Okay, first off, I am SO SORRY it took me so long to finish this. I completely forgot about it. *facepalm* Here's hoping you've checked back to see it now that it's done, but if not, I THINK I had most of the information as of the time you received your assignment.
Second, YAY, you're writing due South for me! My love for this show got reawakened in a big way a few months ago when I wrote it for another exchange, and I think I've read all of the fanfic in my favorite 'ships already, so I am looking forward SO MUCH to whatever you are going to write/make for me!
Third, and most importantly, I am overall an incredibly easy person to please. My only major DNW is I can't 'ship Fraser and Kowalski together without Vecchio in the mix too. I know that's a weird one, quite probably incomprehensible to a lot of fans (I'll explain it more under the cut), and if you're one of them, I'm extremely sorry! But thank you for taking on the challenge! As long as you can avoid that and my hardcore squicks, though, pretty much anything else I mention in here is completely optional. I provide a lot of detail because I'm a verbose sort of person *sheepish grin*, but that's only because I know when I'm writing for someone, the more I know about what they like, the easier it is. So, I try to provide the same. So, here's the run-down:
Fic Likes
- time travel
- telepathy/soulbonds* (*accidental or by choice in the case of the latter, NOT fated)
- crossovers (between any of these fandoms, or these fandoms and any other I'm into)
- fusions
- most other types of AUs not listed under dislikes
- gen, het, femslash, slash, poly, friendship fic, whatever
- holiday fic (as long as it's appropriate to the characters)
- women being awesome
- best friends become lovers
- committed, equilateral poly relationships
- love as a choice made anew every day
- worldbuilding
- three-dimensional original characters
Fanart Likes
- I would absolutely die of happiness if someone drew an illustration and/or created a graphic based on one of my stories or universes, but if I don't have a story in the 'ship I requested (or even if I do!), an original drawing/manip/graphic (or a set of icons!) would be equally loved!
Fic Dislikes
- incest
- rape/non-con/dub-con
- torture
- character bashing (even of characters I don't like)
- adultery/cheating
- underage sex
- power imbalances in relationships (teacher/student, chain of command, etc.)
- love triangles
- atypical use or graphic depiction of bodily excretions
- destined relationships (this includes soulmate AUs unless the trope is subverted somehow)
- A/B/O AUs
- betrayal of trust or a third party using the trust between characters against them
- see individual fandoms for any fandom-specific NoTPs, squicks, etc.
Fanart Dislikes
- Nothing too graphically NSFW (a little bit is okay), otherwise, pretty much anything goes :-)
Ray Vecchio, Benton Fraser, Ray Kowalski
So, I know for many people, the end of CotW was a happy ending to the series, but to me, a happy ending means no one gets left behind (or inexplicably moves to Florida). I need Fraser to have both his Rays still in his life. So, please, fix that ending for me. :-) I'll have more details about the 'ships I requested, etc, in my letter.
Okay, so if you got matched to me on just Fraser or Kowalski, please don't worry, I love them too. This prompt is just because I love all three of them so much that for me, a happy ending to the series has to include all three of the boys together. Not necessarily as a threesome--although I REALLY love them as a threesome--but all in the same place. I felt very much like Fraser and RayK left RayV behind, and I don't believe that's in character for Fraser. (For RayK at that moment, sure, but once he gets to know him, I don't believe he'd do it either.) BUT if you can't write Vecchio, I would be perfectly happy with something set during S3/4 as well. Just keep in mind that while I love them as friends, I can't 'ship Fraser/Kowalski without Vecchio (even though I can apparently do the other two combinations--I don't know why), and we're good! Just one thing: I don't like Stella/Vecchio because I feel like the way it was executed on the show was ridiculously out of character (not to mention I hate "pair the spares"), but as you can see by my other request, I LOVE Stella. So if you do set this one post-canon and therefore have to break them up, please don't make Stella the bad guy.
As for the 'ships I requested:
Fraser/Vecchio/Kowalski - This is my OT3. I love the idea of all three of the guys together SO MUCH. IMO, both Rays are undeniably in love with Fraser, and since I want them both to be happy, I want them both to get him. (The answer to every love triangle is an OT3, right? ;-) ) Plus, I think they would come to really care about each other too, given time. They already had amazing chemistry in CotW part I and it's criminal that we didn't get to see more of them together.
Fraser/Vecchio - I'll openly admit that yes, the subtext in S3 is more blatant and deliberate, but I just...the part of me that just adores Vecchio can't stand the thought of him coming home to find Fraser in love with his replacement. Not unless he gets to be a part of that too. Hence why my ideal is the OT3, because that way neither Ray gets left out. But if you have to exclude one...I'm sorry, but RayV was there first. (It's irrational, and I know that, but since when has being a fangirl ever been rational? *g*) That said, if you do go this route, please find a way to give RayK a happy ending too, because I do love him as well. Just...not quite as much.
