hospital we went and they put me on liquid morphine and stronger-nurofen.

Thankfully, this actually did work, and I didn't need much of the liquid morphine. This takes us up to this week, by which time I was starting to feel a little better.

However. This time around the merry-go-round of Face!Alien Removal, I've had an antiseptic pack applied.

What this means is: while I was unconscious, after they took the Face!Alien out, they stuffed a whole lot of mustard-yellow antiseptic tape into the brand new cavity in my jaw. A Face!Alien sized amount, in fact. It's kept everything nice and clean and infection-free.

Except, they have to remove and replace it every 14-ish days.

So, on Tuesday of this week, I had the first replacement done. I can't say that it hurt coming out, that would be a lie. But it did feel odd, and involved a doctor and a nurse bending over me and pulling what seemed like miles of this tape out of my mouth. (I shut my eyes the first time the doctor straightened his arm and a huge string of it just spooled out of my face.) Which would have been fine, except. It got stuck on something.

I don't get claustrophobic, not really, but I felt it then, in the chair, when he was yanking at it and it wasn't moving and wasn't moving. They did get it out, it just took a while and they had to take a break because I almost fainted. Fun times. But that sort of knocked me for six.

Then, of course, they had to shove a similar amount of tape back into my jaw. (Eyes closed once again.) And of course because it's a huge (two-teeth-and-a-bit-sized) gaping open wound, it hurt every time they pushed it in there.

As I said: fun times.

On a most positive note, I've been using my extended time off work to watch more Stargate SG-1 and to start Stargate: Atlantis. I'm not going to lie: I went in to SGA expecting ... I don't know, not to like it as much as SG-1 or Stargate: Universe? But, uh, embarassingly? I kind of love it lots.

It manages to hit all the right 'peril with a side of heroics' notes for me somehow -- but with, actually, less of the annoying in-fighting of SGU and less of the annoying off-worlders of SG-1. (I have nothing actually against these things in either SG-1 or SGU. They just get me down when I binge-watch either. And SGA isn't ... it just has all of the good things from both SG-1 and SGU and I really - I mean really - am enjoying it.)

Not to mention that John Sheppard hits, like, all of my buttons and then some.

And then Rodney McKay - FUCKING Rodney. Who I went in not liking. Who I really wanted to hate. (I mean, the things that man has said to Sam Carter. *shakes head*) But he goes and quietly keyboard mashes all over the buttons I pretend not to have. That's not okay, okay? How dare he. (Not like sexy buttons. Just. Things like people walking into certain danger and possible death to Save The Day / Save Their Friends despite them being scared to death, that Does Things to my heart. Feels, okay? FEELS. I HAVE FEELS ABOUT RODNEY, THIS WAS NOT THE PLAN.)

And then Sheppard grows a fucking beard one episode.

I mean. A BEARD.

You know -- well, actually, you probably don't know, if you're reading this, because all my Hobbit flailing was done elsewhere. But I really love The Hobbit movies, okay? I love them. But I also fucking hate them, because I never. wanted. to. like. fucking. beards. NEVER. I DIDN'T WANT THAT. I DIDN'T HAVE A BEARD THING BEFORE.




A beard thing.


What this amounts to, basically, is that I want about a thousand S2 episode tag fics, because okay the main action gets resolved a lot, but -- there are so many potential missing scenes. Where are they?! I need them.


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