Dear Prime Time Player

May 01, 2012 20:25

Dear Prime Time Player,

This is the exchange I've been waiting for all my life! Er, or, well, at least since some of my fandoms got ruled too big for Yuletide. :-) So let me start by saying a very enthusiastic thank you for writing for me! I think a tailor-made story is the very best kind of gift to receive, and I'm pretty easy to please so I hope this will be as much fun for you to write as it will be for me to read!

I'm going to provide a lot of detail in this letter because I believe it's better to give too much information than too little, but Optional Details are OF COURSE optional, so go where your muse leads you. I'm a fan of lots of genres, subgenres and/or 'ships in most of my fandoms so I can guarantee I'll be happy with pretty much anything you choose to write for me!

Let me reiterate again that I am VERY easy-going! :-) I like gen, het, slash and femslash and almost always multiship in any fandom. Favorite genres include crossovers (with any fandom I like, not just between these) and AUs, and if you really want to push my buttons, my bulletproof kinks are time travel and telepathy (especially the exclusive-bond-between-two-people variety of the latter).

A few things I would rather NOT have in my story:
- Rape, non-con, dub-con, torture, incest, underage/statutory, or extreme hurt/comfort. (Yes, I realize the potential problem this might raise with Criminal Minds--I'll address it more in that fandom's section. ;-) )
- Adultery/cheating (if I 'ship a non-canon couple--which I do several!--I prefer AU or already-broke-up-with-canon-partner scenarios).
- Character bashing. Even if it's a character I myself dislike. (I've been known to defend characters I *hate* from bad/bashy characterization. ;-) )

Now for the fandoms!

Babylon 5

Characters: Jeffrey Sinclair, Delenn, Marcus Cole, G'kar

My two favorite things about the series are a) the Minbari culture and the Rangers, and b) the varied but respectful handling of religion and faith amongst the different characters/cultures, so those are the two things I'd be most interested in reading about. Gen, het or slash is fine: pairings I like/dislike will be listed in my Dear Author letter along with more specific prompts if you're looking for ideas. :-)

Okay, so I've only been really watching B5 for a couple of years now, and I'm working my way through it SLOWLY to make it last longer, so I'm only about 2/3 through season 4. I'm already pretty spoiled so I don't mind minor ones, but if you can avoid spoilers, so much the better! As I mentioned, I love the show's handling of faith, and how different people/cultures believe or disbelieve differently, so give me a glimpse of the spiritual journey of any of these characters and I'll be ecstatic! The Sinclair/Valen arc is probably my favorite character arc of the series (because of the religion/faith and time travel elements) but I love G'kar's journey from soldier to sage and the study in contrasts that is Marcus the faithful Ranger vs. Marcus the atheist, or really ANYTHING about Delenn, especially pre-"In the Beginning" backstory. I'm less fond of the post-series future established in "Deconstruction of Falling Stars" so feel free to ignore that if you go for future-fic. ;-)

As for specific prompts, I would love to see any of the following:
- Anything about Sinclair's life as Valen
- An AU where Sinclair returns to the present after his work as Valen is done (whether he comes back as himself or as Valen is up to you).
- An AU where Garibaldi goes back to the past WITH Sinclair.
- An exploration of G'kar's spritual journey and maybe his impact on the future of Narn.
- Marcus reconciling his lack of faith in the supernatural with his commitment to the (very spiritual at times) Rangers.
- The events that shaped Delenn into someone so sure of her role in prophecy/destiny.

'Ships: Favorites are Sinclair/Garibaldi, Sinclair/Delenn/Sheridan, Delenn/Marcus, Marcus/Franklin and Marcus/Franklin/Susan. I also enjoy all the canon and quasi-canon 'ships (except for Sinclair/Catherine) so I'm okay with any of those too, but since they're more popular and easier to find fic for, I'd prefer these if you feel like writing a 'ship. :-)


Criminal Minds

Characters: Penelope Garcia, Derek Morgan, Ashley Seaver, Emily Prentiss

I love pretty much all the characters on the list of eligibles and had an INCREDIBLY hard time narrowing it down to four, so please feel free to include anyone on that list! I'm a die-hard but not exclusive Morgan/Garcia 'shipper and there is not enough fic out there about them, but one of my favorite things about the series is the team (especially the ladies) hanging out and having fun off the clock too, so gen is MORE than okay. :-) Again, more detail on 'ships and specific plotbunnies is in my Letter.

