Earthbound 0 :: Beneath the Shades (Chapter 2)

May 04, 2008 21:19

Gah, so much on queue. I like words that start with Q. Quail, quiet, quick...

Gangster violence this chapter.

Title: Beneath the Shades
Author: Puri & jeansama
Fandom: Earthbound 0/Mother
Genre: Drama/Erotica
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Lemon/Graphic Sex, violence, abuse, strong language, mentions of smoking
Ships/Characters: Teddy/Loid
Finished: No

Loid slept alright considering, mumbling in sleep as he stretched from the light that shone through the curtains. Blinking, he reached for his glasses on the small night table beside the bed and sat up. He'd slept in his clothes-too exhausted to even remove his sweatshirt, he felt too sickly hot for it. Then, as his mind awoke, he was reminded all too quickly of his situation, dread twisting in the pit of his stomach. Slowly, he made his way across the room and cautiously out the door, eyes cast downward.

It was like he barely slept at all; slumped over his guitar, Teddy rested in a sitting position, cradling the instrument like a stuffed animal. His shades drooped a little from his eyes, making it difficult to see the dark bags that hung beneath them, but easier to see a suspicious brown mark atop his right eye...

Noticing him, Loid walked over with gentle steps, peaking down at the sight with his hands over his mouth, in case he made a sound. Was that.. a scar? Backing up, he made as if he hadn't looked, glancing out the window. Ironically, it was a nice day out.

"Nngh..." Stretching his arms, Teddy groaned as he unstrapped himself from the guitar, adjusting his shades in place. "Howja sleep?"
Loid jumped, holding back a gasp of surprise. "Um, n-not bad."
"Augh...! Could be better. For me, anyway. Damn, I need coffee." He blinked exhaustively, tugging at his red clothing. Damn, I need another shirt. "One minute. Just… gotta find something..." Pulling his shirt over himself, he tossed it over a heap of clothes, pulling a drawer open and shuffling absently for something clean. "Let's see... I-" He froze, realizing Loid was still in the room.

Loid had turned to him when he started speaking, which probably wasn't the brightest idea. Eyes widening, he couldn't help but stare at Teddy's shirtless back, eyes tracing muscles and a few discolorations-scars. Fingers came to rest at his lips in awe, though he felt terrible for looking.

"Hey, it's all right! Feel free to look, just some gang fight scars y'know. Here and there." Teddy felt his face heat up-goddamn mornings, they always made him feel strange. "What color should I wear...?"

Loid's blush worsened at the view of the other's chest and abs, his sleeves muffling a little squeak. Teddy was giving him permission...? H-how could he say no to that? He thought he saw some colour on the man's face, but passed it off as him having just woken.

"B... black..?" He.. he really would look good in black. But why was he letting him choose? And why was he still staring at his chest like an idiot?
"Black... okay." Taking a shirt and putting it over himself, he checked himself in the mirror as he quickly combed his hair. He flexed his arm in vanity. "Mm... not bad. Not bad! Smokin'! Good taste in colors, kid."
"Thanks.." Loid shied away once he was dressed, embarrassed from staring so obviously. How was this going to go..? Teddy didn't seem upset, but.. earlier, yesterday, had been a different story. He didn't know what to think at all, and he was feeling scared, despite Teddy's reassurance.

"You ready? We could eat some doughnuts while we're there."
Loid nodded. As anxious as he was, he really didn't want to prologue it-and his face didn't look so bad now. "And.. have some coffee?" He added reproachfully.
"Yeah..." The rock singer's voice soft. "Coffee."

Somehow, Loid was able to give a small-though nervous-smile, hanging his head slightly as he walked to the front door.


It was still early morning, though the coffee shop was as frantic as it had ever been. From waitresses to insomniac accountants, it brimmed with life like the scent that wafted from the beans; comfy, sweet, just like home. Teddy and Loid shared a small table to themselves, the former sipping his mug casually as his mind drifted somewhere else. Loid sipped carefully at his coffee through a straw, too hot for him to drink all at once, but it was sweet and refreshing. Not enough to settle his nerves and worries, but... at least it was something. He looked up at the other man slowly, his glasses settled low on his nose.

"So-.." The prodigy's voice caught-he really felt put on the spot by everything.
"I... thought it over last night." Teddy blew on his mug. "As I said, I'd think about it. So... why do you like me?"

Colour rushed Loid's cheeks, and he had to hold off on swallowing for a moment to stop himself from choking on hot liquid.

