Naruto Fic: "Let’s Pretend"

Mar 29, 2010 23:22

Okay, I promise this is my last angsty fic, for real, at least for a while. =D

Title: "Let’s Pretend"
Beta: Anyone??
Rating: PG
Words: 805
Characters: Sasuke, Sakura
Pairings: Sasuke/Sakura (isn't it obvious?)
Theme/Prompt: Theme #60, Nightmare. Table's HERE
Warnings: Angst, and I don't see any spoiler, so... if you do, let me know.
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue, lalala.
A/N: Post-Ch487, AU since 488 is out now.
Summary: In which Sasuke wish for this dream to be his reality.


The vast clearing with its green, green grass and its wide, wide variety of multicolored flowers expand all around him, endlessly. If he squints, he can see the forest surrounding the clearing, like a fortress; protecting.

The wind blows suddenly, bringing a soft (and sweet and wonderful) sound; a giggle. Someone tries to sneak up on him, obviously, but he knows this someone, and as the giggling reaches his ears again, he realizes who this person is.

“You should know better than to try and sneak up on me,” he says, and turns around, startling the intruder.

The surprised look on the person’s face is enough to bring a smirk to his face.


The pink-haired girl pouts in such a way that he has to bite back the sudden urge to call her cute. Eventually, he succeeds, but the thought stays, lingering.

“Mou,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest, “You’re no fun, Sasuke-kun.”

“Aa,” he replies simply, turning to stare at the sight around him.

Sakura grabs his arm and snuggles up into his side, and while before he would have pushed her (and everyone else) away, he now lets her. This gesture, he knows, does not go unnoticed.

“Oh, please, Sasuke-kun,” she says after a while, “Let’s just pretend that I did scared you.”

“Why?” he demands.

“Because,” she smiles, and he knows he’s lost, “Humor me, please?”

He sighs and turns around, waiting. This is so childish.

Sakura tiptoes her way towards him, until she’s right behind him, a few not-so-well repressed giggles later and she acts.

“Boo!” she exclaims, and jumps on his back, hugging his shoulders for support.

When he doesn’t react, she leans in to look at him over his shoulder.

“Well? Aren’t you scared?”

He rolls his eyes, “Petrified.”

She pouts again, jumping back to the ground; and there it is that nagging voice screaming cute over and over in his head. They resume their previous position, only now he’s not looking at the clearing but at her.

“So,” Sakura begins, smiling merrily at him, “Watcha doing?”

“Admiring the view, obviously,” he replies, but doesn’t take his eyes off her.

She arches an eyebrow, clearly confused.

“But you’re looking at me.”

Sasuke smirks again, and snakes his arms around her waist, enjoying the notorious blush creeping up her face.

“Exactly my point.”

Her blush deepens and he can only amuse himself with how easily she feels embarrassed.

Sakura hugs his middle suddenly, and buries her face into his chest, mumbling something about sexy egotistical idiots. He can’t suppress his chuckle. They both become quiet after that, simply enjoying being in each other’s arms.

The wind blows again, and only then does Sasuke realizes how oddly the silence around them is. No birds chirping, no rustling of leaves, nothing that alerts him of other living beings around. There is only the gentle beat of their hearts, and their synchronized breathing.

He realizes then what is happening, but closing his eyes, he tries to forget it and go back to that peaceful and carefree moment a while ago. But the atmosphere of this-of this dream is ruined, he can feel it; and so does Sakura.

“This is not real,” she says, “You do know that, right, Sasuke-kun?”

He feels her pulling back from his embrace, but he is stubborn and selfish and refuses to open his eyes because then he’ll see she’s right and he knows that as soon as he releases them from the Tsukiyomi they’ll go back to the nightmare that is awaiting them. They will no longer be locked in this intimate embrace but facing each other across an empty field while the war rages on around them.

He’s desperate enough to admit he doesn’t want that, not anymore; he never really did.

“This is not our reality,” Sakura says, trying to make him see sense, “You need to stop this illusion, or you’ll lose your sight completely.”

He doesn’t answer because by doing so he will be admitting that yes, he knows this isn’t real. So, he stays silent.



“Let’s just pretend!” he says loudly, cutting off her sentence, “Let’s just pretend this is real…”


“Sakura… Humor me.”

Sakura remains silent for a while, and then hugs him again, squeezing his wait a little. Sasuke wills his brain to go back a few minutes to that wonderful, perfect moment of ignorance, but nothing happens. He nuzzles her hair, trying to find something, anything, to make him find that peace, to make him believe that this is his reality now, and not the nightmare waiting out of this illusion.

He tries -triestriestries- and he will keep trying until his eyes bleed and the illusion he locked himself and Sakura in is broken.

In the mean time, they’ll just pretend.


Comments are good, yes?? =D

character: haruno sakura, ff: naruto - post-kg, ff: oneshots, ff: aus, character: uchiha sasuke, themed comms: fanfic100, ff: naruto - manga!verse, rating: pg, fandom: naruto, ship: sasuke/sakura, ff: naruto - au

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