Checking in

Mar 11, 2011 12:59

Just wanted to touch base with my friends along the Pacific coast, no matter what side of it you're on. We're expected to escape the worst of the tsunami damage here (plus I'm far enough inland that it probably won't affect me at all), but I know Northern California, Oregon and Hawaii have been hit harder. Not sure if I know anyone in Japan ( ( Read more... )

tsunami, earthquake, real life

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Comments 15

anonymous March 11 2011, 21:12:06 UTC
I think most of Oregon looks like it will do okay if you have people up here. I don't think any heavily populated areas are in danger up here. Worse Portland is looking at is a possibility of light flooding if the river swells.

As for the 2012 deal. I really think it's more a matter of the internet becoming more popular and people hearing about these things more and caring more because it's not just a quick mention on the news but more personal through Facebook and Twiter and the like.


azarsuerte March 12 2011, 00:04:55 UTC
Well, that was a bit of hyperbole on my part, mostly. Like I said to someone below, it's just annoying when Mother Nature gives the apocalyptophiles ammunition. ;-)

Thanks for the Oregon info. :-)


tpeej March 11 2011, 21:38:40 UTC
Fine here in WA, but oh well.


azarsuerte March 12 2011, 00:07:12 UTC
Good to hear. You guys only got about 2-3 feet extra on your waves like us, right?


tpeej March 13 2011, 01:17:38 UTC


kgaleway March 11 2011, 21:43:56 UTC
We're all good up here in the Bay Area.


azarsuerte March 12 2011, 00:07:26 UTC
Awesome. :-)


steedonfilm March 11 2011, 21:47:25 UTC
A good friend and my father's God-daughter flew into Japan yesterday. The terrifying thing is her plane was about to land at Narita when the quake hit and was diverted to Tokyo. She is currently in a hotel the airline put her up in and is safe. Still waiting to hear from my other friends over there. The images have been hypnotic in their horror.


azarsuerte March 12 2011, 00:08:35 UTC
Glad to hear she's okay! And wow, talk about timing, huh? :-o

Hope your other friends turn out to be all right too.


stexgirl2000 March 11 2011, 21:57:12 UTC
Bay Area is fine. I'm not giving into the world ending in 2012 thoughts. Didn't someone somewhere prove that the Aztec calendar thing was a reset, not an ending, anyway?


azarsuerte March 12 2011, 00:03:14 UTC
Oh, I'm not jumping on the crazy wagon just yet. It just annoys me when Mother Nature decides to humor the looneys even a little. ;-)

Glad to hear you guys are good. :-)


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