"I-I.... y-you're strong, and.. h.. ha.." His fingers tensed on the cardboard that covered the cup, blush deepening.
"Heh. That's what they all say." Teddy chuckled, taking another sip. "I don't expect it's my crazy good looks or anything, though I suppose there's that."
"Y-you are... really ho..ah-handsome." Loid squeaked, embarrassing himself even further. He glanced down at his untouched donut.
"But you know I've been nothing but a jerk to you. There's plenty of strong men the ladies go over who are total assholes. Giegue was powerful too..."
"That isn't true!" Loid cried, setting his coffee down in emphasis. "You're really warm.. and kind..!" His eyes flickered off with a little huff. "I could never like s-something like.. him." He still remembered how terrifying it was when the alien had tried to coax Ninten onto his side. It was terrible!
"I was thinking of myself. Not you or your friends." Teddy sighed. "I'm really not, I..."
"Stop it!" Loid insisted, furrowing his brows. "You can't fool me, I.." I can see it. You're a different person now. "I'm really sure.."

Teddy was still, surprised by the lash the prodigy's words sent. He lowered his mug, staring ahead, almost... afraid of him. Who was the weakest out of the two of them now?

"Why.. would you have bothered at all, otherwise? I.. you might not realize it, but, you're really kind on the inside." The weakling's eyes sparkled, his expression sentimental. He looked a little dreamy before glancing off, taking a sip of his drink.

Gazing into the creamy ripples of his coffee, Teddy said nothing. He found himself so frequently frustrated with Loid, an incredible person with unimaginable talent in mechanics and a heart of gold who refused to see any of the virtues of himself. Why would he, the proud and vicious Teddy, call the kettle black?

Loid fiddled with his napkin, small fingers nervous and moving subconsciously. His voice was soft, like he was afraid of saying it. "I... I really admire how you proved yourself. Without you, I don't think I would've had the courage to... you, you really woke me up.." What was he saying? He was starting to sound like a broken record, talking to himself.

Teddy closed his eyes. "I only called you, that's all."

"No.." Smiling shyly, the prodigy looked down at his hands. "I.. I really didn't know what to do. When I heard your voice, I... it gave me strength, even just a little."

The ex-gang leader's expression softened, looking at his own hands; they were rough and callused compared to the delicate careful ones of Loid's. "I... I'm glad I could do that."

Loid stared downward, blush persistent. He could hear the difference in Teddy's tone, and it warmed his chest. That side of him... was worth all the swearing and fighting, even just to see it for a second.

Teddy stood, bumping his chair back. "Be right back, okay? Gotta piss." He sighed, catching himself too late. "Well, bathroom. Yeah."

Loid nodded, avoiding his gaze at the insinuation, struggling to fight off the mental picture of Teddy doing just that. Leaning forward, he returned his attention to the drink on the table, now room temperature-just the way he liked it. Oh, he was about to kick himself! Was using the bathroom really something attractive to day dream about!?


To any customer, the two men who entered the shop looked like ordinary high-school dropouts. But the Bla-Bla Gang was more sinister than that. Three's a crowd, and anyone would suspect that. Pretending to be interested in the donuts, one of the boys walked down the aisle as casual as can be.

A server greeted him. "Hello sir. Do you need a table?"

The boy stared at the server in a manner that chilled her, leaving her speechless as he walked right on by.

Loid was busy formulating a plan of action-badly-for when Teddy returned from the restroom, idly swirling his straw in the small hole on the cup. He wouldn't have suspected anything, even if he wasn't so wrapped up in his thoughts-the cafe had quite a pleasant atmosphere.

No one was looking; everyone was either chatting or too sleep-deprived to think better. Clamping the weakling's mouth with his hand, the gangster restrained him to the chair, nodding to the other man. Loid didn't have the chance to scream-his mouth was covered fast, then sealed, panic kicking into his senses in an overwhelming rush. It was like his worst fears were realized-eyes widening, he watched in horror as he could do nothing to fight the men's obviously cunningly planned attack. Signaled over, the second gangster took out roll of duct tape, taping the prodigy's mouth shut. Tears of pain stung the prodigy's eyes as his hair was pulled harshly, cries muffled by the tape tightly covering his lips. He could already feel the grip at his wrists bruising sensitive skin, his struggling doing nothing against his attackers. Wishing he was anyone else, Ana, or even Ninten, he pleaded to deaf ears in his head, words lost in his thoughts in the chaos. A rope and bound Loid's wrists, and the first gangster yanked his hair as he forced him to walk, the three of them leaving as quiet as they came.


Washing his hands with pink soap, Teddy couldn't help but feel he hurt Loid somehow. Guess I could get him another doughnut... His eyes widened, finding his friend was no longer in his chair. "Loid...?" It wasn't like him to just get up and leave. He gaped, finding coffee spilled all over the tray and uneaten donuts, a waitress cleaning it all up. Sh-Shit! He burst out of the coffee shop, dashing as fast his legs could give, fists armed with hell to pay. "LOID!"


