Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 30, 2012 21:15

Dear Yulegoat,

I had a long, gorgeous, detailed letter all written last night and then LiveJournal ate it. *sigh* So I'm afraid this one is going to probably be shorter (although this being me, you never know).

Before I get into details, though, first I feel it's important to say: YAY, you're going to write me a story in one of my favorite tiny(ish) fandoms! Yuletide is one of the main things in fandom that I look forward to all year and I am a a fangirl of incredibly broad interests, so no matter what you wind up writing for me I will almost certainly love it! And I will love you for all the time and love and creativity you put into it even more. :-) So even if the information under these cuts turns out to be not so short, take a deep breath and relax: it's provided to (hopefully) help you find a story idea that you will love to write as much as I'll love to read it, so it won't be a dealbreaker if you can't include every little detail. Optional details are optional after all! :-)

Things I like in fic:
- alternate universes of any variety
- crossovers (between any fandom of the fandoms on my request list or in my prompts, or with any other fandom I know--feel free to check out my interests for a quasi-complete list *g*)
- exclusive telepathic bonds between two (or more) characters (soulbonds? not sure...most "soulbond" fic I've read has a possessive undercurrent I'm uncomfortable with)
- time travel
- friendship, both in gen AND 'ship fic--best-friends-become-lovers is a favorite trope
- threesomes, especially if they also fit the next criteria
- both/all parties in a relationship value each other equally
- happy or at least happy-ish endings. I don't mind angst, but there has to be some glimmer of hope a least.
- female characters interacting
- relationships as a choice made daily by both/all parties involved
- holiday fic (as long as it's appropriate to the character(s)--ie: no human holidays being celebrated on Minbar, no Jewish characters celebrating Christmas, etc. *g*)

Things I don't:
- non-con/dub-con, torture, slavery, extreme h/c
- incest, adultery/cheating, underage
- character bashing, even of characters I dislike
- incompetence humor
- abuse of trust or a third party using the trust between characters against them
- an individual's will being commandeered or subverted by another without their consent
- fated/destined romantic relationships of any sort, including predestination paradoxes

Babylon 5

Characters: Jeffrey Sinclair

Especially in light of Michael O'Hare's recent death, this year I really just want Sinclair fic. Especially anything that revolves around his destiny as Valen. Which is why I didn't request any other characters even though there are several (most of the nominated ones) that I adore.

Want prompts? Here's a few ideas I'd enjoy:
- What was in that letter Jeff received from his past/future self? It had to have been pretty darn persuasive to convince him to give everything up like that.
- The Minbari believe in reincarnation, that souls travel together, and that Minbari souls were going to humans. All that considered, what familiar souls might Valen have found earlier versions of in Minbar's past?
- Find a way to bring him home to the "present" after his work as Valen is done and I'll love you forever.

I'll have more information about 'ships and such in my letter!

Babylon 5! I love SO much about this show, but the things I love most are a) the Minbari culture, b) the Rangers, and c) the show's handling of religion especially in the context of its alien cultures. So you can imagine why Sinclair is a favorite character, especially since his arc also incorporates my pan-fandom obsessions with time travel and (by analogy) Arthurian legend. *g*

'Ships I love: Sinclair/Garibaldi, Sinclair/Sheridan/Delenn or Sinclair/Delenn set *after* Sheridan's death (I have more, but these seem the most relevant since I only requested Sinclair *g*) but if you've got a great idea for something else, go for it. :-) The only 'ships for him I don't really care for are, ironically, the canon ones--Catherine and Carolyn both never really did much for me.
Friendships I adore: Sinclair & Garibaldi, Sinclair & Susan, Sinclair & Delenn, Sinclair & Marcus, Sinclair & G'kar, Valen & G'quan (especially if you go with prompt #2 and G'quan turns out to be an earlier incarnation of a familiar face :-) )

If you need more information about what I like/dislike in this fandom, please feel free to also refer to the letters I wrote for these other exchanges. Yes, I love this show so much I asked for it three times in one year. So when I say you can't really go wrong, I mean it. :-)

Being of Two Minds

Characters: Prince Rudolph, Connie Hendricks, Wolfgang Reichman, Princess Charlotte

Being crown prince, Rudy doesn't really have the option not to marry, but his "visits" with Connie have to make dating awkward. I'd love to see how he and Connie--and their families--deal with that. If it ends as Rudy/Connie I'd be thrilled, but if you can make me believe another option, go for it.

If that doesn't work, give me anything post-book. How much do things change now that their families know their secret? Do the Hendricks go back to their old life or move to Thulgaria as guests of the royal family? What does Wolfie do when he's not wrangling wayward royals or American teenagers? What secret psychic ability (or talent of any kind *g*) might Princess Charlotte be hiding? Any of these options would be awesome, I just want SOME kind of fanfic about this book!

