Blasters & Wands letter

Sep 24, 2012 23:09

Dear Engineering Wizard,

OMG, you're going to make something for me! :-) Probably my favorite thing in all of fandom is to get a story/art/video made just for me, so in case I forget to say it later, let me say now THANK YOU for doing this for me! I hope somewhere on my sign up is a prompt that will make you just as excited to write/create this something for me as I will be to read/receive it, but if not, let me reassure you right now that I am INCREDIBLY easy to please! I multiship in just about every fandom I belong to and I love every genre of fic: gen, het, slash, femslash, poly--whatever floats your boat, chances are something in it will float mine too. :-)

I do like to give a lot of detail in letters like this because I know it makes it easier for me when my recipients do so, and I prefer to err on the side of too much information rather than too little. *g* But as I said, I'm pretty flexible so don't worry if what you're inspired to make doesn't exactly fit my suggestions! :-)

Things I like in fic/art/vids:
- alternate universes of any variety
- crossovers (between any fandom of the fandoms on my request list, or with any other fandom I know--feel free to check out my interests for a quasi-complete list *g*)
- exclusive telepathic bonds between two (or more) characters (soulbonds? not sure...most "soulbond" fic I've read has a possessive undercurrent I'm uncomfortable with)
- time travel
- friendship, both in gen AND 'ship fic--best-friends-become-lovers is a favorite trope
- threesomes, especially if they also fit the next criteria
- both/all parties in a relationship value each other equally
- Happy or at least happy-ish endings. I don't mind angst, but there has to be some glimmer of hope a least.
- Female characters interacting

- non-con/dub-con, torture, slavery, extreme h/c
- incest, adultery/cheating, underage
- character bashing, even of characters I dislike
- incompetence humor
- abuse of trust or a third party using the trust between characters against them
- an individual's will being commandeered or subverted by another without their consent
- explicit art (so help me, it embarrasses me *g*)
- Cheesy effects in videos. I like effects, I'm just picky about them, so if you're not sure, go minimalist. ;-)

Due South

Characters: Diefenbaker, Benton Fraser, Ray Vecchio

So, I was talking with a friend the other day about what a reunion episode of Due South would look like, if they ever made one, and neither one of us could stand the idea that Diefenbaker wouldn't still be around in the present day. So we decided, he might be dead but of course he'd be haunting Fraser. No way he'd trust his Mountie to take proper care of himself, or the Rays to take good enough care of him either. ;-) So basically I'd love something about present-day Ben being haunted by his dead deaf wolf, who still has an opinion about everything. Other than that, the only thing I care about is that wherever he is, both his Rays are with him. 'Ship him with both of them or neither (gen or the boys involved with other people is fine), I don't care, I just can't handle Fraser in a relationship with one of his Rays if the other is left out. Especially if the one left out is RayV. :-(

I came up with this prompt mainly because this is one of the fandoms where the story has to have a sci-fi/fantasy element, but if you have another idea that meets that criteria as well? Go for it! :-) Also, I signed up for another dS exchange simultaneous with this one, so if you want a lot more information about my likes/dislikes in this fandom? You're more than welcome to read my letter for that exchange too, here.

Babylon 5

Characters: Any

My two favorite things on B5 are a) the Minbari culture and by extension, the Rangers, and b) the show's handling of faith/religion. Put this together with my pan-fandom time travel kink and you can imagine why Sinclair is one of my favorite characters. ;-) So my number one wish for this would be something dealing with the resolution of Sinclair's character arc: either a glimpse of his life in the past, or the fallout of his fate for the people he left behind (I would've nominated Garibaldi too if we could've nominated five, just for the record *g*). And if you can pull a King Arthur and bring him back to the present after his work is done, I would love you forever. Favorite pairings will be listed in my letter. :-)

