Earthbound 0 :: Beneath the Shades (Chapter 3)

May 09, 2008 02:55

Title: Beneath the Shades
Author: Puri & jeansama
Fandom: Earthbound 0/Mother
Genre: Drama/Erotica
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Lemon/Graphic Sex, violence, abuse, strong language, mentions of smoking
Ships/Characters: Teddy/Loid
Finished: No

Loid felt oddly surreal, walking the path back to Teddy's. After everything that happened... well, he wasn't really thinking at all, just trying to enjoy the peace and not being punched and kicked and bleeding.

"Ellay." Teddy shrugged. "If I didn't already like the action and the music, I-damn. I don't know where the hell I could possibly go. There's too much of myself here." His black shirt had several tears in it. But Teddy liked this wrecked look, so he didn't mind it being ripped. "Looks like the days I spent not smoking paid off! Ana and Ninten looked pretty happy."

Ellay really was a nice place, despite the danger. Teddy makes up for that. Loid blinked, following his gaze before staring at the ground. "I like your new bad look, but smoking doesn't do anyone good."

"Ana..." The ex-gang leader gazed at the twilit sky. " She hates it when I smoke. And Ninten gets attacks whenever I light a cig.”

Loid fiddled his fingers inside his sweatshirt pocket. He didn't say what else came to mind about his opinion on cigarettes-that he bet it would be gross to taste smoke in a kiss.

"15 days free. Farthest I got yet, anyway. Well, here we are." Unlocking the door, he allowed Loid inside. "Been a rough day."

"Th-that's not a lot of days!" Loid laughed, nearly tripping on the doorstep. "-Thanks. Yeah." He hadn't really thought about it since Ana and Ninten had left, without even realizing.

The second miracle of the day was Teddy finding another pair of shades exactly like the ones he lost. By now, Ninten and Ana already knew what he looked like without them. Loid... he wasn't so sure. Not looking in the mirror-or Loid-Teddy sighed. "I'm glad you're safe."

"I wouldn't be if it weren't for you." Loid responded softly, slipping off his sneakers with his feet. The scene was only too easy to recall, vivid and striking. Thank god for PSI. "...I was really worried."

Nearly collapsing on the coach, Teddy closed his eyes. He stared at the floor in thought, not saying anything after what felt like an eternity. "Could you... sit in my lap a bit? For me?"

Loid was still standing around, startled and looking down at him as he spoke. "Huh?" He walked over cautiously, wondering how to go about that exactly, or whether to do it at all. "Uh.." Blinking, he set his hands on either side of Teddy's legs and settled down kind of awkwardly, flushing.

Embracing Loid, Teddy cradled the prodigy to his chest. Rocking him gently, his fingers threaded among pepper-gray hair, a contented breath leaving his lips. "Do you still love me?"

Loid's breath caught in his chest, warmth enveloping his senses. Stomach twisting uncomfortably, he fell silent at the question, eyes widening in surprise, uncertainty. "I-I do.." His voice was nearly a whisper, blush worsening.

Of course he did. He was Loid, who was clever, who was sweet, who was...

"You're very brave." Teddy barely heard himself whisper this.
"I.." Loid's blush only got worse, his heart beating fast. "I'm... brave?" It meant a lot, for Teddy to say that. There was a quiet rustling as he shifted, curling like a cat adjusting its position.

Oh god... Those pale plum eyes looking at him like that. It was... it was... "Beautiful." His fingers on Loid's chin, Teddy leaned his head forward, so close he could feel the other's breath, hitched and nervous. He closed this space between them, pressing his lips over Loid's.

Loid didn't think-he never would've... breath shook softly as Teddy neared, and amusingly Loid didn't understand, until those lips met his. He froze, trembling with wide eyes and lips slightly parted, unsure of how to respond; he was in shock.

Caught in the moment, Teddy didn't move. The touch was so subtle, so simple, so pure. Nothing he would be capable of doing. But Teddy was washed in the bliss those lips brought, pacified as he thought of nothing else.

Breathing softly, Loid's chest rose and fell, the effects of the touch rolling over his body in a light wave. Breath hitching, he hesitated a moment before finally leaning up, his lips brushing a little more firmly over Teddy's in return.

His heart jumped in his chest, quickly dissipating as a light fuzz over his body, making him feel afloat. He encouraged Loid to keep going, rewarding him with more of the kiss until he withdrawn, breathing lightly.

Loid's eyes slipped open, looking at him in question. He shied back somewhat when the other drew away, but otherwise didn't move, like a small animal caught in a trap with enticing food.

