Harry Potter Drabble: "It’s All About Having Good Reasons"

Nov 22, 2009 01:32

So, since harry100 is pretty much dead right now, I'm revisiting its prompts.

Yeah, enjoy it!! Also, READ THE AUTHOR NOTES BELOW, it's important if you want to understand the general happenings of these drabbles.


Title: "It’s All About Having Good Reasons"
Beta: No one
Rating: R
Words: 600 (100 for each part)
Characters: Harry, Hermione, (brief mention of Ron)
Pairings: Harry/Hermione, (brief mention of Ron/Hermione)
Theme/Prompt: harry100, prompt #2 - quidditch
Warnings: Deathly Hallows SPOILERS!! Though, I could be wrong. I can't see anything that could spoil it for those who hadn't read it yet. Then again, at this rate, I bet everyone read it. Naughty themes, mild sexual, nothing too much.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter © JKR. Plot © Me
A/N: Post-DH, minus Epilogue (I'll never get tired of writing that), 7th Year situation (in which Harry, Hermione, and Ron go back to Hogwarts for their last year). Okay, essentially, this is an AU to books 6 & 7, only relationship wise, which means, during this timeline, Harry/Ginny never happened.
Summary: Harry should’ve known there was an ulterior motive for Hermione to insist so much on attending all his Quidditch practices.


It was very un-Hermione-like to assist to all their Quidditch practices.

Sure, she went to all their games, actually never missed one unless she had to do something of extreme urgency (like that time, during their 2nd year, when she found out about the basilisk and got petrified), otherwise there she was, cheering him on.

She hardly ever went to watch them practice. Once every other time, sure, but not every time.

When he first noticed this change, he thought she went because of Ron, but now, with them back to being just friends, he didn’t know what to think.



It took him a while to realize her real motive.

It was during one practice, where he had their reserve Seeker train with the whole team (just in case they were to need him), when he saw her. Sitting alone on the stands, reading a book (and it must’ve been good, because she seemed very engrossed in it).

So, manoeuvring his Firebolt towards her, he hovered over the stands’ benches high enough for him to dismount it. He didn’t miss the way Hermione eyed his nether regions as he dismounted and walked over her, before looking back at her book.



“Harry, I thought you were still practicing,” she said, trying in vain to hide the sudden blush covering her cheeks behind her book.

And he knew. It was all so clear then.

Hermione didn’t go to watch them practice, she went to watch him. He was the reason she didn’t miss their practices now, and, apparently, she had motives of her own for it.

Just to confirm his suspicions, he knelt in front of her, and was pleased to see her eyes fixed on his lower body.

Oh, hell yes, she wants me.

“You’ve never been a good liar, Hermione.”



He leaned in to brush his lips to her ear, and smiled smugly when he felt her shudder.

“You were watching my every move while I practiced, so there’s no bloody way in hell you didn’t notice me switching places with Nathan,” he added.

She sighed, shuddering again.

Harry proceeded, “I don’t think you even come to see me fly… You just like the way I look on these Quidditch pants.”

Hermione pulled one shoe off, and let her foot travel up his thigh, getting dangerously close to his groin with every sensual caress.

“Can you blame me?” she whispered.



Harry placed one hand on her knee, and squeezed, “You never said anything.”

“I never found the right moment,” Hermione said, stopping her foot’s movements.

“What about now? What’s stopping you?”

“I’m afraid of ruining our friendship if I say it,” she said, pausing for a while, “And I don’t know how you feel.”

She gasped, pressing her thighs together, but not fast enough, for Harry’s fingertips managed to reach its goal.

“Am I not obvious enough, about my feelings for you?” he asked, moving his fingers just so to arouse her.

“This only shows that you want my body.”



“I can’t promise you love, Hermione,” he said seriously, removing his hand from in-between her legs, “Not yet.”

She looked at him for a while, and then smiled her sweetest smile.

Harry smiled back, squeezing her knee one more time, “But maybe someday.”

“I know.”

“And I hope you’ve already told me the truth by then.”

He knew he didn’t need to explain what he meant by the truth-about her sudden change of heart; she understood.

“There’ll be no secrets between us by then,” she said and, as an afterthought, leaned forward, pressing her lips to his.

“I know.”


The End. Well, I hope you liked... And, remember, feedback is like cookies. We all like them.

Now, really, I'd like to know what you think!

character: hermione j. granger, ff: harry potter - au, ship: ron/hermione, rating: r, ship: harry/hermione, ff: aus, fandom: harry potter, character: harry j. potter, ff: harry potter - dh, ff: drabbles, themed comms: harry100, character: ron b. weasley, ff: harry potter - ewe

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