[Concert Report] [KaT-TUN World Tour 2010 No More Pain Osaka Kyocera Dome]

Aug 23, 2010 19:09

One picture says more than thousand words.

Since I am now coherent enough to write a report Ok, I will try to be coherent. Ganbarimasu~, here we go.
Let's start with the setlist which had been basically the same for both days.
Both concerts had been around 3h30 long.


Real Face
Keep the faith
Love yourself〜君が嫌いな君が好き〜

Kame Drums

Japanese corner

Nakamaru Medley
 key of Life
 Shooting Star





僕らの街で(acoustic version)

Kame Medley
 Lost My Way

Nakamaru Clinic




2nd Encore

One more song on 22th August
Harukana Yakusoku

I still say that Kyocera is ugly, but... it didn't stop me taking a picture of it. XD

Concert Report

Can I say that they are awesome?
Anyway, they started in time and I forgot to take pictures from the back since Kismai appeared with some nice Kat-tun flags (the current slogan) and Fujigaya announced Kat-tun.

That picture is after the show on Sunday, It's nearly impossible to take pics from the Arena. but try to imagine Kismai with flags running to the stage with this nice wall on it. Awesome view from above. Hardly visible in the Arena, but you still have a screen in front of you to be able to follow the whole concert.

Before Kat-tun finally appeared themselves, everybody could watch the beginning of the N.M.P. PV on the screens as an introduction. Juniors acting like small, little, nice and cute soldiers. Of course it had been the loudest at Kame's appearance on screen had been the last one, too. As soon as this had been over we could finally see were Kat-tun is supposed to be. Right in the air above the screen in the center of the stage.

The transition between N.M.P. and Fall Down nearly fluent. Just coming down from the ceiling BOOM! FIREWORKS! and the wall felt down poor staff had to clean up after that onto their suspended stage.
In the middle of the Dome the sound stopped completely on Saturday. Kat-tun didn't recognize it and just continued like there would be music earphones yay. Somebody must have informed them since they said sorry after this.

I'm still not used to Real Face in the beginning of a concert. My mind puts it in the encore section, but... yeah. Next song Real Face and we LOVED IT. I'm always impressed by all those penlights around. (Kame made a comment on Saturday that he tested the view from the third/forth floor and told us that the view for them up there must be amazing). Next round of introductions after Real Face in the back of the Dome. more like let the teasing of Kamenashi Kazuya and his hip rolls begin LOL

During One Drop, which sounds amazing live and thousand times better than on CD, and Keep the Faith they went back to the main stage enough time to clean up the stage. Gotta love those songs live. ♥ You know the part when Jin's voice gets really high and he sounds and looks like a kicked puppy? Kame throw a kiss into the audience on Sunday. KYAAA

On Saturday they talked a little bit before D-Motion started and telling us how hot still not sure if their hot is referring to the weather, since you don't wanna leave any air conditioned room in Japan or the audience it is. Kame talked about how often he went to Kyocera for Baseball games in the last year and that already a lot of time went by since their last concert there a year ago. Then Kame started to announce the next song with singing the first two lines of Love Yourself, audience already going crazy and then he announces D-Motion. XDDDD Gotta love him. ♥

On Sunday they were stricter and didn't stop here, they just continued their set of songs till the MC.

There are several favorite parts of the concert for me. One of those parts is for sure Kame's drums solo. not that he isn't cute on the guitar, but it's so much more fun to have him on the drums Before he even starts he strips himself out of this Shirt and then sits on the drums.
Far-fetched one can say that it sounds like We will rock you from Queen. DON DON DAM
That simple rhythm. However after the second time he just let the fans scream at the DAM instead.
In between he licks his lips and glances up under his bangs. TEASE! askdjfa;lskdjf
In the end he just has fun to hit the drums where ever he can. More in the section of cute. ♥

Everything gets dark and suddenly there's Koki standing in the middle of the main stage with Chapter 2. (I didn't pay attention to the lyrics on the screen on Saturday, but on Sunday they wrote all the time secLet LOL@Japan -> FAIL) What do we have? Koki making us believe that he opens his trousers with the music and his movements and lollipops. xD Moi, kiss my ♥
Didn't he say in one interview that somebody has to be ero after Jin is away? I mean, Koki tried in this performance, but in my eyes he kind of failed Jin is still better at it, but I heard that he had to tame his performance down, since it had been too much.
Probably I should mention that there's a bed on the stage for Koki to play around. Best part ever in the Saturday performance -> after the song, Koki has to go away somehow, so two from Kismai are holding a cloth above the bed and basically after lifting the cloth Koki is supposed to be away.
On Saturday he had been away, but we had Junno sitting on the bed joking around with "Chapter 3?".
just for the LOLz of it, Junno, please DO it!