"Mmnnnngh-!" The prodigy was thrown backward from a punch to the face, only to be pushed forward again by the other gangster. His head was pounding, vision blurring before his eyes-then a sharp hook to the gut, amazed that he didn't bite his tongue. Winded, his legs gave out, sending him to the ground, blood dripping on the pavement as he grasped for something to hold onto where there was nothing. He thought he heard a voice, glancing up only to be kicked harshly in the back, crippling forward and nearly meeting the pavement. T.. Teddy..!

"What the hell are you doing!? Stop it you bastards!"

It didn't take him long to find the alleyway; the puddles of oil and filth and beer splashed his new boots, but he didn't care. It was as if a reoccurring nightmare flashed before his eyes; his own gang turned against him the worst way possible, a stained and beaten Loid curled in a ball. Loid could barely move as blood oozed from his nose; he wanted to open his eyes and look, but the pain was too much-he had a low threshold to begin with, but this was intense and searing, the trickle of blood down his face making him shiver in nausea as it traced his lips. He clutched himself, Teddy's voice registering vaguely as he tried to fight off the pain, tears slipping from clenched eyes.

"Well, look who's here."
"EX-Gang leader." Sniggers rose from the gang and Teddy clenched his teeth. The nerve they had, talking to him like that. And Loid-!

"What kind of lowlifes are you, shitting around against your boss's orders? Just because I left you in your stink hole doesn't mean you can do whatever the hell you like!"

Loid's eyes widened, his heart pounding quick for a different reason. Teddy was defending him, he was... even after that.... he was fighting for him. Touched, Loid was freed somewhat of his pain, thoughts warm at least, despite the sting and throb of his injuries. Struggling, he forced himself up with a lot of difficulty, wincing and groaning from the pain, but.. eyes half-lid, he looked up to where Teddy stood, a mix of pain and a mesh of many other feelings written on his face-trust, longing, admiration, shame.

"You gone soft on us, Teddy."
"Yeah, now you're rich!"
"You don't give a damn 'bout us 'cause we're dirt-poor!"
"He don't give a fuck no more."
"We thought we were your friends!"
"What's wrong, Teddy? Don't have the guts to fight?"
"C'mon, be a man!"
"Man, the cops are gonna getcha good... hehe..."

Loid's eyes shook, their words far worse than the beating he had received. His heart tight in pain, he cut the rope with a screwdriver he had the habit of carrying. Crying out, he viciously worked to rip the tape off his mouth, ignoring the piercing pain as it tore from his skin.

"Sh-shut up!" He cried out, voice laboured but emotional, somehow pulling himself to his feet. Throwing conscious aside, he threw himself at the nearest thug, scratching and punching. Pulling hair, he tried to aim a hit to the groin, anywhere- "You're terrible! Teddy's times the man you are!"

Blocking off an assault, Teddy shielded Loid with his arms, furiously kicking the offending gang member to the pavement. Grabbing Loid under his hold, Teddy stepped away from the brawl, waving his ex-members the finger.

"All those years I spent watching your asses, what do I get for it? Jack shit. JACK SHIT! Guess what, you motherfuckers-you're on your own. Come on, Loid. We're out of here." He growled as his arm embraced the frightened man in glasses, permitting him to walk in front. "...Oh yeah, before I forget, I'd think twice before calling me a coward. Especially since you lot aren't even brave enough to stab me in the front."

"T-Teddy.." Despite the situation, Loid's heart did flips in his chest when he was grabbed so protectively, instinctively curling into Teddy's body, his fear taking over once more. Again, despite it all he blushed as he was addressed, wondering if his clinging was overstepping any boundaries, hands gripping as he didn't trust himself to walk. He was okay. He was okay...

He heard the gang charging after him-instinctively Teddy curled up, taking Loid with him as he covered him with his body. The ex-leader collapsed, his previous followers pummeling him with their fists and feet. He grunted, smashed in the face and tasting metallic, sticky blood. Crude objects like bats and sticks slammed down his back, still Teddy didn't back down, recoiling into himself as he shielded Loid blow after blow.

The smaller boy squealed in terror at the sounds of Teddy getting hit, huddling further into him, fear enveloping him so thickly that he felt sick to his stomach. He couldn’t speak, all he could do was quiver, begging Teddy to fight back-he didn't want him to get hurt! Finding his voice, his head hung back, tears soaring from his eyes. "STOP IT!" He screamed. "STOP IT!!"
"STOP IT! STOP IT!" The gangsters shrieked back in cruel mimicry.