"Loid..." A whisper. His lips returned, a little deeper this time, supporting Loid in his arms. He... he hadn't been this warm since... since Ninten and Ana accepted him as their friend...

A soft sound muffled against Teddy's lips, Loid's hands rising to curl around his neck, pushing into the kiss eagerly. Teddy's hold was warm and comforting-it felt like, in his arms... he was finally home. He never wanted to let go.

Loved. He felt loved. He turned into this disgusting monster; a wolf in fairy-tales, and he found friends. The original Teddy died with his parents, and he became who he was and there was no turning back. No rewriting the years wasted on anger, on vengeance, on guilt. He was... he was... changed. Changed before, changed again. Changed now.

And Loid really did love him; with all his heart. The prodigy's body was racing with warmth, he.. felt so alive. Confident, he felt just a little better about himself, thinking that maybe there really was nothing to what those kids had said and beat him up over. Because if this was so wrong and disgusting... why did it feel so nice? He wanted more.

Separating, Teddy brushed a strand of hair from Loid's face with his finger, admiring his joy. "I love you..."
Loid's face lit up, wonder and hope and magic dancing across it-nothing could have made him happier. "O-oh.. I...!" His hands sunk to rest against Teddy's collar, eyes closing in embarrassment, but it did nothing to hide his delight.

Teddy smiled, petting Loid's back. Eyes fluttering open, the prodigy gazed at him, his blush sweet. His eyes closed happily, the touch so loving.

"Loid..." It delighted him for the freckled boy to finally be happy. Truly, honestly happy. He began kissing him again, soaring at the sweet contact between them. Breathing over his lips, he whispered huskily. "I-I want you..."

Breath faltering hotly, Loid gasped, heat searing through his body at the words. Fingers gripped at Teddy's collar, and flustered he couldn't find his voice, pushing deeper into the kiss with either leg beside Teddy's lap at the knee.

His tongue entered Loid's mouth, flicking wildly as he fed off the moan he received in response. Coiling with wet heat, he found himself excited by Loid's taste, the tip of his tongue trailing his lips upon separation.

Loid was beside himself, another silky moan slipping between their tongues, heat pooling everywhere from their activities. Even in his wildest dreams, he had never been so aroused, and he wasn't even h...hard, yet. Steaming breath pooled at the flick of tongue to his lips, eyes half-lid as he gazed at Teddy.

"So bad... hah... wanna-wanna fuck you..." Teddy's thoughts slipped before he could speak; he turned bright-red and hot, cursing himself for being so... crude? Disrespectful? What the fuck, something not to be said to Loid anyway-well, said like that-wh-what the hell!?

"Mmm-!" Loid's face contorted in pleasure, delightful humiliation twisting in his stomach. Oh... god. Did he really just.. say... did he really.. want... Loid's hands gripped the rock singer's shoulders, panting softly as he looked at him, face equally as red. His eyes flickered off briefly before settling back, scooting a little closer on his knees before he really sat on his lap, flushing hotly with his ass right against Teddy's crotch. Exhaling against his lips, he tilted his head to kiss him, small bold tongue flicking against his lips.

"L-Loi-! Mmh!" Teddy surrendered to Loid, reaching out for the other man's tongue as he sucked and played. He groaned, Loid rubbing against him, and it felt so damn hot...! His hand brushed the prodigy's cheek, fingers fumbling over glasses as he slowly removed them, letting them drop on a nearby nightstand.

Loid didn't seem to bother restraining himself, gasping into the kiss at the feel of hardness pressing against him, his body burning with arousal. He let the other remove his glasses, blinking at the loss of sight, but this close he could see fine. "Mmnn.." His eyes narrowed in shameful enjoyment, hands wrapped around his neck, venturing back into the kiss with a learned suck to Teddy's lower lip.

Teddy's hands curled around Loid, one impatiently clutching his shirt, feeling the goosebumps that crept along his flesh. He gasped, barely just pulling it halfway as he pressed against Loid's body. His breath hitched as Loid ascended his face, blinking behind orange shades that would soon be taken away.

Nerves on fire, Loid was alert to every touch, a shiver rippling up his spine as he felt the cloth of his sweatshirt hitched up. He took the cue to pull back from the kiss, lust on pause as his eyes focused on Teddy's new glasses-just like his old ones. Gingerly, he lifted a hand to touch them, carefully around the lens so as not to smudge.

"I want to see you..." It was the first he'd spoken in a while, soft and somewhat uneven, slowly lifting them from Teddy's face.

