Harry Potter Drabble: "Silly Things"

Nov 16, 2009 18:34

More HP drabbles! Why? 'Cause drabbles are easy to write XD. Anyway, this came out of nowhere, as I checked harry100 prompts, and saw prompt #1 - argument. Paf! This came out.

Sooo, I hope you like it!


Title: "Silly Things"
Beta: No beta.
Rating: PG
Words: 300 (100 for each part)
Characters: Harry, Hermione, (mentions of Ron)
Pairings: Harry/Hermione, (mentions of Ron/Hermione)
Theme/Prompt: harry100, prompt #1 - argument.
Warnings: Nothing, really.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter © JKR. Plot © Me.
A/N: Post-DH, minus Epilogue. PWP, essentially. Takes place 2 years after Voldemort is defeated.
Summary: He never thought he’d fight her over something like this…


Harry pinched the bridge of his nose, suppressing a frustrated groan.

Blimey, he knew she could be stubborn sometimes, but come on.


“No, Harry,” she cut him off, “I’m not giving in on this.”

“Was it always like this with Ron?” he asked, rubbing his temples.

“I never shared a bed with Ron, Harry,” she replied coldly.

He started, and realized a little too late what she meant by that, “I didn’t mean it like that!”

Harry rushed to her side, pulling her into his arms.

“I’m sorry, Harry, I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

“It’s alright.”



Hermione sighed, and finally hugged him back, “I just… don’t want to ruin what we have over something as silly as this.”

Her relationship with Ron’d been disastrous from the very beginning. All they seemed capable of doing was fight each other over everything, even more so than when they were only friends.

At one point, Ron’d thought that, if they took their relationship to the next level of intimacy, things would get better. Only they didn’t. Hermione threw a tantrum and refused his proposal.

Things went downhill from there.

“Hey, I like to fight with you over silly things.”



She giggled and pulled away to look up at him, “Really?”

He grinned and bent down to kiss her lips softly, “Yeah…”

Their lips met again, moving sensuously against each other, tongues rubbing in tantalizing movements. They pulled apart after several minutes, both gasping for air.

“I love you, Hermione,” Harry said, “You’ll never ruin our relationship, no matter what you do, I won’t let you. I’m not Ron.”

Hermione smiled tenderly, and then giggled again, “I know, you’re Harry, The Boy Who Was Meant For Me.”

“That’s right,” he replied, “Now, back on topic, the bed’s left side’s mine.”


Feedback is like cookies, and we all like cookies right?

Please, comment!

character: hermione j. granger, ff: harry potter - au, ship: ron/hermione, ship: harry/hermione, ff: aus, fandom: harry potter, character: harry j. potter, ff: harry potter - dh, ff: drabbles, themed comms: harry100, rating: pg, character: ron b. weasley, ff: harry potter - ewe

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