On Sunday Koki was sitting on Junno's back while Junno did push-ups. I AM STILL IMPRESSED. there must have been a trick somewhere. as;dkfjas;d

After Koki is out of the way, Junno starts his solo song. I have to say the more I hear it live and on CD the more I like it. It's nice, happy, glittering, .. JE? xD He dances around and moves from on end of the Dome to go back to the main stage again. aww.... It's glittering and he has fun with Kismai. ♥

Japanese corner is nice. Approved! Just please... a little bit more?
We have Koki on the Taiko (on Sunday even with the appropriate hairstyle), Nô-demon masks I should have paid attention if those masks are female or male. Damn., traditional style music, Sakura petals, traditional style cloths, but... in the end just Kame's part is exciting.
Koki goes down from the Taiko, which is in the middle of the air, on a rope. Maru and Junno in demon masks, holding hands while circling in the air under traditional umbrellas and some dancing. Ueda floating around from the right to the left and back again with letting some gold paper falling down.
Nothing really exciting and out of the ordinary. Kame, being the tease he is, had some better ideas. First in a demon mask and getting rid of it behind a fan, floating into the air with Sakura petals blowing in the air around him while he does some somersaults on a gigantic black fan. More of that please?
and Kat-tun make this part longer!!!! Can't be wrong to get the people to be more interested in the traditional arts in Japan.

It makes kind of sense that Kame's part is longer than the rest since Nakamaru needs some time to change his cloths for his solo. I should have paid more attention to what he made the last view years, since the lyrics from his medley had been all written by him. Understandable is awesome! ♥ and the light show during Maru's solo. BEST LIGHTSHOW EVER. Ok, the whole things had been awesome at Kat-tun concerts, but... Maru dancing around, red colors at the screen and then his shadow in white and even more dancing around and as;dlkfja;sdkfj after that changing into blue, but -> AWESOME!

We need more of Kat-tun TV. Definitively! So much fun.
Ok, basically it is advertisement for Kat-tun and what ever they are doing at the moment. Maru made a clever remark about the concert in Osaka on Sunday, but... it had been to fast away to even recognize with which Kanji he played around. However, there are thousands of fangirls and they broadcast a shaver advertisement? Never mind the boy on my way back home with a Kat-tun T-Shirt. I guess, it's worth it when we can look at a naked Kame. XD

It's clever from Kat-tun to use the screens to introduce the next song. After Kat-tun TV we get some samples from earlier singles like Real Face, Signal, ... no sight of Jin or even his voice in any of those songs till we get to Don't you ever stop. Video is broadcasted BOOM! Kat-tun continues the song live and in color. They had so many creative ideas at this concert tour. ♥ ♥ ♥

They still play Rescue with all the fire around them. No it's not hot in Japan at the moment, let us add some real fire to the show. HOW DO THEY EVEN SURVIVE ON THE STAGE?
LOLing forever since they still aren't dancing in sync at Rescue. LOLz

LIPS performance without their special micros. T_T BRING THEM BACK! TOO MUCH FUN WITH THEM!
In other words -> they couldn't play around with their micros. T_T Instead they had some fountains on the cat walks.
I just watched a Kismai guy I still fail at their names. They just seemed to like me more than Kat-tun and why did Fujigaya wink at me? I don't even like him. -.-; anyway, Hi Fujigaya ^^ walking right into one fountain and being happy about it being cold. I was so envious! I WANT TOO!
At LIPS on Sunday I noticed for the first time that Kat-tun changed completely what everybody sings. There's this one part were Kame sings bakari and live it's normally shorter than on CD yeah we know that you sing live, thank you very much and at this concert Junno sang this line. oo DVD where are you? JE FASTER PLEASE!