Teddy lowered his head, enabling Loid to take his shades with ease. Loid's eyes widened with a quiet gasp of surprise, fingers rising to his lips when he'd set the glasses down with his. Over his right eye, a hideous brown gash had torn his face open, flecks of tiny peelings hanging from the skin. His eye was permanently half-closed and bloodshot, a demon's eye that paralyzed the toughest of foes and made roaches scuttle. Teddy shivered, unable to look at Loid, every breath loud and chilly. Scared? Ashamed? If nothing else frightened Loid...

Hesitating, a timid hand rose to Teddy's face, fingers hovering over his exposed eye. Gently, Loid traced the skin with his fingers, giving a small smile as he wondered how he'd gotten such a scar. Teddy leaned into Loid's touch, breath shaking.

"I-It's ugly, I know." A lump raised in the ex-gang leader's throat. "Got it in a fight. Some idiot swung a bottle at my head."

And did it infuriate him back then! After losing several of his men to a rival gang, someone had the nerve to smash a full beer bottle at him. Tired, aching and bleeding as he was, Teddy was enraged, slamming every inch of pain he could bring any gangster in the area. Before the culprit escaped, the half-blind Teddy had ground him to the floor, grabbing the very bottle he hit him with and mashing the shard end into his face until his head was nothing but a wet mashed pulp.

"You like that? You son of a bitch! You son of a bitch! BITCH!"

As blood streaked down his cheek and the green shards lacerated his vision, the surviving members of the Bla-Bla Gang didn't dare go near him.

Loid shook his head lightly, brows furrowed. It wasn't ugly... sure, it wasn't pretty, but... it was Teddy. And Loid loved every bit of him, scars of his past included. Sensing his hurt, Loid cupped his face with soft fingers, brushing his lips in a gentle kiss against the offending eyelid. "You're not ugly.." He breathed. Nor was he a monster...

"M-Might've got infected. Dunno... long time ago." Teddy whispered. "Wore shades before that though."
"I didn't think you were just hiding something with them." Loid giggled softly, nose brushing against Teddy's.
"If I hid every damn scar I had, I'd be a clanking robot. Not like Ellay needed another disaster." The ex-gang leader laughed aloud.
"You might be kind of ugly then." Loid giggled with him, happy to see Teddy acting less dark.
"What I'm saying is, you only get one skin. Another way of saying you've got only one life; our scars are the trials we lived through, and that's what makes us stronger. Not that I follow my own advice anyway. But keep it in mind!"

Loid nodded, looking contemplative. His body wasn't exactly perfect itself, for similar reasons-only having to do with homophobic bullies from school rather than rival gangs. Back then, he didn't have Ninten or Ana to wish his injuries away.

"Speaking of skin..." Teddy licked Loid's cheek, sighing a hot breath above blushed freckles. "Mmm..."
"Nn.." Fingers curling back around his neck, Loid's eyes fluttered closed, warmth dancing in his chest. Teddy was so.. s-sexy! Even the thought of the word embarrassed him.

Nibbling his ear lobe, his hands worked Loid's sweatshirt again, massaging and tantalizing. "You need your shirt off, boy." With quick flecks of the tongue, he slowly raised the red cloth...

Loid whimpered softly at the touches, arms falling slack for Teddy to remove it, though he made no move to help him. Shyness curled with arousal in his stomach at the thought of his body being exposed, skin shivering to the tease of fingers as his shirt was lifted.

"God..." Hands exploring Loid's freed shoulders and chest, he realized the prodigy was much scrawnier than his clothes made him out to be. Taking Loid's timid fingers, Teddy rubbed the knuckles through the rips of his dark shirt, tracing tight muscle and abs. "Touch me..."

Loid's face lit with red; the trace of Teddy's fingers on his skin was like fire. Breaths hitching as his hands were taken, he watched their path with an echo of past longing in his eyes. He didn't need to be told twice, trembling fingers falling to the bottom of Teddy's shirt and tugging it from his pants; hitching it up and lifting it off of him with surprising fervor. Dropping it behind him, he stared at the chest he'd got a sweet glimpse of earlier, hands pressing against it with a gentle sigh.

A shudder in his breath, Teddy supported Loid in his arms, captured in the ecstasy of his palms. Like a bear pounced by a rabbit, he let Loid ravage him, grinning as the weakling's wild side took over. "Yesss... yes! That's more like it."

Teddy's obvious enjoyment was all he needed as fuel, running his fingers along his chest in exploration, touch firm but tender. Dipping into every space, tracing attractive abs as feather-like fingers fluttered over his stomach, taking note of scars and tracing them in awe. "Y-you're.." Almost wincing, he smiled, beating back old demons to speak his mind for once, though still bashful. ".. so hot.."

