A Birthday Greeting Post for Tegoshi and A Long Hiatus Announcement From Aya

Nov 11, 2009 00:07

I've been so inactive these past few Months to the point that I even forgot my Lj password and how to use Lj. Am I getting dumb this past few months?? O.o

So much for my boring introduction, I'm back just to post about two things:

first: I want to say..

and (again) I made a Birthday fanvid for Tesshi..

image Click to view

Just so you know.. This vid contains some of the scenes in the NEWS Diamond DVD..
And at the end of the vid... TEGOPI ACTIONS can be seen

But like the first birthday fanvid (that I made last year) better than this..

image Click to view

...Both of the vids expressed my greeting to Tesshi... :)
...And How I love her him... XD

~I know my video stinks... but comments are still lovely
~videos pictures and song that were used in this video isn't mine... I got it from the net..

Second Agenda: Ever since I left Lj I never had the time to come back and announce that I'll be on a


My reasons are:
1. School Work is flooding my room. I am swimming in a pool full of school works
2. I'll be going to Singapore this November. It's for The Asia-Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference. And I am one of our countries delegates
(I wander... is there any JE store in Singapore? Would I meet any Singaporean Fangirls there?)
3. I have a shaolin demonstration on December
4. My father's Birthday is on January (Plus Shaolin trainings)
5. I have to participate Shaolin International Competition on February and March Again, I am a Philippine Delegate.. T_T

From these, I should probably make a movie ne...
And the title would be...
"The Stressful Life of Aya" XD

Oh well.. Wish me Luck and take care, minna-san. :)

I'll be looking forward for your comments.. :)

Love lots,
Aya ( ^ 3 ^ ) v *chuu~*

fanvid: tegoshi

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