Teddy couldn't bring himself to yell anymore; like crimson slime, a mix of saliva and blood dribbled from his lip, spattering the floor. His shades fell and broke, tacky orange shards specking the floor. Amid struggled panting, Teddy's mind turned hazy, calling himself crazy, psychotic... let it be. Let the police take him. Let his rep be ruined forever. Let him sail on death row. As long as Loid was safe...

At least he could still sing in prison.

Something burned inside of Loid-he knew. Teddy was going to die. Teddy was going to die unless he did something...! Shrinking back from him, the sight Loid was briefly met with fueled him further; seeing Teddy battered and broken. From protecting him. Quickly, he stepped around to the closest gangster, reefing his flamethrower from its holder with all his strength. Nimble hands set the large weapon over his shoulder, pulling the trigger with aiming precise-a burst of flame engulfed the men dead on, missing Teddy completely, the prodigy's teeth grit as intense hatred and determination lit his face.

Howling in agony, the gangsters flailed in helpless horror as the flames licked their skin, baking as they sought the nearest fluid. Collapsing into the puddles, the oil caught fire, frantic as their clothes turned to ash and their flesh scorched raw. They left the scene before Loid could see the rest of the grim results, and Teddy lay in a weak quiver. A sob knotted the back of the ex-gang leader's throat, searing tears mixing with the blood and dirt on his face. "Y-! You saved me..."

The flamethrower dropped by Loid's feet, flesh on his knees scraping open as he dropped to his knees, staring at the man on the ground; his fallen hero. "Please be okay.." He choked out, fresh tears falling harder than ever. "P-please b-be okay.."

Lips pursing, Loid's fingers trembled against his. His entire body was shaking. There was no way he could ever make it to the hospital, he.... he couldn't... was there no hope? He didn't hear anything over the police sirens, dread settling in his stomach when he realized he wouldn't even be able to move Teddy out of the way.


"... Shit-!" Glancing up toward the voice, Loid couldn't believe his eyes; familiar stripes, a glimpse of bandanna, that tilted hat--how? Kneeling down beside Loid, Ninten pressed his hands to the man's body, eyes flickering over his injuries. "Teddy, man. I could feel it... what... what happened?"

Ana stood looking on shock and horror behind them, working her powers from a distance, though she quickly began to sob, finding the sight of both of them hard to look at. Concentrating her hopes, a white glow fuzzed from her hands as she whispered the PSI. Bending over, Ninten closed his eyes, teaming up with Ana for the healing. Loid could only watch in horror-not that he doubted their abilities, but he was so scared of the thought of Teddy leaving him, forever. Anything but that... He squeezed Teddy's hand, wrapping his fingers around it; they didn't fit all the way, but he held it tightly all the same, the coarse skin a comfort because it was Teddy. Loid's eyes never left him, watching like a guardian angel, even though his part was considerably lesser than the others at this point. He had sacrificed his own safety, twice.. he was still winded, but he would have done it again, as many times as it took.

Teddy groaned, the pain turning into light. He tried to glance at who was helping him. It HAD to be a hallucination. His hand clutched Loid's like it was a life-support system, finding his breath evening out until he found himself bending on one knee...

"Thanks guys..." Teddy grinned at Ninten and Ana. "You're like angels, both of you. It's a miracle you're here."

Ana nodded, giggling and wiping her eyes. She was too polite to bring up the subject, but Ninten was curious: "Hey... you're not wearing your shades."

Biting back a curse, Teddy slammed a hand over his eye like an unmasked phantom. "Nothing! Those creeps ruined my shades, that's all... I'll just get another pair from the store real quick, heh...!"

Blinking, Loid watched Teddy's behavior, all the more curious than Ninten, but he didn't want to ask; not here. "Thank you..." Loid breathed, pulling himself up as a refreshing light washed over him. Ninten winked, not wanting to forget the less mortally injured one.

"Um.. can we go to that store?" Loid piped up, reluctantly letting his hand fall and clasping his together shyly in his big pocket. Ninten wasn't the smartest boy in the world, but he seemed to understand that Loid wasn't inviting the two of them, giving him his goofy smile as he pat Ana on the shoulder.

"Hey, haven't been for ice cream in a while, right?" The boy in the bandanna grinned. "Want some?"

Loid turned to hide his blank expression; really, Ninten couldn't be more out of place when it came to something serious, sometimes.

"Maybe after we deal with the cops." Teddy grumbled, as three firemen fought their way through the fire.

To be continued...

character: teddy, co-written awesome, rating: nc-17, character: loid, fandom: earthbound 0/mother, pairing: teddy/loid

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