"Mm... the way you say that makes me want you more." Squirming a little, Teddy thrust his body into Loid's hands, growling in delight as innocent fingers teased him in their inquisitive manner. "Ahn...! Ri-Right there. Feels good..."

Whining in delight, Loid's fingers tensed, reflexively pressing them against Teddy's body a little harder. His cheeks burned all the worse at the other man's forwardness, exhaling a hot breath against his lips with half-lid eyes, teasing.

Chasing Loid, it was the hardest kiss yet. Teddy was used to speaking his mind. Loid still had ways to go, but it was all right. Loid's actions made up for what he was too timid to say, and Teddy's sealed moan let him know that.

"Mmm-!" The kiss sent a ripple of pleasure up the prodigy's spine, Teddy's enjoyment making his heart glow. Hands trailing around to his back, soft fingers raked along it in emotion, the movement reminding Loid once again of the presence of hardness pressing against him. A silky moan mixed with tongue, his back arced, chest rubbing against Teddy's.

The rock singer parted with husky breath, running his hand through Loid's cheek. He sighed, the pressure squeezing itself at the waist while his belt remained locked. His dark eyes gazed at Loid in anticipation, waiting in tense lust.

Loid was caught in his gaze, pale plum eyes reflecting mutual feeling. Shifting back, he glanced down, fingers expertly slipping Teddy's belt undone, his heart racing with his fingers so close to touching him. With the belt dropping beside them, blush took over Loid's cheeks as he tugged at his pants, practically ripping them down. Inquisitive eyes fell on Teddy's boxers, bulge not so hidden under thin cloth. Swallowing hard, he fluidly slipped to the ground, pulling them with him, lust clouding his vision at the sight that met his eyes.

"Ahh-!" Teddy backed against the coach, arms spread out and hands clawing the cushions. His heart knocked inside his head, and he could hear his breath turn shallow as Loid stripped him down, lain vulnerable and subject to his every whim. "Loid..."

Blinking, Loid admired Teddy's erection a moment before leaning forward, a hand resting on his leg. His heart jumped as he bumped sensitive skin with his lips, hot breath pooling before tentatively sliding his tongue.

"L-Loid!" He reacted strongly to the wet heat that snaked his arousal, feeling more turned on that it was Loid doing this to him. Making him cry out, pulling these guttural sounds from his throat as that tongue worked him, swallowed him... "Loid... god..."

Hearing his name like that, Loid shuddered, dragging his lips and tongue heatedly along the length before him, kissing and sucking what found his mouth as fingers stroked the rest. He wanted Teddy to feel good, so badly..

"Loi-oh... fu-fuck...!" Teddy clenched his teeth, panting harder to keep on the brink of sanity. His mind was frenzied with ecstatic lust, bucking his hips forward for Loid to take more. His hand trembled as it held the back of Loid's neck, a pillar of strength to lean on as he pulled further under.

Moaning at the treatment, Loid obliged, feeling delightfully dirty as he took more of Teddy in his mouth, tongue flicking underneath the head as lips curled around hardness, fingers curling around the rest. He didn't choke-Teddy's forcefulness only turned him on, a pleasured whimper vibrating the flesh in his mouth.

"Hah-ah-! YES!" He didn't realize he was shouting. "Loid!" Teddy thrust, feeling himself ache with joy as he drowned in his excitement. He loved this! Shouts and curses reverberated the room as he squirmed, caressing Loid's neck as he wanted more, more...!

Loid's movements picked up with his enjoyment, bobbing his head faster as he was lost in the sounds Teddy made, the calls of his name-if he could do this forever, he would-! Gasping with pleasure, he engulfed as much as he could handle, tongue and lips moving wildly, each suck more firm than the last. His fingers raked against Teddy's legs, lost in the musk of his scent.

Reacting to Loid's loyalty, Teddy gasped, fingers digging in the prodigy's hair in pleading. "L-Loid I'm-! I'm..." Ohh he was close so close...! Hanging to the last rock from the cliff, Teddy tried to hold it, steeling himself back to stay consumed by Loid, engulf in his warmth just a bit longer...!

Loid felt so hot at those words, knowing their meaning as his fingers gripped the man's thighs with a soft whimper. Granting Teddy's wish, Loid tried to make it as enjoyable as he could, slowing somewhat in his motions but sucking all the more tantalizing.

