Harry Potter Drabble: "Odd Happenings"

Jan 10, 2010 19:11

Now, this is totally random. I really don't know where it came from, most like from some twisted part of my mind.

Anyhoo, enjoy. =)


Title: "Odd Happenings"
Beta: No one
Rating: PG
Words: 300 (100 each part)
Characters: Harry, James, Sirius, Snape, (Lily)
Pairings: (implied) Harry/Hermione, James/Lily
Theme/Prompt: harry100, prompt #7- Snape and/or Black
Warnings: Deathly Hallows SPOILERS!! But very small.
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing.
A/N: Post-DH, minus Epilogue.
Summary: Harry asks an odd question...


He no longer wonders why he sees his parents’ ghosts, Sirius’, or even Snape’s. Sometimes he thinks everything’s a dream, or that he’s gone mental. Most of the time he doesn’t care, his life’s been full of odd happenings, so why would he question their presence? He’s just happy he can see them again, even Snape.

“Dad, if you had to choose a guy to kiss, who’d it be? Sirius or Snape?”

Sirius smiles amusingly, “Are you trying to tell us something, Harry?”

“My son’s not gay,” James snaps, turning to him then, “Right?”

Harry sighs, “No, I’m not gay…”


He looks behind himself, towards his bed, where her mother is sitting next to his fiancé, caressing her face lightly and occasionally moving aside locks of wild, not-so-bushy-now, brown hair.

“…That should be obvious by now.”

“You never know, Potter. Some men do go as far as marriage to prove themselves,” Snape says, smirking.

“I’m marrying because of love, not to prove my sexual inclination,” he snaps at his ex-professor.

James sighs clearly relieved, “That’s good, because your mother adores her.”

Harry casts one last glance in the women’s direction before turning towards the men.

“Back to the topic, please.”


Sirius eyes him curiously before speaking, “What brought this on, Harry?”

He shrugs, “Don’t know. Blame my sleep-deprived mind. Now, dad, just answer the question.”

“Well, if I had to choose… No offense, Severus, but I’d pick Sirius,” his father says.

Snape snorts, “None taken.”

Sirius laughs good naturedly, “Aww, James, I’m flattered, but I don’t think Lily’d like that.”

“No, I wouldn’t,” his mother says as she moves over to his father’s side, smiling lightly.

Harry smiles as he watches them interact and thinks, even though he doesn’t have them in body…

“I’ve gone mental…”

…This is good enough.


Comment, please?

ff: harry potter - au, ff: aus, fandom: harry potter, character: lily potter, character: james potter, character: harry j. potter, ff: drabbles, themed comms: harry100, character: hermione j. granger, character: sirius black, character: severus snape, ship: harry/hermione, ff: harry potter - dh, ship: james/lily, rating: pg, ff: harry potter - ewe

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