The last few days

Jul 31, 2007 17:42

So there will be 3 posts today: The first, this post, is about some things that have gone on over the last few days. While this post is being typed, the pictures are being downloaded to my computer and then uploaded to Photobucket, thereby ensuring that the next post will be that of pictures galore. And the tyhird, and final post, will be the celebration of today's 2 birthdays, Nao and Zero, who are both from Jrock bands and who both turn 27 today. So let's get started.

So I opened my AP test score results first thing when I arrived home on Friday night. (I forgot to mention them on Saturday.) And I was astounded. I PASSED NUBAR'S EXAM WITH A 3!! I'm glad I passed yay. But...I wish I'd gotten a 4 because...I feel somewhat dumb thinking I got a 3...because...I know there are other's that have gotten 4s and 5s...and that thought, coupled with my inability to be inferior, makes me kick myself...But I did lack confidence in myself on that test and in that class...So...I should be (and am, somewhere in my heart) proud that I passed. And besides...everyone else in Nubar's class last year (with the exception of Jonothan, for whom everyone has intense respect and who is very very intelligent) got a 3 or lower (that I know of)...So there's a little boost to my pride.

(I'm such a horrible person...)

ON THE OTHER HAND, (and it's really not bothering me THAT much, it's just kind of like a sort of "Oh you should've done better" type thing) I did get a 4 on Envi and a 4 on US History, AND A 5 IN PSYCHOLOGY! I was so amazed when I saw that I almost like, died. I was very proud of myself for that, and for the others. And to think I never have to pick up another American History tezt book (probably) makes me very very happy. =D

So Senny came over on Sunday and we had a random sleep over. It was fun...We did random things, and talked about all kinds of stuff going on right now, and got sucked into the Super Rainbow Gayness of Arashi music vidoes. xD And ate pocky. Yumness...

Nelson made me join Facebook. Well, I kinda wanted to anyway, because my sister said that all my cousins in South Africa are on there, so I was like, "W00t!" But lo, Facebook is terribly confusing and not as easy to manipulate as MySpace. But at the same time, it's much better, because it's so much cleaner, and loading a profile doesn't destroy your computer. Also, it looks nicer, and you can add professional things to your profile to make it your own. It's really neat. My profile is at:
I have yet to add many things and such but...Yeah. There it is. And I WON'T add you if you aren't someone I know personally. So don't bother if I don'

So yeah...Yesterday I pretty much made my college decisions, although it's still pretty shaky ground. I decided that I'm definitely going to apply to the University of Florida, seeing as it was a great campus and I liked the feel of it, and it has East Asian Languages for a major. But that is the only Florida school I'm remotely interested in. I have also decided that I would really like to visit Columbia University and NYU, although whether or not I'm going to apply to those is a different story. Columbia requires SAT subject tests and I really don't feel like doing those. ._. Also, Wittenberg University has a great East Asian Studies program (according to it's brochures) so I'm keen on visiting there, as well, and I will probably want to apply there. However...The fact that I have chosen only 1 Florida school irks me...because of Bright Futures and stuff. But I really don't want to stay in Florida, and my goodness it's all very complicated and now I'm really not so sure anymore.


Well...I don't know. It's kind of bad because my time is slowly running out. Application deadlines are from November to March, and I'm like, UGH. This whole college thing is driving me crazy. ._.

Maybe I WILL just up and leave the states and go to school in Japan. Lol.

(So uploading these pictures is taking WAY LONGER than I thought...)

Anyway I have been sucked into the world of Harry Potter. I spent the whole morning (or was it afternoon?) from 12:45 to 4:30 reading...It's so utterly mesmerizing. And interesting and 'm DYING to know what happens. Everyone else has already read it so they're all like HA HA HA and I'm all like "UGH OMG MUST READ!" It's eating away at my brain..........
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