Vecchio/Kowalski - See aforementioned amazing chemistry. *g* I love how quickly they fall into a rhythm, and one of my favorite lines in the entire series is the, "How did we ever make this work with Fraser?" Because yes, in context you know it's facetious at best, that neither one of them are going to voluntarily throw Fraser over to work with each other, but at the same time the mutual relief of "OMG my partner is carrying a gun and is not acting like a complete lunatic" is utterly real. I'd love to explore that.
Fraser/Janet Morse - OMG, I *loved* the chemistry between these two. They way they were so much alike...but not too much alike. Just enough that I felt they could really be happy together. Something I honestly can't say for any of Fraser's other female love interests. (Fraser and Victoria had insane chemistry too, but I'd be lying if I said that could ever end happily. *g*) Just one request if you go this route: please only get them together after Janet's divorce is final. I don't do adultery.
Kowalski/Frannie - I thought it was adorable that RayK had trouble pretending Frannie was his sister because he was attracted to her, and I would love a scenario where he didn't get over that. Plus, Ray has always wanted kids and we know Frannie's going to have a boatload; I think he would be deliriously happy playing dad to all of them whether he actually was the father or not.
Francesca Vecchio, Maggie MacKenzie, Stella Vecchio
My fantasy for this one is I would love to see a role-reversal AU of the series wherein these three ladies were the leads instead of the boys. (Whom I love, but let's shake things up. *g*) It doesn't have to be the whole series, obviously, but just a glimpse or two of how things might've gone differently. More info in my letter.
I love due South exactly as it is, but let's face it, pretty much all of the female characters were under-served by the narrative. So I've long imagined an AU version of the series where, say, Fraser never left the Yukon, so when Maggie comes to Chicago on the trail of her husband's killers, she has to work with detective Frannie Vecchio to solve the crime instead. Or where after a couple of years, Frannie takes some deep cover assignment and Stella Frances (sic *g*) Kowalski is brought in to cover her cover and work with Maggie. Something like that. *g* You don't have to adhere to those exact details, they're mainly just examples, but anything playing around with how the universe would've been different with the role reversal would make me ecstatic. I'd also love background glimpses of where the boys are in this scenario. Did Kowalski realize how smart he actually is and become a lawyer? Is Ray Frannie's loveable deadbeat brother, or was he still a detective before her? Stuff like that. *g* If AUs aren't your thing, though, I would also just LOVE to see the girls interact with each other. I loved how Frannie wasn't jealous of Maggie, but instead took her under her wing and made the guys back off when they were making her uncomfortable. I wish either Maggie or Frannie had really interacted with Stella AT ALL. Any combination of the three backing each other up and being friends/girlfriends would be amazing.
Now for 'ships:
Frannie/Maggie/Stella - I OT3 the boys, so why not the girls too? ;-) Especially in the AU scenario I proposed above. *g* Although, if you could find a way to make it work in the canon 'verse as well, I would love that!
Frannie/Maggie - Like I said above, I loved that Frannie's first reaction to Maggie wasn't jealousy, but that she saw how uncomfortable the boys' attention was making her and immediately jumped in to defend her. (At least that's the way I remember it. It's possible I'm seeing it through rose-colored glasses, but if I am, I wouldn't mind continuing in that vein. *g*) If you don't decide to go with my AU concept, I would love to see a story where they stay in touch after Maggie goes home and become friends, then gradually more, over time.
Frannie/Stella - Considering how much both of them appeared in S3, it boggles my mind that I can't remember a single instance of them interacting. So, I want to see them interact. *g* Maybe they commiserate about their respective Rays. Maybe they bond over something else, I don't care. You can set it in the AU scenario I proposed above or in the canon universe, or create your own AU that doesn't remotely resemble anything I've mentioned thus far in this letter. Like a Cyrano de Bergerac scenario where Stella agrees to help Ray woo Frannie (to protect his cover or something) and she and Frannie wind up falling for each other instead. *g* Whatever inspires!
Stella/Maggie - Pretty much the same as above with Frannie/Stella--they didn't get the chance to really interact on the show and I'd love to see it. How you make that happen is really secondary!
Okay, that's it! Thanks again SO much for creating something for me and for putting up with my fannish quirks. :-D Can't wait to see what you come up with!
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http://azarsuerte.dreamwidth.org/504563.html. Please comment there using