A trickle of sweat ran down his temple, and Teddy relaxed as Loid's movements on him did the same. He closed his eyes, feeling light and calm as the pleasure continued to rise in his body. Murmuring, Teddy brushed tender fingers through Loid's hair, communicating the softness and gratitude his ragged breaths couldn't.

Loid almost melted, touched and so joyed at the tenderness he knew was just for himself, the movement of his lips adoring and loving, concentrating on the most sensitive spots. The anticipation made his stomach curl, butterflies and lust dancing together.

Teddy moaned in delight, heat riding his hips. Fingers slipping over Loid's neck again, the rock singer huffed, matching his movements with the prodigy's mouth. "Oh Loid... OH-!"

Blushing furiously, Loid pulled back as he felt Teddy throb in his mouth, moist lips attacking the head as his arousal left his mouth with a light pop, his fingers pumping with feeling. Sensual gasps melted against sensitive skin, tasting bittersweet heat as he anticipated that moment coming fast..

Teddy yelled and let go, fingers sinking into Loid's back. Stupendous fuzz overriding his body, Teddy shuddered as a euphoric chill pricked his spine, collapsing limp over the couch from aftershock.

Loid's eyes widened, breath faltering as hot stickiness splattered his face, purposely directing Teddy's hardness so not a drop missed. His skin prickled with heat, giving one last lick to the tip to clean it off, panting softly.

Teddy leaned forward, brushing Loid's face as he succeeded as far as getting his own fingers sticky.

"I-I could get you a towel..." The rock singer mumbled in awkward breaths.
"No, that's okay..."

Loid looked at him seductively, perhaps unconscious. Leaning forward, he gave a lick to Teddy's finger, eyes locked with his. Taking the finger into his mouth, he sucked the essence from it, insides shivering in delight at the taste-it drove him wild, tongue lapping with a silky moan.

"L-Loid..." His finger taken by mouth, the rock singer sighed at this erotic display, breath hitched as he watched.

Breaking away when none was left, a chain of moisture connected Loid's lips to Teddy's finger. "So good.." The prodigy breathed, eyes widening slightly in embarrassment when he realized it left his thoughts.

Teddy lifted the genius beneath his shoulders, pulling him into a fierce hug. It was so easy to carry him, that he realized now... how giant he was compared to Loid. He hummed peacefully, rocking him in embrace.

Started, Loid flustered as he wrapped his arms around him. He squirmed some in his arousal, but he pressed into the hug regardless, giggling almost breathlessly by Teddy's ear.

A breathy chuckle left his lips. It was... different. But it was naughty and exciting and Teddy loved it. A warm feeling fluttered in his chest, being this close to Loid. And... exposing this much of himself to him. It was intimacy more than anything else, and he felt so... light. Sharing these things with him. Trusting himself with him. So that's how it is, huh...? "Wow..."

Pulling back a little, Loid brushed his cheek to Teddy's, nuzzling against his face. "You're.. warm.." He purred, tracing circles against the other's back. It was his dreams come true, to be held so close to him, to be so... intimate with him.

It was nice, holding him like this. Knowing someone he would protect with every inch of his life, to sacrifice for... knowing he had someone he cared about more than himself.

"Th-That was..." Teddy was speaking nonsense, but the tenderness of his voice spoke larger volumes.
"Did you like it?" Loid breathed mischievously, his cheek hot against Teddy's. The softness of his tone was touching, Loid's heart fluttering in his chest. That he had made Teddy feel so good... made him feel happy.
"Oh fuck yes...!" Teddy whispered, breathing over his lips before kissing him. "That... I... no one made me feel like that before. I..."
"Wh-what..-?" Loid's eyes widened, lips brushing against Teddy's as he spoke in a hushed voice. "But, but I can't have been... you must've had so many girls do the same thing."
"N-No..." The ex-gang leader shook his head, his cheeks turning hot. "Never had any girls. Definitely didn't have guys either..."

Loid blinked, gazing at him in shock. "You mean... I'm.. your f-first..?" His blush worsened, if that was possible.
"I-I..." Teddy clenched his teeth. He might as well be caught in the mall wearing a dress. "Y-Yeah..."
"-I..!" It flustered Loid so much more, his voice raising a pitch. Staring, his gaze was a mix of bashful, naughty and touched. "I can't believe it.." He whispered, placing a soft, damp kiss against Teddy's jaw. "I, I hoped I would be, but.... I never thought..."

"It was for my parents... I wanted to live and all that, if I wanted my revenge." He sighed from Loid's affection. "Some of my men would get laid and years later, complain about not being able to sit down or fight 'cause of warts or something. Some of 'em even went mad and the prostitutes got us in trouble with rival gangs and all that." Teddy tried to ignore the cleaned ash tray on the bin. "That's... why I only smoked. If you gotta pick one bad habit, pick one that doesn't turn you into a drunken idiot, like LSD or something that could get you killed."