I wrote this prompt before Michael O'Hare died this past week, but in light of it now I really want some sort of Sinclair fic. :-( If he's not a character you can write, though, that's still okay. :-) Give me an exploration of Delenn's spiritual journey, or something about the Rangers or the Minbari, and I will still be ecstatically happy. :-) I got a great G'kar introspective on his big revelation for
not_primetime this year, but more G'kar is never a bad thing. As for 'ships, like I said above, I multiship. A lot. :-) A few I enjoy (or would if there were fic/media for them in some cases *g*) are: Sinclair/Garibaldi, Sheridan/Delenn/Sinclair, Delenn/Marcus, Marcus/Franklin, Susan/Marcus/Franklin. I am also totally okay with pretty much all the canon 'ships (except Sinclair/Catherine doesn't do anything for me) so feel free to go with those too. :-) I just tend to ask for the rarer ones because I'm less likely to just stumble across fanworks for them. ;-)

Doctor Who

Characters: Martha Jones, Sarah Jane Smith, Oswin Oswald

Any combination of these characters (at any point during Sarah Jane's mid-or-post-Doctor timeline) saving the world together would be AWESOME. Gen or femslash acceptable (or even het if you bring in other characters as love interests), although, um, no Dalek sex please. (Ew. ;-) ) If you include Oswin in a pairing/grouping, find a way to include the human version. *g* Supporting cast can be pretty much anyone you want from the Classic or New series, except I'm not big on Rose or Turlough.

Okay, so it's like this: Martha is my favorite new series companion, Sarah Jane is one of my favorite classic series companions, and Oswin just won me over in the brief time we had with her in "Asylum of the Daleks." :-) So any combination of the three having adventures together would absolutely delight me. You're welcome to 'ship them if you like (with the caveat mentioned in the prompt *g*) but I'm also more than okay with 'shipping some/all of them with other people. :-) Such as: Martha/Jack, Martha/Jack/Owen, Martha/Donna/Ace (it's a crack grouping I think I invented, but I love it!), Martha/Mickey, Martha/Charley, Sarah Jane/any Doctor, Sarah Jane/the Brig, Sarah Jane/Jack, Sarah Jane/Alan (yes, Maria's dad!), Oswin/Jack (because they would hit it off SO well!). I know I didn't give a specific prompt in this one, but I just don't have one in mind aside from "Martha/Sarah/Oswin being awesome together!" :-/ Sorry--hope that doesn't trip you up!


Characters: Any

Okay, so my two favorite things about Eastwick are a) the relationships between the female characters on the show (Kat, Roxie & Joanna, Joanna & Penny) and b) Darryl Van Horne. So if you want to make me really happy? K/R/J/D OT4. Especially if Darryl is...well, not REFORMED as such, but surprised to discover he genuinely cares about this trio a lot more than he planned to. K/R/J OT3 is also awesome, as is Joanna/Penny. I LOVE THEM ALL. That said, if femslash isn't your thing, I would also happily take gen about the girls being best friends and magical together with Darryl being manipulative and seductive and magnificent on the side. And if you wanted to somehow write in a crossover with some Due South characters, especially a certain do-gooder doppelganger of Darryl's? I would SO not say no to that. ;-)

I kind of feel like I said everything I had to say in the prompt for this one. *g* But um, yeah. I love the relationships, the friendships on this show. I love that it's a little less blatantly cheesy than Charmed but still doesn't take itself too seriously. I love the powers that the girls had developed so far and would love to see them gain even more. I love that Joanna didn't just ditch Penny for her new friends but that she has an equally strong, just different, relationship with both. Kat is my favorite character, and I love that she's the most powerful of the trio, and her determination to do what's best for her kids AND herself by getting Raymond out of her life but keeping him in theirs.

...Okay, so maybe I didn't say everything in the prompt. ;-) Oh. And one thing I did not like--the storyline that started in the last couple of episodes with Jerry O'Connell's character and his creepy, possessed son. But I would LOVE to see Darryl resolve that situation by making whatever entity is possessing Gene realize who the competition is and scare him into GTFO. ;-) So there's an alternate prompt for you if none of the ones above work. *g*

Most of all, I just want to reiterate again how unbelievably happy I am going to be to get a gift from you, no matter what it is. :-) I love all of these fandoms and there is not a single one on this list I would be less excited to receive. So, go nuts! Have fun! If you follow your bliss and write what speaks to you, I can't imagine I won't enjoy reading/receiving it. I can't wait to see what "it" is!

And once again, THANK YOU!

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due south, eastwick, babylon 5, fandom, doctor who, blasters & wands, challenges

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