Oh my gosh, do you have any idea how HARD it was for me to choose between Reid, JJ, and Seaver for my last character spot?? In the end, I chose Seaver because I figure she's the one people would be least likely to just happen to include. And I liked her despite the holes in her backstory and the crappy RL circumstances of her arrival/departure. :-/ BUT there is not a single character on the eligible characters list that I don't like, so please throw 'em all in if it suits you! The thing I love most about this show is the real sense of family amongst the characters, which is why I asked for them hanging out together off the clock. Those are some of my favorite scenes on the show, like when Morgan/Garcia and Reid/Seaver caught a movie together, or when JJ, Emily and Garcia totally OWNED that guy who was pretending to be FBI as a pickup line. :-) So give me my team or especially my girls hanging out and having fun and I'll love you forever! That said, I'm okay with casefic too. Just, if it includes any of the types of violence I listed in the general section as things I don't like, don't dwell on it any more than necessary or romanticize it. Thanks. :-)

As for prompts, hmm:
- There is never not enough good Morgan/Garcia fic in the world. :-) Penelope deserves the hottest guy on the team and I like fic where she knows/realizes it. ;-)
- The team as superheroes! (Yes, I totally blame this one on the Avengers but C'MON.)

'Ships: Morgan/Garcia is the big one, almost but not quite an OTP. But I also love Reid/JJ, Reid/Seaver, Morgan/Prentiss, Hotch/Haley and Morgan/Reid and I'm okay with Will/JJ too. :-)


Doctor Who (Big Finish)

Characters: Eighth Doctor, Charley Pollard, Bernice Summerfield, Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart

You would make my head spin with glee if you could write me a story featuring *all* of these characters having (an) adventure(s) together, but two or three in any combination would be awesome too. :-) Of the four, I'm least familiar with Benny (haven't read any of the novels with her or heard any of her solo audios, just the ones with a Doctor involved) but don't mind spoilers provided I can still follow what's going on. Again, I will provide prompts/'ships in my Letter just in case.

Believe it or not, it wasn't until I was finalizing my character choices for this prompt that I had the "OMG, Eight, Charley, Benny and Brig on an adventure TOGETHER!" moment. But I'm well aware not everyone has listened to the entire Big Finish canon, so whichever combination of these characters you think you can pull off will still make me ecstatically happy. :-) I'd love to have an Eight/Charley & Brig adventure that is a) better than "Minuet in Hell" and b) not TARDIS!Brig, but I would also enormously enjoy Charley and Benny meeting, with or without the Doctor. *g* Or Eight having adventures with any one of them! Not a big C'rizz fan (I don't dislike him, he just...doesn't really do anything for me) but I don't mind him being in the story if it's not in a major role. :-) Also, feel free to include characters from any other era of Doctor Who canon or quasi-canon--I love mixing eras almost as much as I love crossovers. ;-)

A few prompts if it helps:
- Would love an AU version of "Silence in the Library" with Eight, Charley and Benny instead of Ten, Donna and River. (Or you could mix and match the episode versus the Big Finish characters. ;-) )
- Charley meets up with the Doctor again after leaving the Viyrans (sp?).
- Charley winds up traveling/working with Benny somehow.
- Any of these ideas + the Brig.

'Ships: Eight/Charley, Eight/Benny, Benny/Charley, Charley/Martha, Brig/Sarah Jane, Doctor/Sarah Jane, Charley/Jack, Doctor/Jack.


That's it! I hope is helps. The most important thing, though, is I want you to have fun writing this so if I gave too much detail and it's overwhelming, if there's anything you don't want to include, don't. :-) Don't like a 'ship I suggested? Pick another one or none at all. I'm SO okay with that! You are writing a fic especially for me and I will love you for it no matter how closely it does or doesn't adhere to anything in this post. So thank you again SO much for doing this for me and I can't wait to see the result!

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criminal minds, babylon 5, fandom, not ready for prime time, challenges, doctor who: big finish, fanfic

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