If I can remember it right, Kat-tun gets on their cranes at Ai no Command and says hello to the second floor. Kame probably having the most fun. ^^v

Sounds problems during Gold on Sunday. Junno started with the first few lines and no more sound. T_T
Bad luck @ Kyocera? T_T I'm still happy that they sing this song live. YAY. just.. don't pay attention to the English lyrics not that the Japanese one's are better. Hello, dirty T-Shirt, map, what? They kind of walked through the Arena on both days. On Sunday Koki had a small baby on his arms from a fan and... it just had been cute. Baby started to cry. I hope it didn't have been to load for the kid

they always talk about being naked somewhere, be it the toilet or the bath... a;kdsfjas

Kame and Koki talking the most anyway. ^^v
With Kame being as random as usual. ♥
Let's see how much I can remember...


1. Of course they had been troubled with the heat and worried about their fans. worry more about yourself, ok? you are dancing, singing and jumping around. We have seats, can sit down and leave if we want. YOU CANNOT

2. They made fun out of Maru's hair. LOL

3. Kame talked about the view from the upper floor. He checked it earlier. It has too look nice with all those penlights.

4. Kame talked about Koki being to nice. LOLz

5. Koki proposed to stop the whole concert and go to the beach instead, since it's so hot. hahaha

6. They talked about the holidays for pupils. Let's see... target audience of JE? They have to finish homework during the breaks. I'm so glad I never had any homework during my holidays. YAY Nakamaru always wanted to finish it in the beginning of his holidays but ended up in doing it at the last three days. XD Sounds like me. Junno tried to explain some strange kind of system nobody got at all. He looked kind of cute being confused why nobody could understand his perfectly logical system of doing homework after he explained it twice. LOLz I didn't got him either. Watermelon? what?

7. Koki talked about his Chapter 2 performance in Korea. There had been fans in front of him chanting his name countlessly during his performance and he was confused how he was supposed to react since Japanese fans aren't doing this. They continued to talk about how fun it is to watch to different reactions from fans from other countries.

8. Kame ended up talking about Koshien. (Finished. Okinawa won this year!!!!! YAY!!! LOL, I have no idea how they played. Anyway, high school baseball competition. One prefecture against another one and it is broadcasted on TV). Kame didn't want to go to rehearsal, since he watched Koshien. He kind of want to go there on his own, but no time. LOLz. Koki asked if Koshien is in Osaka-fu, but Kame corrected him that it is in Hyogo-ken.
In the meantime Junno made a intelligent remark. Since they were talking about baseball and the best team of Kansai region (they are still the first one's. Giants are still on place two. HA!) is Hanshin Tigers -> the Kanji for Hanshin 阪神 It is a combination of 大阪 (Oosaka) の阪 (HAN) and 神戸 (Koube) の神 (SHIN).
Koki kind of randomly talked about Tokyo Disney Land. There's Tokyo in it's name, but it is in Chiba-ken. In addition it would sound strange to say Chiba Disney Land so after Koki's logic it is good that it's called Tokyo Disney Land. xD

Entrance of Kismai

9. Kismai are talking about their two songs everybody can download at the moment for their mobile songs and Koki being a nice Sempai. He did download those songs backstage after someone from Kismai mentioned it. XD They continued talking about their picture book which will be released soonish and that photo shooting took place in Macau. They had to take the pics on their own. ^^V

10. Kame made fun of Miyata from Kismai. LOLz At first he mentioned that Miyata is always wearing the same T-Shirt. a McDonald's T-Shirt for rehearsal. the interesting point would be -> FOR THE WHOLE TOUR! Miyata's reasoning -> M for McDonald's. M for Mario. M for Miyata. and Miyata is M, too. XD

11. First nacked talk. Kame and Miyata at the toilet. Kame was puzzled why Miyata right beside him looked at him shyly. Of course Kame had to imitate Miyata's behavior. xD I mean, I would have thought another thing, too. Right in front of the urinal and another boy looking at me. Miyata's reason was kind of nicer -> He hasn't seen Kame on that day yet so he wasn't sure what he should say to him since it had been already midday and good morning would be inappropriate.

Just because I love the ceiling of Kyocera. ♥
Something had to be beautiful there. Except Kat-tun stage.