"Oh." Loid listened intently, lashes fluttering. "Well... I'm glad. Makes it more special." Teddy really was a lot smarter than he gave himself credit for. He never would've thought that was why he smoked at all. Looking at it that way, it didn't seem so bad.

Dammit dammit dammit. All this talk about smoke made him want to get another one. Teddy cursed under his breath, clinging harder to Loid. God his head hurt. How easy it would be to make it go away from one puff, one joint... "Goddammit... this stuff's impossible to stop..."

"No it isn't.." The prodigy whispered in a soft voice. Loid's brow furrowed as he squeezed him, rubbing his hands up and down his back. He was still hard, pressing against Teddy's belly in their embrace.
"I know it's bad, I know it'll kill me, I know you and your friends hate it, and... it feels good. Nice, clears my head I..." Guilt tugged his chest. Right, he'd rather have his cheap cigarettes over the only friends he ever had. Over Loid...

Still flushing darkly, Loid ghosted over the ex-gang leader's lips, breath husky as it pooled against them.

"There's other things that make you feel good, Teddy..." Kissing him hard, Loid's hands wrapped around his neck, encouraging him to forget his troubles.

Oh Loid. Loid forgave him of everything. His violence, his temper, everything Teddy was that no person should emulate. The sweet taste of Loid fulfilling his senses, it made him... ooh, he wanted him. He wanted to do things to him. All kinds of naughty, dirty things...

"I'm-yours, you know.." Loid breathed hotly in a break in the kiss, his fingers curled around Teddy's neck. His lips pushed against his again, insistently and trailing wet.
"Nn-want you... so bad..." Teddy's hand snuck beneath the fly of Loid's pants, hardness anticipating his rough touch. He noted the silkiness of the prodigy's underwear, intrigued as he unzipped Loid's pants and pulled them off in a sharp tug, dropping the black garment on the floor.

Loid cried out, his head falling back. Lashes fluttered against his cheeks, lips hanging open at the path of Teddy's fingers, eyes slipping open to gaze half-lid at him with lust as his pants were tugged and discarded.

"Pink, eh?" It surprised him, to put it that way. Fingers trailed Loid's underwear like it was a chastity belt, the peach-pastel color meshing with pale flesh. "Not what I had in mind, but..." The rock singer slid down the pink material...

Loid's face was sickly hot, playful taunts only arousing him further. He stared at Teddy, his heart thumping in his chest in excitement, anticipation of all the things that could happen.

"Teddy." He whispered, almost begged-he wanted all of it. All of it.

Teddy gazed at the pale figure in his arms, taking in everything with curious awe. Oh god, he was...! "So hot..." He hissed with arousal. His shoulders, hips and... his fingers absently played with Loid's cock as he whispered sly thoughts in his ear.

"Oh! Ahn..." Loid writhed gently to his touch, soft puffs of breath escaping his lips. He was so turned on that even just that felt amazing, sending ripples of pleasure across his skin. Secret words sent a shiver up his spine, fingers dipping into Teddy's shoulder desperately.

"Mmn..." Shuffling positions on the couch, he lay over the cushions, letting Loid support himself by curling his legs around his neck. Teddy groaned, delighted by the view as his lips ghosted steamed breath along the head: "Now it's the weakling's turn." Sneaking a lick, bewitched sounds escaped his throat as he teased, before eventually taking him by mouth and swallowed.

Loid was a hot mess as he rested back, excitement clouding his sense, his movements delirious. The bend of his legs around the other's neck was erotic, his frame so small in comparison. He whimpered at the tease, panting at the touch of Teddy's tongue, and when he swallowed him a strangled gasp of pleasure left his throat, fingers at his lips doing nothing to contain the moan that followed.

Greedily he sucked, his lips firm and hard. Delicious musk covered every corner of his mouth, and Teddy's tongue swirled and twisted along length, drowning from intense flavor. His movements controlled and rabid, Teddy was able to bob his head, groaning loudly as he sucked Loid deeper, faster, harder...!

Loid's legs curled tighter around Teddy's neck, his body arching deliciously at the fire the other man spread through him, begging for more. "Ah... ahh!!" His fingers trailed moisture from his lips, eyes half-lid as he watched Teddy with shaking breaths.

His hands curved Loid's sides, clutching as he concentrated further in his sucking. Gasping, Teddy withdrawn, smacking his lips. His tongue swiped a light trail over the head, gathering emerging white droplets. He began to shift higher, his thumb circling in Loid's navel. "I'm not done with you yet."

