Checking in

Mar 11, 2011 12:59

Just wanted to touch base with my friends along the Pacific coast, no matter what side of it you're on. We're expected to escape the worst of the tsunami damage here (plus I'm far enough inland that it probably won't affect me at all), but I know Northern California, Oregon and Hawaii have been hit harder. Not sure if I know anyone in Japan (although anyone who has family or friends there: they okay? :-\ ) and I haven't heard anything about how it's going to affect Korea, but it can't be good, since they're a lot closer to Japan than Hawaii is. :-(

So if anyone wants to drop a status report in the comments, t'would be much appreciated.

(The really scary thing is, with the number and severity of the earthquakes we've been having in the past few years, it almost makes you wonder if the people predicting the world is going to end in 2012 aren't as crazy as previously thought... :-\ )

tsunami, earthquake, real life

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