Why yes, I did get dressed in the dark today, Thank you for noticing.

Aug 24, 2007 13:36

For once, when someone asked me that I was able to anwser yes. This was my 3rd last day of work I believe, the shack has no lights so I just grabbed what I thought were my black bondage pants, turns out they were the bright pink ones... Anyway here's what happens when I get dressed in the dark:

Break down: Red Herbivore Wings are for Flying Hoodie, Pale blue Cow Hugger T, Hot pink/black lace choker, pentagram pendant, bright yellow not a nugget message bag, hot pink bondage pants and my camo boots. I rock.

some how my underwear managed to match kinda nicely :3

I thought the shoes and the pants were a nice touch. I cannot dress myself...

clothing, dressed in dark, lame, random, work, pics, rl

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