Narnia Drabble: "Always winter, but never Christmas - part I"

Oct 09, 2008 23:49

Okay, I'm back to 100foraslan challenges and this time is prompt #12: winter in narnia.

This is a 3 part story (a trilogy) and each part is going to be a 500 words drabble.

What exactly would happen if the actors in the Narnia movies were thrust into Narnia? Well, this is what I think would happen. =)

Title: "Always winter, but never Christmas"
Author: Me
Beta: Not betaed yet
Rating: PG
Characters: Anna, William
Pairing: Hints of Will/Anna if you squint very hard
Warnings: none for now
A/N: Set durning the shooting of Prince Caspian (I also play with the possibility of the Pevensie staying in Narnia the second time). Not betaed, so excuse any mistake, please? Remember English is not my native language.
Summary: When Anna finally realized where she was, she knew something big was going to happen, she just never thought it would involve Narnia's royal family.

Part I

Anna looked at her surroundings, not believing her eyes. “Am I dreaming?”

It felt like entering the Narnia-set again, but this time there weren’t cameras or fake snow or Andrew’s shouts of action!

This time everything was real.

“I don’t think so, because in my dreams we never-eh, things are never like this.”

Anna turned around to see William looking at their surroundings as well.

He looked at her then and smiled nervously. “Should we go exploring?”

She nodded and followed him further into the woods. And, though the evidence proved otherwise, Anna still didn’t believe it to be Narnia.

That’s it, until they came across the very place where the adventure began.

“It’s… the lamp-post,” William said.

“Good Gods,” Anna gasped. “We’re in Narnia.”

The white scenery was beautiful and somewhat scary (because Anna thought they were probably there to fulfil some kind of prophecy).

Suddenly, and before worry could take over her, Anna felt herself being dragged along by her co-star, who enthusiastically began to run towards God -or should she say Aslan?- knows where.

“William, wait!”

He only laughed and ran faster.

She was hesitant at first, but just when she began to loosen up a bit they were stopped by a group of centaurs.

“Is that Oerius?” William whispered, standing beside her.

Before Anna could reply, the one that seemed to be the leader -General Oerius- stepped forward and spoke.

“Your majesties, I have orders to take you back to the castle.”

And without further explanation, they were carried towards Cair Paravel.


Anna looked at her reflection, completely amazed.

The royal gown made her almost believe she was a Queen, a real Queen.

“You look beautiful,” William said, standing behind her; he, too, was wearing royal clothes that made him look almost like a real King.

She smiled at him through the mirror, but said nothing.

The door opened then, revealing a boy and a girl, followed by Oerius, two beavers and a faun.

Anna didn’t need their names to know who they were.

“It’s not them!” the boy exclaimed suddenly.

“But, my King-”

“Oerius, don’t you see? Peter’s eyes are blue, not green, and he’s more muscular and taller.”

“Edmund is right,” the girl said. “Susan’s hair is longer, she’s also taller and hasn’t freckles.”

“But, if they are not King Peter and Queen Susan, who are they?” the faun -Mr. Tumnus- said. “And why do they look so much like their majesties?”

“This cannot be good,” the male beaver -Mr. Beaver- whispered.

“Or, maybe, it is too good,” the female beaver -Mrs. Beaver- said.

Anna watched all of this silently and began to worry, already having a vague idea of what was going to happen.

Then, William stepped forward and spoke, drawing everyone’s attention. “We could help you find your siblings, if you do something for us in return.”


Queen Lucy nodded.

King Edmund turned to William. “We have an agreement.”

My god, what have we gotten ourselves into?, Anna thought.

To Be Continued...

I hope it's not too confusing, but keep in mind there are 2 part left to post, so yeah...

You know, comments are love!!

ff: narnia - movie!verse, ff: chaptered fics, themed comms: 100foraslan, ff: narnia - pc, ff: drabbles, fandom: narnia, cast: anna popplewell, rating: pg, cast: william moseley

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