If I say something wrong here, there will be proof on the DVD. LOLz However, since we get it on DVD I don't feel like writing a lot about it. Sorry?

1. Complaining about the heat and Ueda being cute and asking for more water. ♥ Okawari!

2. Thanking us for buying the new album.

3. Talking about Maru's hair once again. Kame even rearranging it. XD

4. Telling us for the first time that it's DVD filming day. Additional 32 cameras used in the Dome today. (More good news -> Japanese blogs speak about additional material from overseas, hotels, arena tour, ...)

5. Taguchi doing some ballet. Whatever the context had been. Just funny. xD

6. By accident they ended up to eat together in the locker room.

7. Koki starts to talk about going to the bath. (they are rhetorically nacked again!!!)

8. Koki mentions that it's great that Junno is in Kattun and that he's grateful for that. Junno doesn't know how to react to that.

Entrance Kismai

9. Talking about their songs and Macau again.

10. Fujigaya making fun of Junno. Something around the lines why Junno doesn't talk a lot at the MC. First he thought it had been tooo interesting to let him talk, but in the end -> it's just boring.

As soon as Kat-tun are leaving the stage Kismais starts with Inori.
If you are not already a fan, start to be a fan. They are awesome! Not as awesome as Kat-tun, but awesome enough!!!!!!!

Next good part. Firebeat with Kismai and KaT-TUN. Kame making back saltos. ♥ Holy shit, not yet old. Still young. xD They all singing together, dancing together and having fun. ♥ SO AWESOME!

After Kismai's part (why weren't the Junior's or Five allowed to sing something? Do they have no songs?) we went to the acoustic corner. Meaning some kind of break for Kat-tun and Bokura no Machi de. Ballad. Me not like, but getting used to it. The reason could be Koki poking the person on the Keyboards all the time and walking around with a camera on his shoulders on Sunday. LOLz.
Additional lyrics on the screen in the middle for us to sing along. YAY. The whole concert controlled till the end?

Whatever happened in the next three songs... no idea, it had been AWESOME. With Right Now and Hello being my favorite songs of the new album. ♥
I always listen to Right Now and Hello after each other on my iPOD. Good to know that KaT-TUN has the same feeling and playing it after another. XD Right Now and Hello. Being able to feel the bass in your whole body. a;lksdjfadksfjas; SO AWESOME! Sorry, but no DVD will let you feel that. ♥
and what they showed us at the screens as;ldkfjal;sdfjkasdf DVD WHEN! SOON! a;lksjdf;akjsdf

After Hello going back to "solo" songs. One on One with Maru and Koki. I've never been a fan of this song on CD till I heard it live. Perfect match. More songs like this please.
Sorry, we are coming nearer to the end and my head starts to be chaotic.

Ueda's solo. Everybody anticipated M.A., but we got Rabbit or Wolf?
Not sure what I love more at this solo. Those cute animations? Ueda singing? the lyrics? Ueda's German nonsense T-Shirt? Ueda jumping from the upper stage to the lower main stage? Ueda throwing a smile and his tongue at us? AWESOME!

What' even more awesome than Ueda's solo? Vampires.

Ok, Kame starts with Sweet. can I forget that he ever sang this song? this song has the feeling of not having enough time to develop and record it. -.-;
He arrives in a circle of light (for me it looks like a Stargate LOLz) singing Sweet.
Till there are vampires and Kame has to run away from them. xD Kame died... how many times? twice, trice? The vampires *cough* Kismai *cough* getting Kame, biting him and putting him into a tomb. sorry, forgot the appropriate word. Kame being Kame is teasing us with opening it again and after Kismai put blades into the tomb, opening it and Kame being away, he appears in the middle of the stage again and sings Lost my Way. ♥ ♥ ♥
Biting some Juniors, dancing around, song sounding like from tape (he just moves too much), getting hit by a bullet DEAD AGAIN! no, Kame being cool and the bullet bursts into fire.

Maru's Clinic ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
or Kame's overuse of Kansai-ben


I laughed so much on Saturday. Kame ♥ Maru ♥ Kame if you are ever old and bad looking which will never happen become a comedian, alright?

