(no subject)

Jun 14, 2014 03:33

Hi. I had wanted to write this yesterday but I didn't. :/ Anyway, yesterday I started out pretty annoying. I woke up at 1 in the afternoon just to say goodbye to my dad because he was going to pick up my younger brother (who's staying with us for the weekend since Father's Day is sunday) and to also drop off some laundry. Then my mom yells for me to make her some coffee despite the fact that I just woke up and was still tired but dad explained that mom feels love in her own way and that's when someone does something nice for her. Anyway, I had called him at one point after figuring out that he ate my last piece of chocolate cake and I was goofing around pretending to be upset and he took it seriously for a bit until I explained to him that I wasn't annoyed about it any more. (I ended up eating one of his pieces since he ate mine by accident) I also told him that the reason why I called was to check up on him since it seemed to be taking him awhile to pick up my younger brother from his and his friends apartment and dad told me that after picking him up he dropped off some laundry then they went to the Salvation Army (I have no idea where this particular one is but I'll see later on today) and he told me that he found a 5 tiered bookcase that was already built and that he was planning on getting it for me since I really needed one, he had asked one of the people working there if it would be ok for him to pay for the bookcase then to just come back and get it (since it wouldn't have fit into his car) and the lady said "no". Seriously? He was going to pay for it and all they had to do was wait until he came back. It would have already been paid for. *sigh*

So my mom and I are going to go get it later today and I can't wait because as I've already stated I really needed a bookcase because I have too many books and they are in various places in my room. So I can't wait! (I'll also ask mom if it's alright for me to stop and buy myself a Portobella Cheeseburger from Steak and Shake because it's my favorite meal from there). I also got to go to Barnes and Noble yesterday. I bought my father and awesome Superman Father's day card since he likes Superman and he tends to joke by saying that he is Superman. I had decided that I would just sign the card and draw a picture in it and just give it to him between Friday and Saturday night. His reaction was adorable and awesome! I wish that I could of taken a picture of it, I'm glad that he liked it. :3

I also wanted to add that I seriously need to get back into taking pictures since photography used to be one of my favorite activities before I started to lose interests in many of the things that I liked to do. I'm also trying to write more often since it's been awhile since I've written for myself.

Anyway, nothing else really interesting happened yesterday besides these things so I'll end this here especially since it's 3:31 in the morning. Good night or good morning people!

new bookcase!, annoyed, happy, barnes and noble, father's day card

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