Naruto Fic: "And It Happens Again"

Mar 24, 2010 20:14

Ehhhh, this one's short... did I tell you I'm going through an angsty phase? Yeah...

Read A/N please.

Title: "And It Happens Again"
Beta: Looking for one
Rating: PG
Words: 742
Characters: Sasuke, (oc) Kenichi, (Sakura), (oc Mikoto)
Pairings: Sasuke/Sakura (though, very little)
Theme/Prompt: Theme #54, Massacre. Table's HERE
Warnings: Mild violence, and LOTS of angst.
Disclaimer: I own only the plot
A/N: Alternative Sequel to "History Repeats Itself... Or Maybe Not" & "China Doll". I don't really plan on putting this as an actual sequel to those fics, I don't want it to be part of that time-line. I just had to write this.
Summary: The irony of it all is not lost to him.


He vaguely wonders if this is what his father felt the night Itachi slaughtered the clan. Only vaguely, because he is too preoccupied trying to keep Sakura alive while trying to foresee his youngest son’s next attack.

Yes, that is correct, his youngest son.


Sasuke supposes it is somewhat funny, in a very twisted way, that Sakura has been right all those years ago about having another Itachi in the family, only she named the wrong son, as it is not Satoshi but Kenichi the one following his uncle’s steps.

Sakura coughs and her body begins to sag, her eyes begin to lose focus, and he knows that as soon as she loses conscience, he would have lost her forever.

But, then again, I am as well as dead too.

“Well, that was unexpected,” Kenichi says, in an incredibly familiar tone, “I always thought that when this day arrived, it would be you jumping in front of mother to protect her, not the other way around… She always did promise to keep you from getting hurt again. Hn, too bad she could not fulfill her promise this time around. Oh, what must she be feeling now?”

“Shut up,” he says through gritted teeth.

He looks down at his wife when he feels her moving restlessly. Their eyes lock for a moment, after offering one last smile, she closes her eyes, and Sasuke knows, to never open them again. He lies her down on the floor, looks at her one more time and stands up, facing his son.

“Is there anyone alive out there?”

“Only those lucky enough to be out in a mission, but do not worry, I shall kill them as soon as they set foot in the village.”

Of course, Itachi had killed the whole Uchiha clan back then, and since now the clan consisted in the Uchiha family, Kenichi did the next best thing.

The whole village…

Why, in the name of God, didn’t he realize it. The night had been too still, too quiet, way too quiet for his liking; he should have known.


“To see if I could do it.”

His katana is within reach, but Sasuke cannot bring himself to grab it, and again, he wonders if this is what his father felt the night Itachi massacred the clan.

This sadness, this desperation.

This resignation.

And now he understands what he’s been asking himself for many years, why. Why didn’t his father fight back? Because Itachi was his son, and he couldn’t rise his weapons against his son.

Just like he can’t raise his katana against Kenichi.

Because he is his-their beloved son.

“You killed Satoshi,” he says, merely stating a known fact.

Not a twitch, not even a flicker of some kind of emotion passes his son’s features.

“That foolish older brother of mine,” Kenichi begins, his tone as emotionless as Itachi’s, “He was unlucky enough to be my best friend.”

Just like Shisui had been unlucky enough to be Itachi’s.

Sasuke sighs; this conversation has reached its end.

“I am sorry, Kenichi.”

Ah, there, an emotion, however small and brief, it is there.


“You will never be like Itachi, son, he was a heartless bastard,” he says, “You are not, for you haven’t killed me or your sister.”

There, that emotion again.

“And even if you kill me, you won’t kill her.”

A pause, for emphasis.

“You cherish her, and that proves you are not heartless.”

And then, Kenichi smirks. In triumph, with a sadistic satisfaction.

“Ah, but father, don’t you see? I am a heartless bastard, just like uncle,” he says, “For you should know, there cannot be another Itachi…”

Suddenly, his smirk turns into a cruel smile.

“…without a Sasuke.”

And he realizes a little too late the meaning of his words, just as he hears hurried footsteps getting closer to the room, and he knows those footsteps well.


But before he can even dash to the closed door, a sword -his sword- stabs him, and he’s falling. Ironically enough, he falls on top of Sakura, just like his father had fallen on top of his mother.

“Mother? Father?”

Darkness begins to wrap around him, and he can only hope for someone, anyone, to spare his little girl from seeing the horror she’ll find once that door is open wide. But he knows, God he knows, fate has never been kind to the Uchihas.



Comment, please??

character: uchiha kenichi (oc), character: haruno sakura, character: uchiha mikoto (oc), ff: naruto - post-kg, ff: oneshots, ff: aus, character: uchiha sasuke, themed comms: fanfic100, ff: naruto - manga!verse, rating: pg, fandom: naruto, ship: sasuke/sakura, ff: naruto - au

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