Narnia Drabble: "Always winter, but never Christmas - part II"

Oct 11, 2008 19:12

Here's part 2 of my first narnia trilogy. This time we'll focus on Will.

Written for 100foraslan

What exactly would happen if the actors in the Narnia movies were thrust into Narnia? Well, this is what I think would happen. =)

Title: "Always winter, but never Christmas"
Author: Me
Beta: Not betaed yet
Rating: PG
Characters: William, (Anna)
Pairing: Hints of Will/Anna if you squint
Warnings: None
A/N: Set durning the shooting of Prince Caspian (I also play with the possibility of the Pevensie staying in Narnia the second time). Not betaed, so excuse any mistake, please? Remember English is not my native language.
Summary: William never expected that by helping Narnia's royal family he would earn (so much) more than the gratitude of the four siblings and the aid to find the way back to New Zealand.

Part II

William urged the horse to run faster, still thinking on the explanation King Edmund had given to him.

The council had decided his sister, Queen Susan, was to marry within the next four months to the King of Telmar, in order to strengthen political relationships and provide both kingdoms with heirs.

King Peter, being High King and responsible for Narnia’s well-being, had no choice but to sign a decree that stipulated that Queen Susan was to choose a husband within those four months or the council would choose one for her.

And, though Peter said he couldn’t force her to marry, the council replied that, yes, he could -and he would- if it was necessary.

So, it wasn’t a great shock to the youngest monarchs when they woke up one day, a month before the wedding, to find their eldest siblings gone.

William didn’t stop to rest, he only wanted to find the eldest monarchs and get them back to Narnia, so Anna wouldn’t have to go through the marriage.

He rode northwest -where the young monarchs were seeing last- for three days and three nights nonstop. He had set off from Cair Paravel six days ago and still had a week and a day before the wedding.

It was only when he stopped to eat on the seventh day that he finally found the missing siblings, camping near a river. Unfortunately, the moment the Queen’s name left his lips, everything went black.


“I am profusely sorry for my brother’s behaviour.”

William rubbed his bandaged head, shaking it slightly. “It is fine, your majesty, I’m certain he only did it to protect you.”

The Queen smiled, but said nothing.

They kept on galloping through the woods and, within seconds, the greatness of Cair Paravel came into view.

It was the two of them at the moment, for the High King had gone ahead two days ago to try and reach sooner the castle to delay -if not prevent- the wedding.

William had wanted to go with him, but someone had to stay with the Gentle Queen and, whether he liked it or not, William knew the narnians could’ve found out the truth if he had gone back alone.

I hope you’ve made it in time, Peter, he thought.

By the time they arrived at Cair Paravel, it was sunset and Oerius was waiting for them.

“Welcome back, Queen Susan,” he said and turned to him. “And thank you, Sir William, for taking care of her majesty.”

“It was nothing…”

“Oerius, the wedding?” Susan inquired.

“King Peter delayed it until your arrival. You must go to the throne’s room now, my Queen.”

Susan nodded and walked away.

“Lady Anna is waiting for you in the main garden, Sir William. Please, this way,” Oerius said to him.

William sighed and followed Oerius silently, feeling relieved.

When he saw her sitting there, his heart skipped a bit and a foreign feeling overwhelmed him. And he knew then that he’d always protect her… always.

To Be Continued

Okay, one more part left and I'm done, I'll try to finish it by tomorrow night.

Question: Does this make any sense?

Comments and constructive criticism are very much welcomed!!

ff: narnia - movie!verse, ff: chaptered fics, themed comms: 100foraslan, ff: narnia - pc, ff: drabbles, fandom: narnia, cast: anna popplewell, rating: pg, cast: william moseley

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