No one's ever going to forget you

Apr 21, 2011 11:20

Been reeling for the past couple of days at the news of Lis Sladen's untimely demise. It still doesn't seem real, especially so soon after losing Nick Courtney. As I said to a friend, the Doctor lost his two best friends this year. :-( And we as fans lost the two people who had always been there to tie the different eras of the show together and remind us that yes, this really is the same wonderful journey that we boarded one or two or ten Doctors ago. No one will ever be able to take their place. :-(

God bless you, Nick and Lis. May the next part of your journey, wherever it leads you, be as wonderful as if not moreso than the adventures you made us believe in. :-(

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doctor who: classic, fandom, doctor who, doctor who: new, doctor who: big finish, real life

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