Dear Trick or Treat Creator,

Sep 16, 2015 01:04

Thank you so much for making something from me! I have a tendency to over-inform in these kinds of letters, but since this is an exchange of smaller proportions, I'll try to keep it brief this time. Especially since I included prompt ideas in my sign-up. :-) Main thing is don't stress yourself out: I am very flexible and happy to receive whatever you decide to make, especially if you have fun making it! :-) Please try to avoid my dislikes, but other than that, everything else is provided for your benefit and can be ignored if it doesn't inspire.

Fic Likes
- time travel
- telepathy/soulbonds* (*accidental or by choice in the case of the latter, NOT fated)
- crossovers (between any of these fandoms, or these fandoms and any other I'm into)
- fusions
- most other types of AUs not listed under dislikes
- gen, het, femslash, slash, poly, friendship fic, whatever
- holiday fic (as long as it's appropriate to the characters)
- women being awesome
- best friends become lovers
- committed, equilateral poly relationships
- love as a choice made anew every day
- worldbuilding
- three-dimensional original characters

Fanart Likes
- I would absolutely die of happiness if someone drew an illustration and/or created a graphic based on one of my stories or universes, but if I don't have a femslash story in the fandom/'ship I requested (or even if I do!), an original drawing/manip/graphic (or a set of icons!) would be equally loved!

Fic Dislikes
- incest
- rape/non-con/dub-con
- torture
- character bashing (even of characters I don't like)
- adultery/cheating
- underage sex
- power imbalances in relationships (teacher/student, chain of command, etc.)
- love triangles
- atypical use or graphic depiction of bodily excretions
- destined relationships (this includes soulmate AUs unless the trope is subverted somehow)
- A/B/O AUs
- betrayal of trust or a third party using the trust between characters against them
- see individual fandoms for any fandom-specific NoTPs, squicks, etc.

Fanart Dislikes
- Nothing too graphically NSFW (a little bit is okay), otherwise, pretty much anything goes :-)

Babylon 5
- Ships: Sheridan/Delenn/Sinclair, Sinclair/Garibaldi, Marcus/Franklin, Susan/Talia/Garibaldi, Susan/Talia/Marcus, Susan/Marcus/Franklin, Susan/Franklin, Marcus/Delenn
- Other things: Minbari culture, Valen, the Rangers, the first Shadow War, friendships between any of the requested characters

- Sinclair/Catherine, Byron, Keffer

due South
- Fraser/Vecchio/Kowalski, Fraser/Vecchio, Vecchio/Kowalski, Fraser/Janet Morse, Kowalski/Maggie MacKenzie, Kowalski/Frannie, Maggie/Frannie/Stella (or any permutations thereof)

- Fraser/Kowalski without Vecchio involved (nothing against Kowalski, I just can't do it), Turnbull, Fraser/Thatcher

- any permutation of Kat/Roxie/Joanna/Darryl, Joanna/Penny, the trio's powers, Roxie & Mia's relationship, Max

- Jamie, Kat/Raymond, Kat/Will, Gene, Joanna/Will, Joanna's powers being used to override/compel consent

- Dutch, Lucy, Dutch/Della Seya Kendry, Dutch & Johnny, Lucy & Johnny, Fancy Lee

- Dutch/D'avin, D'avin/Pawter, Dutch/Johnny

Scarecrow and Mrs. King
- Lee/Amanda, Amanda/Francine, Amanda & Francine friendship/teamwork, spy lady shenanigans, the King family, all the characters, Billy/Jeannie, Francine/Murphy Michaels from Remington Steele if you're so inclined *g*

- any 'ships not mentioned above (ARE there even any others in the fandom?), Amanda and Francine being catty towards each other

- Nomi/Amanita, Lito/Hernando, Lito/Hernando/Daniela, all the requested characters plus Capheus and Hernando, Kala's faith, worldbuilding (sensates, Whispers, etc.), exploring the different cultures on the show

- Kala/Wolfgang, cultural stereotyping that isn't immediately subverted

Thanks again so much! Can't wait to see what you come up with! :-)

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