[One-Shot] I did it first! Not him!

Jun 10, 2009 18:26

Title: I did it first! Not him!
Pairing: Tegoshi Yuya & Masuda Takahisa
Rating: G
Genre: Romance
Summary: Tegoshi tells his side of the story. How he claimed to be the first one to confess and his emotions during Massu’s confession. (So much for a summary?!) This is a Tegoshi POV~ and it is the sequel for Day-off Confession.

Massu is really slow when it comes to love. It would take him a long time to notice that his heart goes doki doki because he has a feeling for that someone. And when the time comes that he would found out that he loves her, it would take him more time before he confesses.

Unfortunately, He’s the exact opposite of me.

I remember the time when I did the first step. I confess to him long before he did. We were singing at our favorite karaoke place that time. I couldn’t contain myself. I shouted on the microphone “I LOVE YOU, MASSU!” I, then, dropped the microphone and kiss him on his lips. At first, I thought he would push me and scold me for doing such act but he didn’t do anything. He sat there motionless as our lips meet. Few minutes passed, I pulled away and repeated, “I LOVE YOU, MASSU!” I thought he realized my feelings but he told me something that made me a little pissed off.

“Tegoshi, You’re just drunk! Let’s go home!” Massu said as he called someone for the bill.

My God! I’m maybe drunk that time but I knew what I am doing and I knew I told him the truth! That time, I consider and knew for the fact that I was 10% drunk and 90% aware and truthful.

That’s just Massu, I thought.

But after my confession, I’ve always waited for him to tell me how he loves me too, which eventually ended longer than I expected.

He’s definitely slow when it regards to love. I really wonder why? Is he really that stupid?


Everyone has their own reasons why they don’t do or say things and I believe this is the reason why Massu took long to realize I love him and he loves me.

He surprises me when he shouted out my name in a huge crowd minutes after we went our separate ways after our day-off-karaoke-bonding-time-session.


I couldn’t contain myself. Mix emotions burst out; mad yet glad, worried yet relieve. And looking back at it, it made me realize that that was the reason why I ran to him crying. It was the first time something ever happened to me.

I couldn’t contain what I was feeling. I couldn’t help myself but blurted out words that I was longing to say and ask him.

“Massu, Why only now? I’ve been waiting for you all this time. I Love you too.” I cried out as I snob occasionally.

I couldn’t contain my feelings anymore. I need to shout it out. I need to release it.

“Sorry” This was the first word that came out from his mouth as he hugged me tight. This might sound odd but that 5-letter word made me cry harder. For me the word “sorry” is the loneliest word I ever heard.

“Sorry” he repeated that word

Tears dripped from my eyes even more.

“Sorry if I had to say I love you just now.”

…He didn’t stop there…

“Sorry if I made you wait so long.”

…He continued…

“Sorry if I made you cry.”

I don’t know what to say. For a moment there, I was speechless; motionless even. His words made me feel his pain, his regrets, and his love.

All I want that time was to stay in his arms forever. And I was rest assured that he was thinking the same thing.

And after those apologies he made a promise that made my love for him to grow fonder and stronger.

“I will never let you go. And this is a promise that I’ll never break.”


~>Just like the first one, I’m such a failure! -___-
~>This is my second tegomass fic… -___-
~>Also, my second time to write a Tegoshi POV… -__-
~>Don’t kill me because of this… -__-
~>I know I’m not that good… -___-
~>But I want to hear feedbacks from everyone about what I wrote… -__-

~>Oh Yeah~ dedicated to yuyako16, my Yuya (my mommy, our nobita) and katrinasacay, my Massu *gets kicked for claiming without asking*(our doraemon)… ^___^
~>Slogan for this fic:


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