Mother 1 + 2 :: 11 Drabbles

May 06, 2008 20:38

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them.

Puri chose Mother 1 + 2. ♥ Descriptions will be short, since it's a heckuva lotta drabbles there. XDDD;;; *passes out* I did an extra one for the beginning, since I couldn't stop listening to Butterfly nomnomnom. ♥♥♥

Title: Butterfly
Characters/Pairings: George & Maria
Rating: PG-13 for dark themes (including crucification).

eb100: Butterfly/Tori Amos - Butterfly (3:09)

He was reminded of butterflies.

There was his dog. There were his neighbors. And there was Maria. She never spoke to him anymore. It was all his fault they were like this.

Leave it to Giegue to swat two flies in one swat. He himself was no better.

Maria was beautiful.

Unlike the others in their tubes, Maria was nailed to a shrine on the wall. Her arms spread like wings; she hung like a butterfly.

George loved her.

Title: Beautiful Liar
Characters/Pairings: Giegue/George (You read right)
Rating: R for DARKNESS, heavily implied disturbing scenes, implied incest.

1. eb100: Trust/Nine Inch Nails - Reptile (6:52)

Oh god. He was coming.

He was coming for him.

"Hello George."

A gasp left the poor man's lips.

"You told. You told everyone."
"I-I was afraid! I didn't know what else to do!" Poor excuse. He knew it. They knew it. "Maria... she would've died!"
"But she's dead now, isn't she? Well done, George. You killed her. You killed my mother."
"It's there. Written right on your rotten little human face."
"G-Giegue--what are you--?"
"Relax... my beautiful liar."
"As contaminated we are, I've got use for you yet. I'll make you pay, George. I'll make you forget."
"I... o-hh..."
"There there, George. It's all right. Let those painful memories wash away."
"Doesn't it feel good?"
"Giegue! Giegue!"

Title: Watching From the Wings
Characters/Pairings: Pippi, Ana. Ana pining for Ninten, Pippi pining for both.
Rating: G

eb100: Friendship/Ani Difranco - If He Tries Anything (3:15)

"I'm invincible--so are you." Pippi grinned.
"Oh! I--no. You're so strong!" Ana blushed. "I could never be like you."
"Hey, don't try to be like me! Be you! You're cute the way you are. Like your hat!"
"You... like my hat?"
"Of course I do."
"Pippi... do you think he likes me?"
"Ninten... he..."
"Who wouldn't like you? Hey, I like you too."
"Oh! P-Pippi!"
"Go get 'im girl! I'll be right behind you."
"Oh Pippi... thank you Pippi."

A small smile left the redhead's lips. She would never have Ninten or Ana, but the least she could do was support their happiness together.

Title: City of the Suckerface
Characters/Pairings: Pokey
Rating: G

eb100: Power/Orgy - Suckerface (3:28)

Isn't this a utopia? Wasn't it?

Aboard his new Spider mech, Pokey Minch went wild. Flames licked around him, his army of Starmen standing tall over the wreckage. This brought him a real thrill, knowing he could control who lived or who died.

"Put that statue over there! Don't chip my thumb! You idiots! There, there! Perfect!"

The new statue of Pokey reigned over the born metropolis.

Title: Through the Grain
Characters/Pairings: Loid, Loid's father
Rating: G

eb100: Father/Suzanne Vega - Night Vision (2:48)

Loid huddled in the corner, no doubt crying over what happened today. His father shook his head. School again.

"Son, come here. I've got something to show you."

The poor kid was afraid of everything.

"You see this?" Taking spare parts from his pocket, his fingers tinkered with the metals. "This is how you use a bottle rocket."
"Oh. Um... thank you Dad."

It's the most I could do to protect you, son.

Title: Hearts in Two
Characters/Pairings: Ness/Paula.
Rating: PG. Confusing. Dark.

eb100: Corrupt/Frou Frou - Psychobabble (5:34)

"Ness? Ness?"

Paula was afraid. Her eyes widened in horror, Ness edging closer. There was a different light in his eyes--Pokey's influence.

"Do just what I tell you... and no one will get hurt."
"Don't come any closer!" She screamed.

Oh god no... Ness was gone. Lost. He grinned just like Ness did once. But it wasn't sincere.

"Ness, do you know what you're doing!?" She couldn't accept this. She couldn't.

He was kissing her neck. She moaned. She slapped him away.

"Don't EVER try that again."

Her voice was cool. Ness blinked in confusion, as if he hadn't recognized her.



A Starman and Pokey watched their conversation.

"So, what do we do now?" The Starman whirred.
"Let's have a little more fun."