1. Today he sang the refrain Takoyaki song with Maru. WTF? I didn't even know that Japan has something like this. Second thoughts -> so typical Japanese

2. Ok, do you have Maru's head in front of you? Brownish hair, face, white mask.
WHAT kind of association can one have? Listen to Kame!
Brown -> Sauce
White -> Mayo
Maru's head -> Takoyaki

Of course Kame had to put some figurative Aonori on Maru's head.
God, you could pick me up from the ground. a;sldkfjas;ldfj

3. Kame made some fun of Yamanade, too.
Blood, blood. it's not to bright (ma-ma-mabushikunai)

4. Maru asks Kame where he comes from since he's talking so much Kansaiben. Kame answered really, really fast that he's from Tokyo. You should have heard it. So funny.
So glad about a DVD with Kame's Kansaiben. ♥ they should have put this Maru clinic on DVD, damn you


1. Not as much Kansaiben as on Saturday. T_T Kame... WHY!!!!

2. Ok, Kame imitating Kis-my-calling from Kismai. Kamigami ga... Kamigami Kame nashi

3. I hope you know that the sense of Maru's clinic is to get rid of Kame's vampire teeth?
Usually it looks more like Kame is enjoying the whole procedure. Today he complained that it hurt. LOLz Maru told him to raise his hands as soon as it hurts too much, but he also told Kame to be still and put his hands together. Kame being Kame is being confused and blaming Maru. Maru, can you become nicer? the whole audience booing at Maru. XD

4. Kame bites Maru in the end and complains that Maru's blood doesn't taste good. LOL LOL LOL

Kame leaves the stage and we get to listen to some amazing beatboxing from Maru. ♥
Kame needs time to change cloths, ne~
Start of Going. -.-; Sorry Kat-tun, you can do what you want I just don't like this song. even worse not getting it out of your head

Yorokobi no Uta is more to my likings. ♥
Always lifts the mood of everybody.
At Wild of my hearts they used their letters on the stage nicely. And yes at Kame's turn they used the KA. More singing for us on Sunday here. ^^v
Those songs are clustered in my head again. Back at the cranes at peaceful days? or earlier? Around here. ^^v

Three faster songs and ending the set with Promise song. I couldn't recognize any tears. oo
Too much sweat... HOT

They said nicely thank you to everybody. Ok, Kame talked a lot again ♥ and the other just said thank you.
Remember the circle Stargate like thing? The moved behind it, a wall came up in front of them some smoke, they are away, their shadows are still there and it lifts up into the air with a big thank you on it. ♥

Why do we even have to scream encore if everybody knows anyway that they will come back?
I guess they needed around 5min. go the the horses ready and change their cloths again? N.M.P. again. ^^v ON HORSES!
Nice view, but they just walked around the Dome once till they got back to the cat walk. It looked nice as the Japanese corner, but that little extra exciting spark went missing. could be Kame having fun on the back of the horse? LOLz

In the whole encore had been kind of disappointment for me. I don't really like Rocking all Nite. The lyrics fit the occasion perfectly, but the rythm and melody... no go for me ^^;
and they threw the sign boards all at the same place. a;sdlkfja;ksdjfalsdf there are other parts of the dome, too. ;aksdjfa;ljksdf
However, Kame and Koki with small children? a;lskdjfa;ksdjf Can't wait for the DVD. XD

Smile as the last official encore song. oo
Smile, smile... thank you again?
Maru imitating the voice telling us that the venue is closed and Koki hitting him -> It's not your job! and Koki telling us in Kansaiben how much fun it had been. xD

I guess the second encore had been planned, since they've done that more than once.
Secon encore Going! again. -.-; Good way to ruin a concert.
It's a good song to unify everybody. ;aksdjf;aljsf Yeah, right. -.-'

On Sunday we got another song. Harukana Yakusoku! YAY!

I forgot when they throw out the golden ribbons, but they forced us to hold hands together and say
Kat-tun -> WE ARE

Koki making fun of the boys -> good opportunity to hold hands with the girl right beside you. ♥ and there had been boys! on dates -.-;

So that's enough. ^^ I wrote the whole day on this report. xD
One last picture.

I have 10 words pages. WTF? ;aksjdf;als
and I'm to lazy to watch out for spelling mistakes at the moment. So bear with it. sorry?

concert report, kat-tun

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