More Proud Fan Banners & a question for fans

Jan 23, 2009 00:25

It's been a while since I finished my exams -almost four days-, but I'm feeling kinda down and so I wasn't in the mood to post until today. Well, whatever. One can't stop being depressive forever. The only thing is to learn to control it, I guess. And bear it. A lot, at all times.

Last Tuesday we received a notice from the post office. It said there was a package from Japan, though it was addressed to my mother... Anyway, I spent all day squeeing and dancing around thinking that my Queen of Pirates concert LE copy was nearer than I expected. The next day my mother went and got the package, and in the end it came from a friend we have in the United States. My hopes were dashed! Now I'm dying to get that DVD -though it's normal for a package sent from the antipodes to take longer than 6 days to arrive, I'm still desperate to watch KAT-TUN in my huge TV, darn!

Apart from that, what I'm posting for is to share with you a new bunch of Proud Fan Banners I made ^^ First of all, I wanna say thank you one more time to all of you who commented to thank me in my last post -I've never had that many comments in an entry o.O

Ok, so this time as I said I bring Junno, Pi and Yasu ones :) I've also made a new version of the NewS banner, since some of you said Ryo looked pissed in the pic I used for the first one xD It was very hard to choose pics to make this banners. I mean, I really love this boys and I wanted my banners to be as pretty as the other ones, so I took a long time to decide. Finally, I resolved to choose a pic in which they appeared with the hairsyle I like the most - Junno with his dark, spiky hair, Yasu dyed blonde and Pi with his lovely perm. It took me an hour or so to do each one.

Here are the results ^^

[1] NewS
[1] Taguchi Junnosuke
[1] Yasuda Shota
[1] Yamashita Tomohisa

Btw, I'd like you (only if you want, of course) to answer to a question if you leave a comment -just because I find it interesting to share opinions with other fans and it's always nice to make new friends if possible ^^

If one (or two, or the three of them xD) of these boys is your favourite, what do you like the most about his body and character?
I'm answering below each banner ~ ♥

This one's lighter than the other one. I just couldn't remember exactly the steps I followed to get that greyish colour -.-u Anyway, I hope you like it.

Body: His back (cracks me up when he wears those sleeveless shirts) and his hair (Except for when he dyed it blonde. It doesn't look natural on him, and I don't like it very much. What I do adore is his current hairstyle. Black, spiky hair suits him <3)
Character: He can cope with almost anything without losing his smile, and plus he's a dork and a freak like me. He also has a narcisist side, though he's bullied all the time - and even when I adore him I find that hilarious. Poor boy.

Body: His lips (so pink and soft-looking), his belly piercing (I'd really love to touch it *.* Baru must have a lot of fun) and his coloured nails (hontou, I want to paint mine in several colours too, so cute)
Character: He's always jerking around, jumping, shouting and all that stuff. He's somehow still like a kid :) And he's too girly and kawaii 100% of the time OMG I wanna eat him

Body: His moobs (seriously, sgahgjkdsgf) and his lips (so kissable~)
Besides, Pi is perhaps the only JE boy I'd say is HOT for real -I mean, the way I'd say 'Hugh Jackman's so hawt in Baz Luhrmann's Australia', that hot. Junno and Yasu have nice bodies too, but Pi is more like the guys I usually call hot. He makes me literally drool.
Character: He's cool and dork at the same time. Indeed, the first time I saw him acting in a dorama (Proposal Daisakusen) I thought he was kinda lame, I mean inexpressive. But then I watched Nobuta wo Produce and changed my mind LOL Anyway, what I most love from Pi is the way he seems strong, caring and protective <3

Click on the banners to get the links. This time credit is also not necessary, but you can credit if you want :)
Textures: masterjinn @ Deviantart
Brushes from various sources I can't remember.

The next ones will be Ueda, Tegoshi and Ohkura ♥

Thanks for having a look and commenting 8D

yamapi, ayuworks, news, english, taguchi junnosuke, banner, yasuda shota

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