I'll be honest: I will be VERY surprised if this is the fandom we're matched on. Ecstatic, but surprised. :-) It's a very short little book though (roughly 150 pages), so even if we're not matched on it but you decide you want to pick it up and give it a try I would be thrilled! :-)

Being of Two Minds is one of my favorite YA novels by one of my favorite YA authors. The only problem is, sometimes it's TOO short. I want to know what happens next! ;-) I love all the characters, but these four are my favorites which is why I requested them. But feel free to include anyone else from the novel who fits. :-) 'Ships...if you decide to go that route, well, see above. I generally prefer Connie/Rudy but am willing to consider /OC or crossover pairings as well if they make sense in the context of the story.

And for the record, you would be my hero just for reading this one, let alone writing it for me! :-)

Scarecrow and Mrs. King

Characters: Amanda King, Dotty West, Francine Desmond, Emily Farnsworth

I love every regular character on this show and most of the recurring ones too, so feel free to include any characters you want, but I picked these because what I want most is something about the ladies being awesome together (or separately!). Give me spy shenanigans with Amanda, Francine and/or Emily. Dotty being smarter and more observant than people give her credit for. Maybe some Emily backstory, especially if you can work Dotty (with or without wee!Amanda) into it too. I 'ship Lee/Amanda in the regular show, but I'd love a femslash AU where Francine is the one to accidentally bring Amanda into the spy life instead of Lee. Or, if you feel like a crossover, give me something where Francine and Murphy Michaels (Remington Steele) end up in a Lee-and-Amanda-like partnership on a case. Maybe Amanda finds out she's a descendant of James West (The Wild Wild West). Or you could write something about Francine as a student/teacher at the Gallagher Academy (maybe teaching Lee and Amanda's daughter? ;-) ). Whatever inspires, even if it's nothing on this list!

The one thing I forgot to include on this is I would also love some Francine/Amanda friendship fic. On the show, the episodes where we got to see them working together and growing to appreciate each other's talents were few and far between, and never seemed to stick. By the next episode they were back to being catty with each other. :-/ I'd love to see something where they're really BFFs and the cattiness is just their version of banter, or maybe something set after the series where they finally put their differences aside for good. But seriously? Just give me one or more of my girls being awesome and I'll be over the moon. :-)

The Rocketeer

Characters: Cliff Secord, Jenny Blake

If you feel up to a crossover, I would love to see Cliff team up with Captain America (the recent movie version) sometime after Steve gets the serum and before he gets iced. Heck, if you want to, frame it as a flashback with Steve comparing/contrasting Cliff with a certain other jet-powered superhero he knows. ;-)

Otherwise, I'd just love to see something set after the movie. It's obvious they were setting it up for a sequel that never happened, so give me that sequel (or at least a scene from it *g*). Peevy obviously rebuilt the jetpack. What new trouble does Cliff get into with it? Or, here's a wild idea: figure out a way for Jenny to become a superhero too. *g* I love Cliff and Jenny both together and separately, so anything about their lives after the credits roll would make me happy. And I love the rest of the characters too, so feel free to include anyone else, I just wanted to make sure I at least got one of these two. :-)

The crossover idea was planted in my brain at the 20th Anniversary Screening of the Rocketeer held last year at the El Capitan. They showed us the trailer for Captain America before the film because a) Disney owns Marvel now and b) they have the same director. As a result (and the fact that they are set in roughly the same time period), I think I just associated them and the idea's been stuck in my head ever since.

That said, I would be equally delighted with any of the post-film suggestions I made above. And if superhero shenanigans isn't your strength? I'm totally okay with a slice of life story too. Maybe Cliff and Jenny's wedding day? Or give me something about Jenny's struggle to make it in Hollywood--does being the girlfriend (or later fiancee/wife) of a superhero help or hurt her acting career? And either way, how does she feel about that? Little details and cameos from 1930s Hollywood like we got in the film would be icing. :-)

I've never managed to get my hands on the comics, but if you've read them and you're a fan, feel free to incorporate any characters/backstory/etc you want as long as I can still follow what's going on. And please, have fun with it! I love this movie and I will be thrilled to get anything based on it. :-)

Well, that's it. There's a reason I put words like "thrilled" and "over the moon" in every fandom and that's because I would genuinely be just as excited with anything from any of them. So, I guess the best way to sum things up is that no matter what, I want you to write something for me that you will enjoy and that's what will make me happy!

Thanks again SO much for being my Yuletide fairy this year and I can't wait to see what you come up with!

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yuletide, the rocketeer, scarecrow and mrs. king, babylon 5, fandom, being of two minds

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