Aug 04, 2011 19:25
Seriously, I have a train of thought every time before I open up a new post, but then I actually get here and I've forgotten it.
This week has gone by pretty quickly; I was kind of surprised that it was Thursday this morning. Last week it took forever to get to this point, but I guess it was just because I was super looking forward to the weekend. However, I'm kind of excited about this weekend as well because my nieces' (? there are two, so that's the correct way to put it, right? I've got to re-learn how grammar works so I can help make them smart :s) birthday party will be Saturday, but I am also on call again this weekend and I was too stubborn to try and get any of my colleagues to take it from me. If all goes well, $100 to have a pager for two days. If I have to go work this weekend (and I'll be very disappointed if I do) I've got the potential to get overtime and extra money for working later shifts as well. I'll just hope for the best, because I really just want to be an awesome auntie, even though I have trouble remembering if I end their names with "ie" or "y."
Also, it's been super hot this week; yesterday everyone I talked to kept going on about how it was seriously 100° even though we've had this kind of weather since practically May. However, no one told me that there were tropical storm remnants coming in the middle of the night, or regular storms, or something. I haven't actually watched the news or weather lately. Back to the storms last night though; I had just drifted off to happy dreamland when I heard a "fweee fweee" windy ghost noise, and for some reason I did think it was a ghost. However, it was just how hard the wind was blowing, and also the fact that I hadn't bothered to close the storm window since April, so the wind was whooshing through the screen and into the inside window as well. I rolled out of bed and fought with the window so I could get back to sleep, although I did think I was going to get struck by lightning; it seemed like it was happening right outside my window. Then I wandered downstairs since my husband was asking if all the cats were inside, which they weren't-- JackJack was right outside the back door with a freshly caught bird that we wouldn't allow him to bring in, so he furiously ate the poor thing, stick feet and beak and all, then turned on his "I'm so cute, and it's real scary out here, so please please please let me in" sad eyes. It was kind of horrifying, and a little bit funny, even though it wasn't really. I bet he immediately went to snuggle with our roommate, but I don't really know.
my cats are problem children,