You're never too young for Tolkien geekery...

Dec 27, 2013 22:10

Second Small Person required me to spend some time this afternoon (since it was lovely and sunny) outside on the Crescent with him while he made good use of one of his favourite Christmas presents - a foam-rubber Dwarven battle-axe. He was Dain, and I was allowed to wave a sword about and required to be Thranduil, at the Battle of Five Armies. I did manage to persuade him that if he was going to run about yelling fearsomely, he could at least do it in Dwarvish, and he was managing a passable "Baruk khazad! Khazad ai-menu!" by the time we got too cold and went inside :-)

We were then reading The Bridge of Khazad-Dum at bedtime and I was subjected to detailed questioning about just when Balin had gone back to Moria, and how long he'd been there - to the extent that I put down the paperback copy of FoTR and introduced Second to the joys of Appendix B! ("Here you are, Balin went to Moria nearly 50 years after The Hobbit, and that's about 10 years before the Unexpected Party...")

Not sure whether it's nature or nurture, but either way LoTR-geekery appears to be catching!

[Cross-posted at both LJ and DW - feel free to comment at either...]

small_persons, tolkien

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