Harry Potter Drabble: "Beginnings"

Nov 27, 2009 22:57

And I bring another drabble, ha, they're so easy to write, and fun, but a little frustrating as well... Now, this is totally random.

Anyway, enjoy!


Title: "Beginnings"
Beta: No one
Rating: PG
Words: 300 (100 each)
Characters: Harry, (Hermione), (menions of Ginny and Cho)
Pairings: Harry/Hermione, (mentions of Harry/Ginny and Harry/Cho)
Theme/Prompt: harry100, prompt #3 - beginning
Warnings: Deathly Hallows SPOILERS!! Just to be safe.
Disclaimer: That same old song. Not mine, just borrowing.
A/N: Post-DH. Ignore the Epilogue, need I say more?
Summary: It starts with a scarf…


It starts with a scarf.

Bizarre, actually, to think that a simple scarf can prompt the beginning of a relationship. But, then again, his life’s been full of bizarreness from the day he was born.

With Cho and Ginny, it began with similarities. They both had something in common with him and were just what he’d needed back then. Quidditch and normalcy, the two things he’d yearned to have in his years in Hogwarts. Even the end of each relationship had been similar; he’d said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

With Hermione, though…

It starts with a scarf.


It happens during his first mission as an Auror.

He leaves their flat (the one he shares with his two best friends) before dawn. It’s winter, so he takes his scarf from the armchair he usually places it on his way out and puts it on. And it’s only when he pulls the scarf up to cover the lower half of his face during the mission when he realizes… it isn’t his scarf.

It’s Hermione’s.

Her familiar scent washes over him, sending pleasurable jolts through his body. It’s feminine, sweet and utterly delicious; very Hermione.

And that’s how it begins.


Later, while he lays sore and bandaged in a bed at St. Mungo’s, he isn’t surprised to see that is Hermione the first to arrive upon hearing of his mishap.

He’s, however, very much surprised when he catches himself inhaling her scent deeply, after she throws herself at him, giving him one of her famous bone-crushing hugs, and wonders if the rest of her smells as good.

She cries on his shoulder, then, and he tries to comfort her, but…

“Smells good,” he says instead, unexpectedly, and is pleased to hear her chuckle.

It starts with a scarf.

Her scarf.


See? Totally random.

Comment, please?

character: ginny m. weasley, character: hermione j. granger, ff: harry potter - au, ship: harry/hermione, ff: aus, ship: harry/ginny, fandom: harry potter, character: cho chang, character: harry j. potter, ff: harry potter - dh, ff: drabbles, themed comms: harry100, ship: harry/cho, rating: pg, ff: harry potter - ewe

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