Back in the States

Jul 28, 2007 20:40

SO! I have returned from the United States in all my glory. (I I'm gonna make this short because jet lag is hitting me kinda hard (even though I slept for like 13 hours last night), I have a bajillion other things I want to do, and Harry Potter is calling to me from my bedside table.

(Yes, I have Harry Potter; my parents bought it for me and left it on my bedside table, so when I got home and unwrapped it I screamed bloody murder. xD I read the first chapter but not any more than that because I couldn't muster the energy. lol)

So yeah...Karaoke was a lot of fun. I printed out lyrics and sang a bunch of DBSK and BoA songs and a very bad (and remembered) version of A Whole New World per Saku's request. xD I was quite ashamed of myself lol

But anyway over the last day or so I did tons of shopping and bought like a bajillion things. I bought like 10 CDs from Tsutaya, where they sell used CDs for 1000 yen (apprx. $10). And I bought souvenirs and stuff and stuff and shirt that says some relatively nonsensical things about rainbows. Then I had the problem of finding some way to stuff all that into the one suitcase I had and the blue bag from the aquarium that my host mom gave me. It was difficult. I had to leave things there to be sent. lol.

So the parting with my host family was very sad. I didn't see Seiichiro the day I left and he didn't say anything the night I don't know about him. My host dad said goodbye in the morning without much drama. But Saku and Okaasan saw me off at the airport, and Okaasan cried. When I saw her crying I started crying. But it was right as I was turning away so she didn't know but...I was sad. I'm going to miss them very much.

The flight from Okinawa was short. We (that is, the exchange students who went to Okinawa) were all expecting to get to go to Tokyo again and were making plans to sneak out if they didn't let us go out, but we got stuffed into a hotel in the middle of nowhere 15 minutes from Narita Airport. It kinda sucked. And we had to lug all our luggage around and ride the bus for like 2 hours. But it was fun because we Okinawans bonded and exchanged e-mails and stuff. I didn't ask for anyone's e-mail (expect for Lianna who is a really cool girl from New York) but I gave mine to a couple people. So yeah. =D I made friends. Aren't you proud?

Anypoo the flight to the states was...long. But not too bad...I attempted to sleep and maybe passed out for 5 minutes at a time. lol...But I was unrestful. And then I had a lovely 5 1/2 hour layover in Chicago before a 2 hour flight. I was really ready to go home right then. I was like...dying. But...I'm still alive.

So yeah. Since I got home I unpacked, sorted souvenirs, gave my parents their souvenirs, ranted about random things, ate taco salad, answered the 40-something SAT Questions of the Day that I ignored while I was in Japan, talked to Nelson, saved the new CDs to my computer, talked on the phone to 3 people, read Senny's story, and...that's all. xD

So I can't think of what to say. So far I've listened to 6 of the CDs and they are all very good. =D Here, I'll list them for you:
Orange Range - ИATURAL (Saku's friend Riho gave this to me)
Bonnie Pink - Every Single Day: Complete Bonnie Pink (2 CDs!)
Utada Hikaru - Ultra Blue
WaT - Sotsugyo Time ~Bokura no hajimari~
HY - Street Story
Mika Nakashima as Nana - The End
Bonnie Pink - Bonnie's Kitchen #1 (bought this one before the other one)
Home Made Kazokue - Home Sweet Home
Hamasaki Ayumi - (miss)understood
Orange Range - Orange Range

So yay. =D Tomorrow I might, if I feel like it, upload some pictures...
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