Dec 31, 2003 13:42
and what a delightfully macabre list
1) What's on your mind?
world dahmination
2) Do you really want to hurt me?
oh. if you only knew.
3) What song do you want played at your funeral?
that barbie song by aqua.
4) What is the number of your sluttiest friend so that some of your single friends can get some action?
well, my home number is...
5) What would your last meal be before being executed?
dunno. i'd probly go to whataburger.
6) Beatles or Stones?
depends on the day i'm having
7) If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who would it be?
well gee, do i really get to pick, or are you just teasing?
8) The person whose problems you wouldn't want to hear?
my own. they must be terribly boring to listen to. i know i bore myself. i whine too much. *new year's resolution- stop being such a whiney bitch*
9) What is the thing most important to you about the preferred sex?
i can't even tell when i like someone. let's not get fancy here.
10) Do you secretly hate some of your friends but are too nice to reject them?
yes. i often hang out with those that i hate. because that's smart. and sometimes i cut off my hands instead of washing them. and sometimes the world is perfect. if you were wondering, that was sarcasm at it's all-time highest. i adore my friends, so piss off.
11) If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
raven's power from teen titans. it's controlled by her emotions, so she can't afford to feel anything or she would lose control of them and nuke the city. cause it's nice to have a break from emotion sometimes. and she can levitate. cool.
12) Favorite hangover cure?
i bet yelling at people to shut up would help with morale
13) How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?
depends on what we're drinkin' today, dearie
14) Favorite Outkast lyric?
is that the new fangled noise kids are listenin' to these days?
15) Hair color you most like someone you're dating to have?
i don't particularly care. i do sometimes have a yen for blue or green. :) go me. i'm weird.
16) If you had to be blind or deaf, which would you choose?
blind. i could deal with that. losing sound would be a lot harder for me. plus, if i was blinded by toxic waste i could get enhanced senses just like daredevil.
17) Do you have any psychiatric problems?
do you want me to list them, or simply tell you that they exist?
18) Siblings that should go to rehab?
maybe some siblings who should go to their rooms.
19) Least favorite month?
20) Favorite hateful thing to do to somebody?
i think real hard about doing something mean to someone after they have been a total bitch. does that count?
21) First movie you remember seeing as a kid?
fern gulley. i recycle because the fairies will attack me if i don't.
22) Favorite person in the whole world?
george. he counts. he was turned into a dog by an evil witch when he wouldn't give her his firstborn. or something.
23) When's the last time you went on a date?
are you implying that i've dated? it's way easier not to even start as far as i'm concerned.
24) Do you like violent movies or dirty movies?
is there a point to the violence? is it for something worth while? or is the plot simply an overly-buff man with a machine gun? gross.
25) Fall or spring?
warmish-type fall
26) Person you most wish you hadn't made out with?
oh wow! did you make this list just for me?
i still heart him though. just not that way.
27) If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with?
28) Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle?
what about where i want to live right now, since i'm young and brittle?
29) Who is the person you can count on the most?
sadly, me.
30) If you could date any celebrity, past or present, time and age are not a factor. Who would it be?
i can't date cause i'm a jinx. alan cumming though. ::purr::
31) What books have you pretended to read?
paradise lost and every single book from english last year (still got a b+)
32) What's a word you'd use to describe your life?
safe. (since i can only use one word, the context is bad. safe=boring and blah.)
33) What's your favorite drinking game?
the one where i drink dr. pepper all night to see how late i can put off sleeping while the house is so nice and quiet
34) What did you dream about last night?
i actually don't care to discuss my dream from last night. i didn't like it though.
35) Favorite vice?
the one in the tool box?
36) What's the last thing you'd ever tell someone?
you mean, the words i will utter with my dying breath? ahem, "pepperoni." you'd have to assume that right before that, someone has asked me what "i would like on my tombstone," and being stupid like i am i would answer in a witty fashion. before getting shot, probably.