
Jun 15, 2014 17:35

Hey guys I know it's Father's Day but I need to vent like crazy right now before I start cussing someone out. So I didn't get much sleep this morning (that one was my fault because I decided it would be a good idea to watch Child's Play with him) so I didn't end up going to sleep until about 6 in the morning because I didn't want to deal with nightmares.

The really pissed off part of my day happened about a half hour ago. My family: my dad, my mom, me and my younger brother who came to visit for Father's Day and we were about to go see How to Train Your Dragon 2 which I didn't even know was out started out with my brother playing a video game (He figured that we weren't going to leave for a bit since we had plenty of time to see the movie) and my mom basically started it by calling him disrespectful (her favorite word) simply because he was going to have dad waiting for literally 5 seconds while he finished off his opponent then mom proceeds to egg it farther by getting into the car and telling dad about it. Not five seconds after I got into the car did my brother come. Then that's when shit hit the fan.

Mom started calling him disrespectful and discourteous for making dad wait for about literally 3 minutes or so (because dad had gotten into the car first so he was waiting on us and it wasn't even taking I and my brother that long to get into the car) it was seriously annoying and I don't want to add what anyone else said but dad decided that we would just go back home instead then he would take my brother back to his apartment. All because of a stupid misunderstanding. Not to mention the fact that it was FUCKING DRAMA OVER NOTHING! I was trying to pacify dad so we could still go see the movie but his mind was already made up. I was and still am pissed. So as of right now I'm just in my room in the dark (it's not too dark since it's still light outside) all by myself because I don't think I can stay civilized with anyone right now.

This is really unfair to me because I absolutely hate drama so much that if it were a physical thing I would most likely destroy it. I know that it wasn't just about me but father's day was ruined for my dad who does so much for everyone without ever asking for anything but respect and half of the people that we know don't even give it to him which is a shame.


I've calmed down a little bit from writing this but I am still a bit pissed since I really wanted to see How to Train Your Dragon 2. I hope everyone else has/will have fun seeing it. I might have to avoid tumblr or whatever so I don't get spoiled.

Anyway I hope everyone had a good day.

pissed, sad, annoyed, angry

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