Narnia Drabble: "Always winter, but never Christmas - part III"

Oct 12, 2008 23:48

Finally, as promised, here's the last part of this trilogy. I still think the end is lame, though...

Written for 100foraslan

What exactly would happen if the actors in the Narnia movies were thrust into Narnia? Well, this is what I think would happen. =)
Title: "Always winter, but never Christmas"
Author: Me
Beta: Not betaed yet
Rating: PG-13
Characters: William, Anna
Pairing: Will/Anna, no need to squint now.
Warnings: None
A/N: Set durning the shooting of Prince Caspian (I also play with the possibility of the Pevensie staying in Narnia the second time). Not betaed, so forgive any mistake, please? Remember English is not my native language.
Summary: A week after their unexpected adventure, both William and Anna realize that Narnia gave them more than a great experience... She gave them something to cherish, an opportunity to be free.

Part III

William plopped down on the stone-bench next to Anna, sighing in relief, thought it didn’t last long.

“King Peter didn’t get here in time.”

His body tensed and he clenched his jaw, saying nothing. A wave of despair washed over him.

“When I noticed you wouldn’t make it in time, I pretended to faint and conveniently woke up when he arrived.”

All the tension left his body and, suddenly, he felt very tired. “I’m glad…”

“Are you okay?” Anna asked, staring at him.

“Yeah… just a little tired,” William said, sighing softly.

Anna smiled and tugged at his arm, urging him to lie down, she allowed him to rest his head on her lap, caressing his head and, occasionally, his face.

William closed his eyes, allowing himself to relax. “I’d do anything for you, Anna, you only have to ask…”

She stared lovingly at him.

Oerius’ voice calling their names pulled them out of their little world and they stood up, feeling disappointed.

“Come on,” William said. “We can’t make their majesties wait too long.”

“Will…” Anna said softly, taking his hand.

He turned to her, tilting his head to the side.

Anna closed the gap between them, not allowing herself to doubt, and kissed him chastely on the lips.

Then, she walked away.

William was snapped out of his memories by a soft knock on his trailer’s door.

She left me there, with only the memory of that first, tender and chaste kiss.

He waited for a few seconds and, when he realized the knocking wouldn’t stop anytime soon, he stood up to answer it. He was surprised to find one of his co-stars waiting outside.

Anna stood outside, looking nervous and avoiding his gaze at all costs. “Hey…”


None of them said a word after that and an uncomfortable silence fell over them, until Anna spoke again.

“Listen, Will, about what happened last week, in Narnia, I wanted to-”

She never got to finish her sentence, for William’s lips captured her own in an innocent, yet passionate kiss.

When he pulled away, Anna looked dazed and a bit confused; William smiled at her.

“What was that?” she whispered.

“That was a kiss,” William replied, widening his smile.

Anna flushed profusely. “I know that. But why did you kiss me?”

“Because I wanted to be sure of being the first one to kiss your lips here and…”he trailed off, shaking his head slightly.

“And…?” she pushed, intrigued by his sudden silence.

William had always said what was on his mind.

But this time he didn’t, at least, not out loud.

Pulling Anna into a none-too-friendly embrace, William kissed her forehead, letting his lips linger there for longer than necessary.

And because I think I love you, he thought and pulled away.

Anna looked at his retreating figure; feeling confused, but said nothing. After a while she allowed a sweet smile grace her face.

“I guess that means we’re even then,” she whispered, walking back to the set.


Okay, I'm done! And, as I said before, I still think the end was lame.

Comments and constructive criticism are very welcomed!

I'll probably edit this later...

ff: narnia - movie!verse, ff: chaptered fics, themed comms: 100foraslan, rating: pg-13, ff: narnia - pc, ff: drabbles, fandom: narnia, cast: anna popplewell, cast: william moseley

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