The weekend

Jul 23, 2007 22:47

So I have but 2 days left in Japan...tomorrow I go to Karaoke with Saku and her friends, and probably some shopping too. And yay...I'm gonna print out some lyrics so I don't have to search for a long time for English songs that I know. xD

BTW...I found out the other day that Yasunori's name is not, in fact, Yasunori, but Yasuhiro. Either Shohei, being the douchebag that he is, gave me the wrong name, or I misheard it. Both are possible. Either way...I feel really dumb. >_> Good thing I never called him by his name. xD

So...this weekend was very fun. Saturday and Sunday was a YFU summer activity thingy, were all the Americans in Okinawa, Okinawans going to America, and Okinawans just back from America gathered together in this youth center thing. It was actually a lot of fun, though it was freaking hot as shit. Most people brought their host siblings, and I brought Saku and her friend Riho. Saturday was activity time, and we got to choose between hiking, volleyball, basketball, and golf. So I chose, naturally volleyball. Hiking was a definite no, and I suck at basketball, and golf sucks. xD But anyway, volleyball was fun. We were divided into teams (our team kinda sucked) and played against each other. There was this really cute little guy name Gouta on our team. xD But anypoo STOP TALKING ABOUT GUYS afterwards we ate dinner, and watched these kids do this AMAZING taiko drumming. It was super cool and I was like, WOAH. Yeah. Then afterwards they held a dance, which was major fun. A bunch of people just crowded the terrace outside and danced like crazy. It was good fun, but SO HOT. My glasses steamed up every couple of minutes, and everyone was sweating terribly.

And yes I did dance. Aren't you proud? I'm emerging bit by bit from my shell. xD

Anyway afterwards I forced myself to use the only shower because I was disgustingly sweaty and stinky--the public shower. I was totally afraid of exposing myself in front of a bunch of other girls. But I did (and there were only 2 other people there and they were my friends) and it really wasn't that bad. And I didn't go to bed stinky and sweaty and nasty.

That night my roomates (English speaking) and I stayed up until 11:00 and beyond talking about our experiences and whatnot. It was good fun. I became friends with Lindsey and Leanna, both of whom I knew before and kind of bonded with, but didn't quite get to know. I'm proud to say that I have their e-mails. =D

(On a side note there was this really cute guy there [well there were a lot of cute guys there] that looked so similar to Yasuhiro that I was stunned. But he had really bad taste in clothing; he wore higher-than-the-ankle white socks with shorts that slipped up past his knees when he sat down. It distressed me. xD)

But yeah that was a lot of fun. Saku took lotsa random pictures so I'll show them to you eventually. xD

Sunday afternoon Saku, Riho, and I went to this resort on the beach, and we went swimming and stuff. It was fun, and I ate a melon slushie. Everything melon tastes SOOO good. Especially Fanta melon. :O But anyway we went shell hunting and collected a whole bunch of really pretty shells and some sea glass. We're going to make picture frames (I think) with them. I'm looking forward to that.

So that night we were by ourselves in the hotel room and we watched TV and ate cup ramen for dinner. Later we went out and bought snacks because I was craving pocky. xD Annnd we spent hours playing bajillions of games of Uno. It was great fun.

Today we woke up like 10:00 ish and we had to check oput 11:00, so we rushed around cleaning up and stuff and were out by like 10:50. xD It was great.

Afterwards we went to the famous Okinawa aquarium, which was pretty cool but not as amazing as I expected it to be. xD Well I was sorta moody because it was really crowded, my camera was being sucky and not taking good pictures, and my ear was hurting, for some reason. So that mighta been it. We watched a dolphin show which was only 2 dolphins and a bunch of porpoises, but it was cute, though really nothing compared to Sea World shows. The tank was so tiny. x_x

But anyway yeah...Not much else has happened after that. It's been a fun day but I'm quite tired. I tried earlier to explain the concept of Homecoming to Saku but it was REALLY REALLY hard. I tried in Japanese and failed miserably, so Saku was like try English and still she didn't understand. xD Oh well...I tried.

Oh right, and I feel priveleged to mention a few things:
--My high school has the #1 baseball team in Okinawa.
--Both Nakama Yukie (of Gokusen and Trick) and the (totally awesome) band Orange Range are from Okinawa.
--Yamapi came to Okinawa.

That is all. xD The next time I post most likely will be Friday night or Saturday when I have returned to the United States... :_:

So bye bye...
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