Title: Midsummer Nights
Characters/Pairings: Pippi/Loid
Rating: G. Fluff.

eb100: Because I Love You/Evanescence - Anywhere (6:03)

"This is my favorite spot. Just for you!"
"Pippi, I..."

Loid blinked, agape at the amazing sight around him. The night atop the hill laced with stars, and all around him and Pippi, fireflies flickered their heaven like floating festival lanterns. Timidly cupping his hands, several fireflies landed. He closed over the fireflies, trembling from the glow inside.

"Let 'em go. That's the best part."
"O-Okay. Right."

Neon butterflies fluttered from his hands, the fireflies pouring out in different directions.

"Pippi--I--!" Loid stood still as the girl leaned forward to kiss his cheek, turning as red as her pigtails.
"Because I love you, doofus." She grinned.

Loid's delight was brighter than the twinkling of the night.

Title: Sleeping Refuge
Characters/Pairings: Pokey/Giegue
Rating: G.

eb100: Paradise/Evanescence - Imaginary (Fallen) (4:17)

"Pokey... this is my universe."

It was better than anything the real world offered. Pokey dreamed of whatever he wanted, and he got it. Cotton-candy clouds. Purple skies. The scent of wildflowers everywhere. He would never go hungry again. Nor would he ever be lonely.

He had Giegue, his imaginary best friend.

But he would prove it to them. He would prove it to them all that Giegue is real. Show them all the reality he had in store for them.

"My world... this world... will become one. You wait and see."

Title: Guide on Raging Stars
Characters/Pairings: Cave Boy, Dr. Andonuts
Rating: G.

eb100: Stars/Iris - Guide on Raging Stars (5:28)

Dr. Andonuts enjoyed taking his telescope outside to watch the stars.

There was parallax, apparent brightness, other things the Cave Boy didn't understand. Were there really supergiants and red giants in space, just like him? White dwarves and brown dwarves brought funny images in his mind. The more he learned about the universe, the smaller, more insignificant he felt. Was this knowledge making him sadder?

Then he looked at Dr. Andonuts, who seemed all the brighter as the cosmological objects of the universe he loved.

Remember this, lad... we are all made of star stuff.

The Cave Boy liked him. Something new and mysterious happened around the scientist everyday.

Title: Fashion Pup
Characters/Pairings: Frank, Tracy, Ness. Frank/Ness.
Rating: G.

eb100: Joy/Sweeney Todd - Pretty Women (4:38)

"Oh Frank! I didn't know you worked here. You're a barber now?"
"Y-Yeah. Something I like doing." Frank exhaled... Ness's sister! The perfumes and lotions didn't help by bruising his manliness. But it was still better than the burger shop.
"Frank, you're up!"

Frank Fly would be snipping Tracy's curls today. A dreamlike daze soothed Tracy, as if she lay on a beach chair at Summers.

Scissors. How they reminded of him of his little friends.

"Hey Frank!"
"Oh. Tracy."
"What do you like?"
"Uh... knives?"
"Boys are great, don't you think? I wish I had a boyfriend. Sure, most of 'em stink--not you though--but you can't help but..."

Frank closed his eyes in thought. What else did he like? Images of magenta baseball caps, black Mr. Saturn T-shirts, a toothy grin, a dark-haired boy atop of him...

"Ooh, thanks Frank! I look awesome!"

Snapping out of it, Frank could do nothing but stand speechless as Ness complimented his sister for the new hair-cut... did he just WINK at him?

Title: White Wave
Characters/Pairings: Queen Mary
Rating: G.

eb100: Space/Delirium feat. Sarah McLachlan - Silence (6:34)

The land of ice submerged in pink cloud and conch shells; where magic dwells in a wink exists the Land of Magicant.

Elegant balls. Dancers in gowns.

Queen Mary wished to be outside. Away from the merriment, she needed time alone. To think. To ponder. To dwell in the pearls of the stars.

She ruled this land. She decided the philosophies its residents ruminated. In delving into the questions and mysterious of the Universe, Queen Mary felt whole.

She feared the icy desert outside her paradise. It had no questions, no reminisces, no strand of mystery at all. Nothing but apathetic sand and ice that frightened the Queen.

"Who has lost its tail? The forgotten one of the ship that sails the cosmos."

The first riddle was solved.

character: giegue/giygas/gyiyg, rating: g, character: pippi, character: loid, failed experiment, pairing: giegue/george, rating: pg, pairing: giygas/pokey, character: ness, character: queen mary/maria, pairing: pippi/loid, fandom: earthbound/mother 2, rating: r, pairing: ness/paula, character: frank fly, pairing: ness/frank, fandom: earthbound 0/mother, character: george, character: npc, challenge: flist meme, pairing: pippi/ana, rating: pg-13, character: paula polestar/jones, character: pokey/porky

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