"Oh..!" Loid wriggled at the tease, his fingers gripping uselessly at the couch. He didn't seem to mind at all when Teddy drawn back, watching as he moved with curious, hazy eyes. Gasping sharply at sensations in his navel, his eyelashes fluttered, mouth hanging open. "Please! Don't stop..."

He wasn't anytime soon. Picking up Loid, Teddy sat up, settling him on his lap. Hands crawling and hungry over the smaller man's back, Teddy leaned forward, exploring Loid's chest. He nuzzled over nipple, eventually claiming it by mouth and kissing and sucking. A hand sunk lower, clutching Loid's butt-with a grunt, the ex-gang leader pulled the prodigy closer.

Loid complied wordlessly, his legs wrapping around Teddy once he was set down, hands gripping at his shoulders for support. Every touch elicited a sound- high mewls and gasps, his voice like silk. Pulled closer, his hands heatedly explored Teddy's skin, lips sucking and nibbling at Teddy's ear.

"Nn...!" Under Loid's treatment, Teddy was encouraged to continue, nibbling the sensitive spot. He growled, aroused and enamored and taken to Loid's chest. His teeth grazed around the nipple, and he clamped down. Hard.

"Teddy!!" Loid's breath hitched at the tease of teeth, hot breath pooling against Teddy's ear, damp from his tongue. He cried, throwing his head back with an aroused gasp, long nails dragging along Teddy's back. The pain melded with pleasure, exciting and dirty and only making him more aroused.

With a long hum, the rock singer let go when the metallic tinge flavored the tip of his tongue. He sighed over the nipple, dark eyes observing with guilt over the bright-red cut he made.

"H-Hey... if I'm being too rough-"
"No..." Loid shuddered as warm breath tickled the cut, feeling a little blood trickle down his skin. His hands trailed Teddy's back, rubbing. "I like it.." Being dominated by Teddy.. it was so hot..!
"...You do, huh?" Still unsure if it was what Loid wanted, he leaned forward on the prodigy's neck, nibbling gently.
"Mmhm.." Loid purred; lowering his hands to Teddy's hips as he bore his neck for him, his fingers kneading. "It feels so good.." He murmured, squeezing the skin between his fingers. He spoke seductively, teasing.

His nerves relaxed under Loid's touch, Teddy allowed himself to be a little rougher, tongue flecked quickly across pale flesh.

"Oh-yes.." Loid sighed, his face lit with a grin. His fingers massaged, working around the other man's back, fingers smoothing along his firm ass before giving a little squeeze.
"Oh-! LOID! Dammit...!" That was a bite there. A red mark left on Loid's neck, Teddy traced along the collar, his nose brushing the bone. "Mmn..."
"Ahh-!" A loud, silky moan slipped from Loid's lips, his hands squeezing harder in response. "I want... mmm.."
"Like this...?"

Seizing Loid by the shoulders, he shoved the prodigy into the cushions of the couch. He leered dangerously close to his face, his breathing apparent. His lips crushed over Loid's, pinning his body with his.

Loid's heart skipped in excitement, eyes wide. Breath hitching, he pushed back against the couch reflexively, finding himself pinned. Teddy's lips muffled a gasp, the weakling's arms coming to wrap desperately around his neck as he returned the kiss with fervour.

"You've been a bad, bad boy." Puffing intense breaths, Teddy dragged kiss-bruised lips along the jaw, purposely grinding his hips against his body. He whispered into the prodigy's ear, "You need to be punished." Quick tease of the earlobe. His teeth grasped the top of the boy's ear, his chest pressed closer to Loid's mouth.

Loid's exhales were heavy, Teddy's affections pulling a delirious moan from his lips. His heart beating fast, the hushed words sent a shiver of pleasure rippling up his spine. Cheeks deeply flushed, his lips pressed to Teddy's chest with a soft sound, trailing warm kisses and flecks of tongue, his breathing uneven.

"Oh...!" Hardness pushing hardness, Teddy made no delays in diving his hand between themselves, clutching tight with a yell and a gasp. With a sharp groan, his other hand went into Loid's hair, holding the prodigy to himself for more.

Loid's lips dragged his chest in a sweet gasp at the contact, then moved with more fervour, ravishing a darkened nipple. He flustered further, breath sickly hot against the other's skin as he voiced his enjoyment, the roughness everything he had ever fantasized and more. "Mmm..!!"

