[Fic] Ai no Yakusoku (アイ の 約束) - Chapter 6

Jun 10, 2009 18:07

Title: Ai no Yakusoku (アイ の 約束)

Author: Aya-chan (aya_tenshi )

Chapters: (6/?)

Pairing: Tegopi (Of course! What Else?!)

Rating: ..PG (for the Explicit language)
Summary: When Yamapi was a little boy, he fell in love with a cute little girl. They promised each other to meet after 16 long years. 16 years after his long wait, Yamapi discovered something that made him think, “Did I made a mistake?”

A/N: Sorry if it took so long.... My got hospitalized and I had to take care of her... also, a lot of activities came up that has to be focused on...

Chapter 6:

“Why won’t you try to go to a doctor and consult him about your sleeping problem?” Ryo advised Pi

“As if that would happen…” Yamapi replied

Yamapi paused for a few second to munch on his udon and then added

“What do you want me to say to the doctor? ‘hey doctor, I have a problem. I had been dreaming of my bandmate and in that dream he wants to make love with me’ is that it?”

“Well… I was about to say that you ask the doctor for pills but let’s go with that.” Ryo replied while laughing a little.

“Yeeeeaaaaaah~ Very funny!” Yamapi sarcastically replied

They continued chatting about Yamapi’s dream. Ryo was the only one who knew about this dream. He knew he could trust him with his secrets among his bandmates.

“Don’t you think your dream has a meaning?” Ryo asked Pi seriously.

“What meaning? Like Tegoshi is in love with me?” Pi jokingly replied.

“Or maybe you’re in love with the boy?”

Yamapi almost chocked after hearing Ryo’s reply.

Is he kidding? I’m in love with Tegoshi? He thought to himself.

“Are you all right?” Ryo asked as he handed Pi a napkin to wipe his mouth.

“Ha…Hai…” Yamapi replied.

He wasn’t sure why Ryo said that and why he reacted that way.

Was it really true?

Was it true that he is in love with the boy?


Minutes past, Yamapi and Ryo’s stopped their conversation and started to do their own things; Ryo sat on the couch and played his guitar and Yamapi was sitting on a chair still eating his big bowl of udon. Yamapi’s face was still stained with confusion as he continuously think of what Ryo said.

“Or maybe you’re in love with the boy?” The phrase kept echoing in his head.

How could Ryo say such thing? He asked himself.

There’s an uncertainty on why he made this phrase a big deal.

Is it because he started to fall for the boy?

Or is it because he had feelings for the boy that he hadn’t notice and acknowledge before?

Whatever the reason, he is eager to find out the answers.


Yamapi sat still as he heard a voice singing. Ryo heard it too (and it was the reason why he stopped playing his guitar and stare at the shower room door in confusion). It was pretty normal for them to sing in the shower but the song was somehow odd for a Japanese male idol to sing.

“Did you…hear…that?” Yamapi stutter

“I heard it!” Ryo replied at once

“Is that…” Yamapi started to questioned but before he could finish Ryo continued his friend question

“…a Morning Musume song?”

Yamapi look at Ryo and Ryo look back at Yamapi. They both stared at each other for a few seconds. Then they realize who was singing and out of nowhere, they both shouted


Sure, Tegoshi likes to sing in the shower and there’s no doubt that he has a great voice, but singing a song by a female band, that’s just plain creepy (not that they’re complaining).

They stood there looking at each other without a word or a movement. They stared blankly at each other but their face said it all; their eyes and mouth wide open, and jaws drop that almost touch the floor. In short, their expression was priceless!

After a few more minutes of empty stare, Tegoshi got out from the shower room and went in straight to the dressing room.

“What happened to you guys?” Tegoshi questioned.

Yamapi and Ryo snapped back to reality. They heard Tegoshi’s voice in the room now.

Yamapi continued eating his udon (only faster than usual) while Ryo turned to Tegoshi to ask what’s wrong with him and why is he singing a morning musume song. But upon turning to Tegoshi’s direction, the question vanished in thin air. All he had managed to say was:

“Why were you….”

Ryo was again caught in an empty stare. His eyes wide open and his body was yet again motionless. He stood there like a hard statue.

Again, the priceless expression appeared.

Yamapi wandered why Ryo stopped asking.

Don’t tell me he forgot the question. He thought.

Upon his mind’s intuition (and the help of the savory flavor of his hot udon), he turned around about to ask the same question which also end up the same as Ryo’s (but with a different reaction).

Yamapi almost choked to death upon seeing his kouhai’s current appearance.

The younger band member stood infront of his senpais naked. Not even a towel was on the boy to cover his “We know what”.

Yamapi wipe his mouth, took a towel, threw it the boy and shouted:

“Cover your ‘Thing’ for God sake!”

“Gomen ne…” Tegoshi replied then giggled a little.

Yamapi tried to stay calm and cool. But seeing his younger band mate’s naked body makes him feel hot (and that’s another feeling he couldn’t explain).

What’s happening to me? He thought as he watches Tegoshi wrapped a towel onto his waist to cover his “Wooohoooo!”


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