The rock singer moaned, throwing his head back as Loid claimed him. His hand pumped faster, causing Teddy to shudder until he put aside his own need, fingers fixated with Loid's arousal. There was a spot between the neck and the shoulder, which Teddy chastely kissed. Taking a liking to the spot, his lips touched there again, checking to see how Loid would react.

Loid was beside himself, the rough stroke of the other's hand so wonderful, oh... He caught Teddy's nipple between his teeth, though his bite was brief and soft compared to Teddy's before. This gentle gesture affected Loid quite drastically, his chest hot. He would have blushed further if it were possible.

"Teddy..." Eyes half-lid, he pushed up against Teddy's body, nuzzling again his shoulder. A hand fell to cover Teddy's, trying to halt him, his lips meeting his neck. "Please... I want you."

Teddy exhaled, Loid's words meaning a lot to him. Letting go of Loid's erection, he held the prodigy's hand. Teddy felt himself turn red, but he didn't try to hide it. Loid deserved to know how he made him feel.

Pulling back, Loid looked up at him as his movement ceased, something warm and chilling stirring in his chest. There was no mistaking it... Teddy was blushing. Eyes wavering, Loid pressed close against him, holding him tightly. "Oh, Teddy... I love you so much.."

A breathy chuckle past the older man's lips as he embraced Loid back.

"Love you too, man... I love you too." This made him blush harder, in return, making him laugh heartier. "God, look what you're making me do...!"

Loid thought to say the same, his arousal throbbing pointedly against the other's torso. Smiling warmly, his lips curled more mischievously. "I'm.. so hot.." He whined, gazing at the other seductively as he pulled back.

"Oh god...!" Panting, Teddy leaned against the couch, his arms spread out and clutching the torn material. He bit his lip with Loid's poking, shivering in disappointment as the weakling backed away. "I... I could make you cooler." His hips bobbed forward in emphasis.

Loid blinked, seeming amused at this odd suggestion.

"I want it hotter, silly..." He spoke under his breath, husky. Crawling over Teddy in his submissive position, Loid's nose brushed his as he leaned in close, smiling. "Do you have anything? Cream... lotion... or even.. actual lubricant.." He pressed his chest against his, his body arching erotically. "I can't wait anymore..."

"Ahh..." Rubbing back, Teddy fought for composure as he tried to put his head straight. "You sure this is your first time, Loid?"
"Y-yes." The weakling flushed madly, smirking in shame as his cheek brushed Teddy’s. His hands held Teddy's legs, fingers fanning over his muscular thighs. "I did my fair share of research, though... not to mention..." He brought his voice to an absolute hush; "Fantasizing."

"...Whoa. And to think I thought all you read was math and science." Wait, sex was a science, wasn't it? It had been so long since he dropped out of school... he had to remind himself to talk to Loid and get him to show him some of the things he missed out on. But for now, this is... "Wait... you did things like this... by yourself, right?" Ohh, the thought turned him on! Made him hungry...
"Yes.." Loid breathed, his body shuddering at the thought. "... Imagining that it was you.." He felt so hot... empty inside. He'd longed to feel Teddy inside of him for so long..!

Teddy moaned, the words as skin-crawling as the prodigy's fingers were. So that was what it was about, all these thoughts of Loid when he wasn't around... Long ago, Teddy had brushed them off, forgetting about them as he thought of music and his parents... so then he wondered, why didn't this happen when he thought of Ninten and Ana? These thoughts of taking Loid, tearing his clothes and ravaging him, making him squirm and subject to his whim... "Ch-Check the kitchen. If cooking oil's all right. If you can't find anything, the bathroom's got a lotta stuff..."

Loid pushed off of him fluidly, heading to the bathroom without so much as a glance to the kitchen. If it could be avoided, he'd really rather not use anything you could find there. He stumbled somewhat in his blindness, bringing his face close to the bottles lined on a shelf. His eyes lit when he found something more than suitable-a scentless moisturizing cream, that he doubted if Teddy has ever used even once. Grabbing it, he returned, hanging around the entrance to the living room before slinking over to the bed instead of returning to him.

"Loid? Loid? Hey, you forgot your glasses!" Picking them up, Teddy carried them like a jewel, knowing how precious it was. "If you need me for anything, I can help!" He wasn't used to walking around without his shades; let alone, walking around naked. Hearing his breath in the still air, there was only one other place Loid could be... his hulking frame shadowed the doorway, and the ex-gang leader frozen upon the sight that greeted him.

To be continued...

character: teddy, co-written awesome, rating: nc-17, character: loid, fandom: earthbound 0/mother, pairing: teddy/loid

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